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Luke had avoided the group of boys since the night at Ashton's house. As soon as his legs came back, he grabbed his stuff and left.

He had been avoiding the trio since that day. He didn't answer any of Ashton and Calum's calls during the weekend and avoided them all Monday at school. He went to the library to eat lunch and sat on the other side of the classroom when he had the chance.

Michael hadn't cared. He was relieved. He didn't have to talk to fish boy for four days and those were the four most peaceful days of his life.

Today was not Luke's lucky day though. He had managed to avoid Calum and Ashton for four days but not this Tuesday. He had flipping swim practice for the first time. Luke was excited but he really didn't want to see his soulmate.

The bell rang and Luke quickly ran out of his last class to get to the gym hallway. He had to talk to the coach before practice so that he could be explained what would happen.

Luke peeked his head in through the door and saw the coach. Talking to Calum. Luke hoped that he could back up and not have been seen but his plan was disrupted.

"Luke!" Calum said happily. He stopped talking to the coach and ran towards Luke, throwing his arms around the lanky, blue-haired boy.

Luke couldn't help but blush as the dark haired boy hugged him tightly.

"Calum, let the poor boy go. He looks like he's going to pass out," Coach Adams said.

Calum hesitantly complied and allowed for Luke to fully breathe again.

"We're just going to practice with stamina today. So you don't have to worry about doing any new swim style. We're still in conditioning," Coach Adams explained to Luke and the nervous boy nodded his head. He was so scared to go against all the boys that had been swimming on the team since they were young.

Luke had been swimming since he was born though so he had an advantage.

"Okay," Luke said. He fiddled with his fingers while the coach talked.

"Go get dressed boys. Practice starts in twenty minutes."

Calum grabbed onto Luke's arm and practically dragged him out of the room until they were standing in front of the locker rooms.

"Why haven't you answered any of our calls? Or texts? And been avoiding us?" Calum asked angrily, crossing his arms across his chest as soon as they had stopped walking, "You left before we came back downstairs."

"Michael doesn't like me," Luke said softly.

"I'm sure that's not true," Calum said.

"He called me annoying and childish," Luke admitted, "And he called me a coward. I am not a cow."

Calum couldn't help but chuckle at the boy in front of him but he also felt bad. He didn't understand why Michael hated Luke. Especially after only knowing him for a week.

"But I like you Luke. And so does Ashton. Don't let Michael being a dumbass make you avoid sitting with us. We'll always defend you. I knew we shouldn't have left you with him," Calum sighed, knowing he'd have to talk to Michael as soon as possible.

Calum motioned towards the door so that the two could walk into the locker rooms. Luke entered first and then Calum followed before lesson Luke to their lockers.

They quickly changed, both looking away to give the other privacy, before walking out to the pool where the other guys were.

"Do you know CPR Calum?" Luke asked, nudging the tan boy's side as they walked out of the locker room.

"Yeah, why?" Calum asked, a confused look gracing his features. Luke knew how to swim so why would he need CPR.

"Because you are taking my breath away," Luke said smugly.

Calum chuckled at Luke's joke and shoved the boy over lightly. They managed to get to the school's swimming pool pretty quickly while Luke kept telling Calum more ocean themed pick up lines. Calum thought they were funny but Luke was being dead serious.

"Oh fish guts," Luke muttered as Calum handed him a pair of goggles and a hair cap.

"It's so that your hair doesn't slow you down," Calum explained.

The two put the rest of their gear on and went to the edge of the pool. The other eight boys were standing there and waiting for Coach Adams to make his way out of his office. Calum introduced them all to Luke and Luke shyly waved to each of them.

"Is this the kid that lapped everyone in gym class?" one of the teenagers, Brock, asked.

Luke shyly nodded his head 'yes' and the other boys stared at him in awe.

"Why are you all just standing around. You should've started doing laps ten minutes ago," Coach Adam's voice boomed throughout the natatorium, the metal door slamming shut echoing after.

All boy scrambled to their own lanes and Luke got the one next to Calum, thankfully. Coach Adams started counting down the seconds until he would start his stopwatch so that the boys could start their laps and Luke was excited. He wanted to do something great for his team. Coach Adams had ten seconds left on his countdown and the boys were preparing themselves.

Luke thought the cold water felt nice today. He was angry and wanted to swim his little heart out. He wanted to relax and the water would help him do that. Luke wanted to get Michael off his mind and imagining the black haired boy getting eaten by a shark seemed to be the perfect motivation. 

Luke looked over at Calum, who was also preparing himself. Luke nudged Calum with his foot so that the tan boy would make eye contact.

"The pool isn't the only thing that gets me wet," Luke whispered to Calum before going under the water and taking off.

Coach Adams was taking times as the boys completed 100 meter laps. Luke was the one always finishing first and he was impressed. He had gotten Luke to finish a lap in sixty-four seconds.

Luke was barely breaking a sweat after fifteen minutes while the others were getting winded. He slowed down to a stop after seeing he was the only one left swimming. It had been ten minutes after that he had noticed that.

"Are you part fish or something?" Calum asked, pulling the blue-haired boy out of the water so that they could take a break.

"I guess you could say that," Luke said awkwardly, placing a towel around his shivering shoulders.


Muke drama will be happening soon I promise. It will be great. I'm saying Luke taking on a sushi bar type of great. I love writing these fish puns though.


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