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Luke was so exhausted. Practice today has been brutal and he couldn't wait to get home to take a nice long salt-water bath and to take a much needed nap. He pulled himself up from the cold metal of the lockers and struggled to grab his gym bag off the floor.

It hurt so much to even think of bending over. Coach had been working on him with his diving all day and if he had to bend over for more than ten minutes again he was going to scream.

"Oh my cod," Luke groaned as he grabbed his bag off the floor, noticing Calum walking in from taking a shower. Luke had finished a bit earlier and was waiting.

He was already dressed but Luke couldn't help but admire how amazing Calum looked with his wet hair messily surrounding his face. Luke liked Calum's curls.

"Ready to go Fishy?" Calum asked, motioning for Luke to get up.

All of the boys had a nickname for him. Ashton called him Blue. Calum called him Fishy. Michael called him Annoying. In an endearing way, of course. It all worked out.

Luke quickly walked so he was standing next to Calum, their sides brushing as they walked out. The blue-haired boy purposefully moving closer to the brunette, hoping to not be too obvious.

Calum led the smaller boy to his car and they both got in, throwing their bags in the backseat.

"Do you want to come hang out with Ashton and I or would you prefer I leave you at home?" Calum asked, looking over to the blue-haired boy as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Luke knew he'd be a third wheel if he went and he really didn't want to hear moaning again so he told Calum to take him home.

Calum complied, turning right out of the school instead of left. He knew how to get to Luke's house after driving him home almost every single day. He didn't mind though, Luke was fun to be around.

"Everything in my body hurts so much. Getting in a fight with a shark would be more painful," Luke mumbled, stretching his arm across his body.

"It can't be that bad," Calum offered but Luke quickly shook his head no.

"He had me stand in the diving position for twenty minutes. I feel as if my backside has been ripped apart," Luke said, referencing to his back.

Calum snorted, "It'll be worse once you sleep with Michael."

Luke definitely understood that and couldn't help the gasp that left his lips. He couldn't believe that Calum would say that.

"No! Michael will not be sticking his thing anywhere near me!" Luke almost shrieked. He couldn't believe that Calum of all people would say that.

"Okay. Okay. Whatever you say, Fishy," Calum said smirking.

He turned the steering wheel so that the car would veer into the lane to his left. They were really close to Luke's house and only had a few streets left to go.

"That's gross. I don't like Michael like that. We just stopped insulting each other like two days ago," Luke grumbled, making Calum laugh loudly. He found Michael and Luke's feud hilarious and found it funny how awkward they were around each other now that they weren't exactly insulting each other or fighting.

"He's not who I like," Luke added, making Calum's eyes go wide.

"Who's the lucky boy?" Calum asked, making Luke's blush deepen.

"Well, he's on the swim team," Luke said awkwardly.

Calum pulled into Luke's driveway and parked the car so they could keep talking.

Calum was grinning widely. "That's incredible Luke. You should definitely ask him out. Most of the guys on the swim team are in the spectrum somehow or experimenting."

"Really?" Luke questioned, looking at Calum curiously.

"I mean we're in speedos all day. You're bound to be curious," Calum said casually, making Luke blush again, "Who is it? I can set you two up."

Luke bit his lip, contemplating on whether he should take the risk or not. He decided that he had nothing to lose and if things went horribly wrong, he could again, take a long walk off a short pier. He slowly leaned forward before deciding to go for it, quickly moving and pressing his lips to Calum's.

The brunette was definitely taken by surprise. Calum quickly shoved the blue-haired boy and had a scared look on his face.

"Luke! You can't just do that! I have a boyfriend! He will kill me and you if he finds out. I basically cheated on him. Oh my god, I'm an awful person," Calum said anxiously, grabbing at the roots of his hair and starting to back further away from Luke, the car door stopping him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow," Luke rambled, quickly getting out of the car and grabbing his things before running into the house.


Luke couldn't stop the tears that were rolling down his face. He did the one thing he said he wasn't going to do. He kissed Calum and got in the middle of they're relationship. He didn't try to. He just liked Calum so much.

He definitely knew now that Calum wasn't his soulmate. His scales the same translucent color they were a week ago. He had been on land two weeks and his only lead was a bust. It even ruined the little friendships he had.

Luke felt miserable. He was definitely never going to find his soulmate now and it killed him inside. He only had two weeks left and he didn't know what he was going to do. He had no other person that he thought could be his future partner.

Luke really just wanted to call Michael and cry but he knew that wouldn't be smart because Calum had told him. He felt so alone now on land. His mermaid nature of being so clingy had really overtaken him now and he had no idea on how he'd be able to make it alright.

Calum was definitely not his soulmate and he really had to apologize to him and Ashton. He just didn't know how.


;-)))))))) the next like fourteen chapters will all be Muke now that Calum is out of the picture (that sounded so morbid I) and basically it'll be cute and Muke will get a lot closer next chapter and I'm excited!!! I'll update this weekend. I promise.


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