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"Wait, so he just left after that?" Hannah asks, shoveling more popcorn into her mouth. 

I nod. "Yeah, I walked back out to the counter and he was gone." I grab the bag of popcorn she has laying at the foot of her bed and take a handful of my own. 

As soon as Sam dropped me off at my house after work, I took a quick shower then had Hannah come and pick me up. I wanted to tell her all about this Jack Gilinsky guy. 

"He sounds creepy," she admits, crinkling her nose. 

"I mean, he was a little weird."

Hannah laughs. "But you thought he was hot so you didn't care." 

"I did not!" I scoff. Lie. I did. 

"Yeah right! You made him sound like a god," Hannah argues. "Oh, his hair was so neat, even though his eyes were covered with his douchey sunglasses I could tell they were beautiful, oh, his teeth were soooo perfect, his breath smelled like spearmint!" 

"Hannah!" I squeal. "I didn't even say half of that!" 

"But you were thinking it," she says. 

"Shut up, you're the one who has a crush on Sam." I smirk. I watch her cheeks turn red and I know I've got her. "Exactly!"

"I do not," she insists. 

"You're such a bad liar," I say, chewing on my popcorn. 

Hannah shakes her head at me, getting up off her bed. "Whatever, let's go." 

"Let's go?" I ask. "Go where?" 

"I'm hungry and all we have here is popcorn"

"No shit, me too, I thought we ordered pizza." 

"We did, dumbass, we have to go pick it up," Hannah reminds me.

I groan loudly and force myself to get up out of the bed. "Ew, why didn't we ask for it to be delivered?" 

"Because maybe if we go out we'll see your beloved Jack Gilinsky," she jokes. 

I roll my eyes. "Stop talking." 

"That'll be eight dollars," the cashier says, a bright smile on her face. I don't think I could ever be a cashier, I could never smile that big every time I had to tell someone how much their pizza costs. Hannah takes out her wallet and pulls out a five, then turns to me. I give her a look but take out my wallet too, handing her three singles. 

"Thanks," she says, handing the cashier the money. She puts the money in the cash register then hands us our pizza. 

"Enjoy the pizza," she tells us. 

"We will," I promise, picking up the box and following Hannah outside. 

"Mmm, it smells so good," Hannah moans.

"If we had it delivered we could be eating it right now," I singsong. Hannah shushes me as she unlocks her car door. She's a few feet ahead of me so when a guy who's riding his penny board smashes right into me she doesn't notice. 

"Oh my god!" I yell, falling over trying not to crush the pizza. Hannah whips her head in my direction and starts laughing as soon as she sees me on the ground. "Oh fuck you!" I shout at her. "Come and help me," I plead. I look around to see where the guy went but he's nowhere to be found. What a jackass. Who does a hit-and-run when it's on a penny board? 

I almost scream when I feel a hand that's not Hannah's on my shoulder. "Nice fall." I freeze in place, knowing exactly who it is. I look up and see that he's not wearing glasses anymore. Hannah was right, his eyes are beautiful. "Need some help?" 

I furrow my eyebrows, not understand why he's being so pleasant. "Sure?" 

He sticks out his hands and I'm not sure whether he wants me to take them or if he wants me to give him the pizza. I decide to give him the pizza. "Thanks," I say, getting up on my own. I can see him laugh to himself and instantly feel embarrassed. 

"This is the second time today I caught you on the ground," he observes. I blush, remembering how he was in the locker room verses how he's being now. He's like a completely different person. "You should really be more careful." 

"Yeah," I agree, taking the pizza back. 

"Where are you heading?" He asks. I suddenly start to feel a little nervous. Why does he care where I'm going? Who even is he? I know his name but he just came out of nowhere. I feel like he's everywhere that I am. 

"To my friend's car," I say, cautiously trying to be as little detailed as possible. He seems to find that amusing. 

"No, I mean where are you and your friend heading while in the car?" He asks, becoming more specific. 

"Back to her house," I reply, not knowing how to get out of answering him. 

He doesn't seem convinced. "Nowhere fun?" 

I look back at Hannah, she has a blank look on her face. I can't tell what she's thinking. "Nowhere fun." 

"Are you working tomorrow?" 

My breath hitches. Why does he want to know? "What is this?" I laugh. "Twenty questions?"

Jack's mood turns from playful to serious in a matter of seconds. Like he just realized how much he was prying into my life. "Right, sorry." 

"It's cool." 

"I was just asking because I was gonna be there tomorrow, didn't know if I should bring my wallet." 

He has such a serious look on his face that I can't tell if he's joking or not. 

"I'll be-"

"Nadia!" Hannah calls. "We have to go." Thank you, thank you, thank you.

"I guess I'll see you around, bye." I quickly make my way to Hannah's car and practically jump into the passenger side. I watch in the review mirror as Jack's figure gets smaller and smaller, until he's complete out of sight. 

"What the hell, Nadie?" Hannah laughs. I laugh with her. 

"I don't know, okay." 

"I think I'm psychic."

"You're not psychic." 

"Dude, he's so weird," Hannah breathes. "I thought you said he was rude."

"He was rude, and he is very, very weird." I open up the box that sits on my lap so I can smell how good the pizza is, trying to get my mind off of Jack. 

Hannah makes a sharp left, causing the box to almost fly out of my hands. "But he was also very hot."

"Keep your mind on the road," I say, clutching the box. I couldn't argue with her. He was even hotter without those stupid sunglasses on. He had such a nice face, I still can't believe it. If he wasn't so weird I probably would be melting right now. 

"I can't wait to eat some pizza," Hannah says, changing the subject. I'm jealous at how she can switch gears so fast, I'm still on Jack, and I'm probably going to be for the rest of the night. She's already moved onto the pizza, and by the time we get to her place she's going to be onto her soda. 

Surprisingly, as we pull into her driveway I can't help but be a little bit excited to go to work tomorrow.


hope you all enjoyed. don't forget to comment and vote if you'd like. i'm open to any suggestions and questions! I might start making my chapters a little longer, I'm not sure.


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