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"Jack's eggs are fucking amazing," Hannah tells me as I walk out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and changing out of my dirty clothes. I would take a shower but I only have fifteen minutes before we leave to for Johnny's and I need at least 30. I'm a little disappointed that if I end up seeing Jack today I'm going to be all gross but he's my brother so he and I will both get over it.

"I know," I agree, plopping down on the couch. Hannah throws her empty plate in the sink and joins me. I stare at the TV and try to relax. 

"You two forgot to turn on the TV," Nate reminds us. I look up to see him standing outside his bedroom. When did he get there? I didn't even hear the door open.

"Who said we wanted to turn on the TV?" Hannah recounts. She's frowning. I can tell she doesn't like Nate at all and that makes him more drawn to her. But she doesn't see that.

"Watch the attitude, babe." 

"Call me babe again I'll snap your neck."

"I'd be honored to have my neck snapped by you." Nate winks.

"Fuck off," Hannah growls.

 I'm puzzled that he doesn't lash out on her or say something about her not being strong enough to inflict any sort of pain on him. Instead he just laughs. "You're crazy." It's mind-boggling that he doesn't seem to be speaking in a demeaning way, he's actually teasing her in a playful manner. Flirting, even.

"Yeah, no shit," Hannah confirms, flipping him the bird, causing Nate to chuckle even louder. She has no idea what she's doing by giving him this kind of attention, even if it's negative. He's totally eating it up.

"G, you almost ready to head out?" Nate asks, fixing his attention off of Hannah for a moment.

"Yeah, gimme a few minutes, I gotta change my shirt," Jack says, getting up off a stool and heading into my room. I've noticed that although Hannah and I have taken over his old living space that he still keeps a lot of his stuff in it. Not that I blame him, why would he want to keep his stuff in the living room for everyone to see? I get why he doesn't trust Nate enough to leave it in his room.

"Alright, make it fast - Justin's waiting."

Justin? Who's Justin? I'm tempted to ask but before I can Jack sticks his head out of the room. He's shirtless. I gasp slightly enough that no one notices. Shit. Fuck. Bitch. He's glaring at Nate but I barely even notice that, I'm too busy staring at his undefined abs. They're not too noticeable but they're still there. They're still hot. 

"Right, sorry," Nate mumbles, walking over into the kitchen area. 

I hear running water and assume that he's washing the dishes. He's using the yellow gloves that I had on last night and I want to make fun of him but I don't. Nate doesn't strike me as the type of guy to use gloves while washing dishes, but then again Jack didn't strike me as the type of guy to kiss me while I'm wearing a pot on my head, a lifevest, those yellow gloves, and flippers. Not to mention the fact that I soaked him with water five minutes prior to that.

Jack's back out in the living room in a record time. He's rocking a purple tank-top and black shorts. I raise my eyebrows. I don't think I've ever seen him in any color but black and white. He notices my look and shrugs. "Let's head out."

"You got it, dude," Nate shuts off the faucet and rips off his gloves. Jack and I make eye contact and this time neither of us can hold back a laugh. Hannah and Nate both notice but don't say anything. Nate grabs his car keys and strides out the front door of the apartment, Hannah following not-so-close behind.

"You ready?" Jack whispers, his hot breath on my ear. It sends a shiver down my spine.

"Hell yeah," I answer walking out the door after Hannah and Nate. But unlike them, Jack follows me from close behind, guiding me with his arm around my waist. A girl could get used to this.

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