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I didn't know they were gonna come in with guns.

I also didn't know they were going to shoot me.

But they did.

And now here I am.


When they first walked in I knew it was them even though I had no idea what they looked like. It was the way they carried themselves. Also the fact that they had weapons kind of blew their cover.

This all goes back to the first day everyone got back from New York. It was a couple hours into them being home, and I got a text from an unknown number. Me being the stupid idiot I am answered back, asking who it was, and everything blew up from there.

Threats were made and orders were given. I followed and kept my mouth shut. I thought if I did everything right that nothing bad was going to come of it. Boy was I wrong.

My only 'mission' was to take Hannah to prom, but there were little things here and there that I was told to get done.

Like that party Johnson was invited too, they told me to send him there, which is why I made sure Gilinsky went and got him. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about it or I'd have "hell to pay", but I knew if I didn't send someone to get him something bad was going to happen.

I didn't go myself because I thought that maybe if I showed up and anyone was watching that it would blow my cover, and they'd kill Johnson and me both.

Looks like I must've messed something up though, because why else would they have shot me? I'm as good as dead.

I have no idea what happened after I went down. All I remember is the sound of the gunshot and a blood curdling scream coming from Hannah. Then I hit the floor and blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital (at least I think that's where I am), but I didn't really wake up.

I guess I'm in a coma? I honestly have no idea. All I know is that my chest hurts like a bitch, as well as my head, and all I see is darkness. Who knows, maybe I'm actually dead and I just don't know it. Maybe this is heaven. Or hell.

Either way if this is how I'm spending the rest of my eternal life (or death?) I'm screwed, because this is not only scary, but it's lonely.

"There's a whole room of people out there wanting to visit this kid, Marlene," a voice insists. It's male, and it scares me half to death (haha, good one, right?) because it feels like I just spent ten years listening to silence, and out of nowhere this guy appears.

"I know that, Keith. Give me a minute. I just got him set up."

"I'm not rushing you," Keith says, even though it kind of sounded like he was. "It's not like they've been sitting out there for hours or anything."

I would laugh at his sassiness if I could, but since I can't, I let the word 'hours' run through my mind. Hours? Damn. How long has it been? What's been going on? Is everyone else okay?

"Don't be an ass. We've all been through a lot tonight," Marlene snaps.

"Yeah, well I think those people out there have been through a lot more."

"Screw you, alright? You're not the one who spent four hours operating on this kid's heart trying to get him to stay alive only to have to hook him up to life support."

"At least he's still alive."

"We don't know for how long. He shouldn't even be alive, it's a miracle that he is. So stop taking your frustration out on me. I know you're still upset about Carly, but -"

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