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"My feet already hurt and I haven't even been walking in these heels for five minutes," I complain, posing for another picture. 

We've taking at least a hundred by now, but Mom insists. 

"Technically you haven't been walking, just standing," Jack reminds me, grinning. I roll my eyes at him but secretly I'm glad he's teasing me. 

After the whole breakdown thing in the family room he went to his room and slept. He woke up just a few minutes ago and looks good as new. He genuinely looks more vibrant, like he used to before Dad died. 

I guess it was good for him to let all that out. I know when we were still in the hotel at New York he cried, but this time he really let it all go, and as much as it hurt to see him like that, I'm glad it happened. He needed it. I mean, the proof is in how good he looks right now. 

Although when he saw Sam walk in and put a corsage on Hannah he looked a little annoyed, but that was only for a second. I still caught it though, and it still made me laugh. He's such a little kid sometimes. He should've just manned up and asked her himself. 

"Smile, Nadia. Stand up straight," Mom scolds. 

Sighing, I do as I'm told, plastering a smile on my face. I feel Gilinsky chuckle beside me and don't even have to fake it anymore. Well, until my cheeks start hurting, then not even my boyfriend's laugh can make me wanna smile anymore.

"Are we done yet?" I request. "We're gonna be late. The limo driver is waiting." 

Thank God Mom remembered.I don't know how because I was too immersed in everything that was going on to remembered myself. 

"I'll gladly take pictures here all day," Sam mutters, shoving his hands in his pockets. The room grows quiet and it takes a second for him to process what he just said. "Shit, that's not what I meant."

"You're a jackass," Hannah declares, but instead of getting mad she laughs. 

"Alright, alright," Mom says, walking up to me and kissing my cheek. She hugs Jack and Sam, then kisses Hannah on the head. "Have a great time. Please be careful." 

"We will, Mom. No need to worry," I assure her, grabbing onto Gilinsky's arm. 

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Jack warns. 

"There's nothing you wouldn't do," Sammy tells him. 

Him saying that is semi-normal, but a part of me thinks it's just to cover up what he said before. If he's not better by the time prom is over I'm confronting his sorry ass about his attitude. 

"That's true, then do everything I wouldn't do," he corrects himself. I walk over to him and give him a peck on the cheek. His face reddens and I take that as a sign to leave. 

We get on the limo with a few minutes to spare, but right now I couldn't care less if we're late to prom. I'm just happy that so far nothing too out of the order has happened. Let's just hope it stays this way.

    "This is gross. No wonder I've never been to a prom," Gilinsky groans, scrunching his nose. 

I don't even feel offended because personally, I agree. What made me think prom was going to be this huge magical night that I'd never forget? All it is is hot and sweaty and loud. Although being here with Gilinsky makes it a little more bearable. 

"You didn't go to your prom?" I ask, leaning against his chest. Pieces of my hair get lost on his sweaty neck and I'm not even grossed out. We've been here for just an hour and that whole time we danced, and when I started to have breathing issues I decided it was time for a break. 

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