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"That punk better not be sitting in my seat again," Sam proclaims.

"If he is maybe you should just find a new seat," I suggest. "You did seem to be getting more lady friends from that side of the pool."

"Where I am has nothing to do with that," Sam scolds, "I'm just getting prettier and prettier as the days go by."

"Yeah, okay."

Sam looks at me for a quick second before focusing back on the road. "So did you figure out who that guy is anyway?"

"His name is Jack Gilinsky," I reveal, playing with my seat belt. I feel weird talking about Jack with Sam. I like it better when I'm talking to Hannah because at least then I can tell her how hot I think he is, even though it's not like I have told her that yet. I'm waiting for things to cool down before I start voicing my opinions on his looks.

"How'd you find out?" Sam nags.

I hold back a sigh. "I saw it on his driver's license."

"Why did you have his driver's license?" He inquires.

"Because I just did, okay?" I gush, starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

Sam notes this and giggles a little before catching a few glances at me. "What, did you guys hook up or something?" If I was drinking something I'm pretty sure I would've spit it out.

"No!" I cough, choking on my own spit.

"You hooked up," Sam gloats. He doesn't seem to be getting how uncomfortable him saying that makes me.

"We didn't hook up oh my god!" I shriek. I hit him hard in the shoulder, causing him to swerve.

"Stop, ow!" He yells. "Get off!"

"Then stop being a little bitch," I tell him, leaning back in my seat.

"It's not my fault you have the hots for the new guy who stole my seat." Sam shakes his head at me. "Is that why you wouldn't go in his locker for me? Wow, Nadia, I guess I see how we really stand."

"Sam if you don't shut up about Jack and me I'm going to make sure we crash this car."

Sam smirks and tightens his grip on the steering wheel. "Okay, okay, I'm done," he insists.

"Good," I murmur as we pull into the pool's parking lot. I'm about to get out of the car when Sam makes a nonhuman like noise from beside me. I turn to look at him and get ready to hit him again when he points straight in front of us, a puzzled look on his face. I follow his gaze and now it's my turn to make the nonhuman like noise.

Hannah is at the pool. But she's not alone - she's with Jack.

"What the fuck," Sam says, the same time I think it. "Why are they here together?"

"Why is she even here?"

"Is someone jealous?" Sam teases. I glare at him, causing the smile on his face to disappear. I push the passenger side door open and step down onto the ground, still staring at Hannah and Jack. This is the first time in the six months that I've been working here that Hannah's ever come.

"Hannah!" I shout her name, working my legs to go over to the two. They both notice me at the same time, a guilty look lies upon Hannah's face, but Jack's scowl from yesterday is back. I don't even bother saying hi to him.

"Nadia, I'm gonna go sit down!" Sammy calls out to me. I roll my eyes. He just wanted to get in before Jack did.

"Hey, Nadie," Hannah greets me, she's playing with her hands. She's nervous.

"Finally learn how to swim?" I volunteer. She won't look me in the eyes. What's going on?

"Not exactly," she confesses. "I'll tell you later, I have to go now." Before I can say another word, she's off to her car. I've never seen her run that fast in my whole life.

"How do you two know each other?" I ask Jack. My voice comes our harsher than I want it to, but I don't really care.

"We just met," he responds.

"She obviously came here just to talk to you, she never comes here, what were you guys talking about?" I pry.

"Whoa there, feisty, calm down for a second."

"Don't tell me to calm down," I hiss.

Jack chuckles. "You sound like Jack."

My eyes widen and I feel like I've just been hit by a truck. "Excuse me?"

"Shit," Jack whispers.

"Are you talking about Jack Johnson?" Please say no, please say yes? What do I want him to say?

"Uh, well...yeah," Jack admits.

Holy shit. So he knows my brother. Jack knows Jack. I don't know how to feel. Should I feel relieved? Annoyed? All I feel is confused.

"Have you talked to him lately?" I ask frantically. What if he knows something? Knows where he is?


My shoulders drop. No. Really? "How do you know him?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Jack comments defensively.

"You were asking me a lot of questions yesterday, what's wrong with me asking you questions?" I counter.

"Well I was asking you questions about you, you're asking questions about Johnson."

Johnson? Why the hell does he call him by his last name? Does he know that Jack is my brother? "I just..." I let my sentence fade, not knowing if I should tell him or not. Out of nowhere I feel a huge knot in my stomach. Am I going to start crying? I take a deep breath and look at the floor. I'm just realizing how much I miss my brother. I just want to know if he's safe and alright. I want to know so many things.

"Listen, you should get inside, you're gonna be late," Jack tells me. His voice has grown softer.

"Yeah, you're right," I say, walking away.

As I make my way into the pool area I can't help but think about everything that just happened. Hannah talking to Jack and Jack knowing my brother. What could Hannah and Jack be talking about? How does he know who my brother is and not know he's my brother? None of this makes sense, if I want to find out I'm going to have to do some digging.

Looks like I need to start making new friends, friends like Jack Gilinsky to be more specific. He is going to be my gateway to finding out where 'Johnson' is.


hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! like i've said before, feel free to comment and vote and if you have any questions or suggestions don't be afraid to say something.

- gilinskyshigh

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