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As happy as I am to finally be heading home with my brother in tow, I'm not sure how this whole reunion thing is going to go, especially now that Jack has voiced that he doesn't wanna stay for too long.

I'm hoping that the conversation we had may have changed his mind, but I really have no idea what he's thinking or planning. All I know is that he's coming back right now to be here for me during one of the most monumental moments of my life. 

Graduation. (And prom, but graduation seems like a bigger deal). 

I can't thank him enough. In all honesty, I didn't think anyone even remembered or was thinking about it. If anything I figured it'd be Gilinsky's idea. I'm glad it was Jack's though. It shows that he still does care about me, and that's all I could ask for right now. 

"You good?" Hannah asks, eyes wide as she inspects me. 

Jack had made it so he was sitting with Gilinsky and I got a seat with Hannah. We're pretty far from each other, but it feels nice to finally be able to have some alone time with Hannah, we haven't really talked forreal in what seems like forever.

"I'm good." I nod. "You?"

She nods back. "I think so." 

"Are you excited to see Sam?" I tease, getting back into the groove of things. We haven't talked about Sam since we left for New York, and there's a sense of normalcy that I've missed. 

"Obviously," she jokes, laughing. 

"I know he's excited to see us, he's been nonstop texting me since I told him we were coming back today." 

"Is your mom coming to pick us up? Or just Sam?"

"Just Sam. Mom's really upset about it too. Work won't let her go, which I think is completely ridiculous." 

"That's dumb. What time does she get out? Maybe this can be a good thing, it gives us time to make Johnson look as presentable as possible."

I think about this for a second and agree with her. If Mom's going to see her only son for the first time in what? Three months, going on four? He needs to look good, and not only for Mom's sake, but his too. 

"I think she gets out at around 6, so we've got at least two hours once we land since this is a nonstop flight meaning it's only two and a half hours," I encourage. 

"Wardrobe change for starters, I mean did you see him this morning? Sweats and a t-shirt, no matter how attractive he may've look, that's not gonna cut it, second of -"

"Wait," I cut her off, grinning. "You think he looked attractive?"

"Shut up and let me finish." A tint a red finds it's way on her cheeks and I laugh. Maybe Sammy isn't the one I should be teasing her about. 

"Okay," I say. "Go on." 

"His hair, he needs to wash it. I don't think he's been in the shower for the past two or three days and that's gross. Third, I'm pretty sure none of us brushed our teeth this morning which is even more gross, so he needs to hop on that ASAP. Last but not least, he needs to buy her flowers or something special to make up for him flaking out

"All of that sounds plausible to me," I respond. This could work out okay if everything goes as planned.

"I'm glad we went on this trip, Nadia, thanks for agreeing to let me come." 

I smile at her, leaning my head on her shoulder. "I'm glad we did too. Thanks for yelling at me when I almost said you couldn't." 

"It was my pleasure." 

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