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"I'm sure this will be the first and only time that you're late to my class, Johnson?" Mrs. Murrey assumes, getting comfortable in her desk chair. "You've lasted all year, don't get cheap on me now."

"Yes, Mrs, Murrey," I respond, picking at my nails. Who am I to know if I'll ever be late again? I still have a month left of school and maybe I'll be spending some of my lunches with Jack instead of Sam. That did sound kind of nice. 

Mrs. Murrey nods, opening up a book that sits in front of her. "It's 2:15, normally I would keep you here an hour, but since it's your first offense I'll let you out by 3:00."

It's only a fifteen minute difference, but I guess she's trying to be generous, so I thank her. After that, the room goes silent. I couldn't even cough right now if I needed to because it would be so awkward. I hate silence like this. What am I supposed to do? I don't have any homework and I didn't bring a book. I could take a nap, but what if I start to snore? 

As I'm contemplating all of these things, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I jump, looking up at Mrs. Murrey to see if she heard, but she's too focused on what she's reading. I quickly slip my phone out of my pocket and see that it's a message from a unknown number. I furrow my eyebrows and type in my pass code.

Hey, it's Jack Gilinsky. Hannah gave me your number

Of course Hannah did. I decide to text back, it's not like Mrs. Murrey would notice, and I have nothing else to do. 

Hey Jack Gilinsky

So I heard you got detention for being late to class, sorry about that you should've said something

Don't sweat it, detentions are easy

Oooh, have you gotten detention before? Are you a baaad girl?

I almost choke reading his text. What's that supposed to mean? I look up at Mrs. Murrey to make sure she's still reading. When I see that she is, I look back down at my phone. Is he trying to flirt or is he just being weird? This is actually my first detention but I decide to humor him.

Yeah, I get detentions all the time, I'm super baaad

Lmaooo, you're cute

I freeze in place, my heart starting to race. I'm cute? Since when does he use the word cute? Since when did I like it? It feels like my stomach is in my throat. How am I supposed to respond to that? I consider telling him that he's cuter, but that would be way too mushy and gross so I just act cool about it. 


Don't be conceited

It takes a lot for me not to laugh out loud. Jack is funny? Who would've guessed?

I'm not conceited, it's called agreeing with you

Would you agree with me if I called myself cute

God, why is he being like this? The Jack I first met at the pool would never be saying any of this. I can't tell which Jack I like better, the one who's mean to me and makes it easy to hate him, or that one who's stupid and funny and makes me like him. Even though he is acting like we're cool with each other, there's still no way in hell I'm letting him know that I think he's cute. He'll use it against me forever.


Wow that's harsh, you really hurt my feelings right there I don't think we can be friends anymore

Omg we were friends??

What did you think we were more than that?

Shit. What the fuck is he doing? I don't know how much more of this I can take. 

You wish

At 11:11 I do

At this point all I want to do is bang my head against my desk. Checking the time on my phone I see that only fifteen minutes have passed. I still have another half hour to get through. Maybe detention isn't as easy as I thought. 

I don't reply to Jack's text, putting my phone away. I glance up at Mrs. Murrey to see that she's still reading. I want to sigh but I'm afraid if I do she'll say something to me. Not caring if I start to snore or not, I place my head on my desk and take a nap. 

"Nadia, your time is up." Mrs. Murrey's voice breaks me from my sleep. I shoot up off my desk and take a quick look around, figuring out where I am. I'm at the school. I just finished detention. It's 3:00. Okay, I'm good. "Had a nice nap?" Mrs. Murrey asks.

I nod. "Yep, see you tomorrow." I race out of the room and down the stairs and straight out of the building, thankful for some fresh air. As soon as I walk down the stairs of Westside a familiar black jeep pulls up in front of me. I can't help but smile. 

"Well don't you look excited to see me." Jack grins.

"Don't flatter yourself," I say, throwing open the passenger door and hopping into the car. "You're the one who magically appears everywhere I am." 

"It's not magic, it's fate," he tells me, driving off.

"Where we headed?" I ask, getting comfortable in my seat. 

"Where do you wanna be headed?" 

"Mmm, my house is good."

"Will I be joining you at your house on this fine evening?"

"If you want," I answer, a little shocked that he'd even want to come into my house. Yesterday he seemed pretty damn fine with not even getting out of his car when he dropped me off, not that I wanted him to. I'm used to it, no one ever comes to my house because I'm always going to theirs. I hope my mom's okay with it.

"I want," he assures, turning onto my street.

I look over to my left and just stare at him, trying to figure out what he's doing. I never know what kind of personality I might get but right now he's being nicer than he's ever been to me. Don't get me wrong, I do find it refreshing, but I'm also confused. 

He senses me staring at him so he glances over at me for a quick second. "What?"

I shrug. "Nothing."

"Are you admiring how cute I am?" 

I laugh, turning back to look out the window. I think I've decided which of Jack's personalities I like better. 


hope you guys enjoyed this sappy af chapter, don't be afraid to comment any suggestions or questions! feel free to vote if you'd like!


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