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"Call me as soon as you land," Mom says, hugging me for the fifteenth time. 

"I will," I promise, hugging back. "The flight is about five and a half hours."

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Mom asks. She knows that I'm a little nervous about flying since I've never done it before, but there's no way I'm backing out now.

"Yeah. I'll take your place," Sammy says, raising his eyebrows.

I shake my head. "The only place you're taking from me is my job at the pool."

He sighs. "It was worth a shot."

"Nadia we gotta go, the gate is closing soon," Hannah warns me, letting go of her mom and dad. Jack stands way ahead of us, waiting at the terminal. I still have no idea about him. Does he have family in New York? Does he even have family?

"Okay, okay," I agree, slipping out of my mom's hug. I give her a big bright smile and kiss her on the cheek. "Talk to you in a bit, alright?"

She nods, wrapping her arms around herself. 

I quickly turn to Sam before Hannah drags me off. "Take care of her for me, will you?"

"Of course," he says, giving me a small hug. He whispers in my ear, "bring Jack home in one piece."

"Jack Gilinsky or Jack Johnson?" I joke.

He laughs. "Jack Frost."

"Nadia!" Hannah calls my name again. I turn around to see that she's now standing with Jack. She has a worried look on her face. I don't want to miss my flight so I let go of Sam and say my last goodbye to Mom then make my way over to where the two stand.

"You ready?" Jack asks, walking forward. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say as we get closer to our gate. 

Hannah's bouncing up and down with her carry-on swung over her shoulders. "I wish I was seated near you guys, I'm going to be all alone probably next to some weird dude." 

"You'll be fine," I assure her. "You're only like three seats behind us."

When I first found out that I would be sitting next to Jack on the flight I flipped out. I mean, he wasn't there to see it because he told me over text but I was acting like a girl who just won tickets to a Five Second of Summer concert. He originally had the window seat but since I was a first time flyer he said he would switch with me. I was super thankful that I wouldn't have to spend five hours next to a stranger, but next to someone who I now call a friend.

"Three seats might as well be ten," Hannah says, wrinkling her nose. 

We reach our gate with a few minutes to spare. I'm a little hesitant to get on the plane but Jack places an encouraging hand on my back, pushing me forward. The three of us take our seats and wait. I can feel myself getting more and more nervous the closer we are to taking off. 

"Are you scared?" Jack asks, giving me an amused look. I shift a little more in my seat.

"No," I lie. 

He chuckles. "Give me your hand."

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "What?"

"Just give me your hand," he demands, putting his out in front of me. I stare at it for a couple seconds before taking it. Oddly, his warm skin on mine makes me feel a little less anxious. "Better?" He asks.

I smile. "Better."

We stay like that for a while. As we start to take off, I squeeze his hand tight. He squeezes back. I know I'm safe with him and I know he was telling the truth when he told my mom he's take care of me. In five and a half hours we will be in New York. This is the start of our search for my brother, and we will find him. I know it.

About an hour into the flight I'm already bored. I look over at Jack, interested in starting a conversation, but he looks knocked out. Well there goes that. Our hands aren't intertwined anymore so I easily sit up in my seat to I turn around and spot Hannah. I see her sitting in the window seat next to an older guy. He looks around maybe twenty? He's decent looking.

"Hannah!" I shout-whisper. The people sitting right behind Jack and I stare at me. I feel my face flush. Right as Hannah looks up at me I sink down lower in my seat. That was uncalled for. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I turn off airplane mode and click on Hannah's contact. 

The people behind me think I'm a weirdo now

You are a weidro

I'm not a weirdo I'm just lonely :( 

Talk to your boyfriend!

I roll my eyes, sneaking a quick glance at Jack. His mouth is parted open slightly and his eyelids are glossy. He looks really sweet. Do I look that nice when I'm sleeping? I'm sure I look like I just fell out of a garbage truck. Why doesn't he look bad? Like ever? 

My mind goes back to all the times both Hannah and Sam have mentioned Jack and me being a couple. Do we really seem like we could work out as more than friends? I'm almost one-hundred percent positive I don't like him like that and I'm even more positive that Jack would rather date a dead fish than me

He's not my boyfriend.

You wish he was

I wish I could punch you right now

Do it

I'm ignoring you for the rest of the flight


You're right I'm too weak

Wake Jack up by 'accident'


Why not? You obviously want to talk to him.

Okay, I'm done with her. 



Laughing, I lock my phone and put it back in my pocket. As much as Hannah is right, I don't really feel the need to wake him up from his nap. Besides, we're spending the rest of the summer in New York together, they'll be plenty of time to talk to him.

I get comfortable in my seat, and turn to look out my window. It's so pretty up in the sky. As much as I was afraid to be this high off the ground, a part of me will be disappointed when we land. 


hello everyone! sorry if this chapter was worded really weird and seemed boring, i've never actually been flying before so I had no idea what I was writing haha, next chapter I think I might just skip them landing in JFK and not write about it because I don't really know how to do that without sounding stupid. So chapter 15 will be them leaving the airport and not landing or any of that. 

if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment and don't forget to vote if you'd like!


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