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When I wake up I'm surrounded by sunlight seeping in the room through the windows. Groaning, I toss onto my stomach and make myself comfortable again. I have no idea what time it is but I really don't plan on waking up anytime soon. 

"Shhhh!" I hear someone hiss. I think it's Hannah but I can't be too sure. 

"You shh!" Another voice growls. I think it's my brother. I would laugh if I wasn't so tired. 

"Both of you sh before you wake her up!" That's Gilinsky. I can't help but smile into my pillow.

"I'm already awake," I mumble.

"See, look what you did!" Hannah accuses. I open up my eyes to see her shove Jack into the bathroom door. 

"Ow!" He cries out, shoving her back. 

"I hate both of you," I tell them, closing my eyes.

Gilinsky's chuckle fills the room and my eyes fly open again. I watch as he leans against the wall opposite to Jack and Hannah, his eyes finding mine. A part of me wants to shut my eyes and pretend I wasn't looking at him, but I don't make up my mind fast enough because within seconds he's making his way over to me.

"Good morning." He smiles. 

"Good morning," I croak. A blush makes it's way onto my face. Stupid morning voice. 

"Sleep well?" 

"She slept fine," Hannah cuts in. "I'm the one you need to worry about, your snoring kept me up all night!" 

Now it's Gilinsky's turn to blush. I laugh, sitting up in bed. "How did I miss that?" 

"You passed out the second your head hit the pillow, Nadie," Jack says. 

"Snoring is a natural process," Gilinsky defends, a scowl on his face. 

Jack nods his head, slinking into the armchair next to the bathroom. "Breakfast is also a natural process."

"So is dieting," Hannah banters, poking at his stomach. 

"Dieting?" He scoffs, grabbing her wrist so she can't jab him anymore. "If dieting is a natural process then I'm pretty sure I'm 100% non-natural."

"No one said you were natural in the first place."

"Can we have pancakes?" I interrupt, shooting out of bed. Pancakes are definitely something I'd wake up for. 

"Ooooh, yes!" Hannah coos. 

Jack shakes his head. "I thought you were dieting."

"Me? Dieting? Ha! Let's go get some pancakes!" 

Gilinsky looks from Hannah to Jack then to me and nods his head. "Pancakes it is." 

Jack Gilinsky

"When are you asking her?" Jack asks, cornering me at the toppings bar. "Everything's already paid for and stuff. We just gotta make sure we catch the flight. It's five p.m tomorrow."

We ended up going to a local diner and while the girls were ordering for us we were on breakfasty-topping-things duty.

"Huh?" I reply, grabbing some syrup off the counter. I think about how Nadia doesn't like syrup and wonder if maybe I should put it back. Does Hannah like syrup? I'm sure she does. I know I do. What about Jack? We've never eating pancakes together before. 

"Nadia. Her prom. We're leaving for Omaha tomorrow then prom is the day after...when are you asking her?"

At that moment I swear time freezes. I replay his words in my head over and over again. I've never done this whole prom thing. I have no idea how it works. 

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