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The minute we pulled into the stadium Hannah was so ecstatic she practically fell out of the car. As for me, the only thing that was appealing about this was the free food that we'd be served with. 

"This is way cooler than I expected," She had cooed, making her way around the room that we'd be watching the game from. She moved in slow motion, taking every nook and cranny into consideration.

"Yeah, J, you really outdid yourself," Gilinsky said, nodding his head. I pursed my lips together, silently agreeing. I did have to admit that the room itself was nice. There were two white sofas in the middle of the room with a huge flat screen TV in front of them, along with a marble bar that circled around the room. A pretty chandelier hung from the ceiling. It looks like it cost a fortune.

But then we hit the two hour mark of waiting in that room for the game to start, and we were getting fidgety. 

"This room is cool and all, but when is this game gonna start?" Gilinsky questions, lifting his legs up to rest of my thighs and he went to lie down on the couch. I roll my eyes at him but don't push his legs away. Things have been kind of weird between us lately and I want that to stop. 

"It's supposed to start nowish," Jack assures us, eyeing the position we're in. I try not to let the blood rush to my face.

"It better start nowish, I'm getting impatient," Hannah admits, jumping up from the floor. 

Jack laughs. "Hey don't get sassy with me, I'm not the one who decides when they start." 

"Excuse me," a new voice appears. We all turn towards the door to see a guy in a suit with a big grin on his face. Are they paid to be that happy or does it just come naturally? "The game will be starting in just a minute if you'd like us to open up the window." 

"The window?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. The guy in the suit grins even wider as he lets himself in the room. 

"You're gonna love this," he says, walking to the middle of the bar. He leans over and pushes a button. A few seconds later the black wall that I guess wasn't a black wall opens up to a huge window that supplies us with the view of the field. 

"Holy crap!" Hannah yells, racing over to the window. The suit guy nods and makes his way out of the room after telling us that if we needed anything he was just outside the room. 

"No way!" Gilinsky claps his hands.

"How come we can't hear any cheering?" I ask, making my way over to the cool window thing. 

"It's soundproof or whatever they call it, we can turn on the sound if you want," my brother apprises. 

"You mean like a TV? We can mute and unmute the people?" 

Jack nods. "Basically." 

"Lets not unmute them," Hannah suggests, sliding into a stool and leaning her elbows on the bar in front of her, staring longingly out the window.

"Nadia, do you mind turning on the TV so we can hear the commentators?" Gilinsky asks, sliding into a the seat next to Hannah. 

"Okay." I prance over to the TV and find the remote, pressing the red button that I assume is the on button. In an instant the room is filled with voices talking about the game that's about to start.

"Hey!" Hannah shouts. "Some guy is waving at me!" She wiggles in her chair excitedly, waving back. "They can see us!"

"Yeah well they're not blind," Jack jokes. Hannah swirls around and slaps him in the back of the head. "Ouch!" He cries. 

"Thanks." Gilinsky smiles a me. 

"You're welcome." A part of me wonders if I should sit next to him or if I should sit next to Jack who is on the other side of Hannah. Apparently I take to long deciding this because the next thing I know I'm being pulled into the seat next to Gilinsky by none other than Gilinsky. 

"Relax a little, Nadie," Gilinsky whispers. I take a deep breath and nod. I can get comfortable, I don't have to worry. I shouldn't have to worry. 

"I'm relaxed," I tell him. 

"Good." With that he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, my heart skipping a beat.

Jack Gilinsky

At this point in time I'm not trying to tell Johnson about me and Nadia, I'm just trying to make her feel okay with it. I'm pretty sure he can't see us holding hands because he's too busy investing himself into Hannah so I've got nothing to worry about. 

Over the course of the car ride here and actually being here I've decided that I'm not going to let my actions change toward Nadia, I'm going to treat her like I did when her brother wasn't in our presence. I'm just being more subtle about it. 

The thing is that I can't just stop my feelings for her because Johnson might not like it. The fact of the matter is that he likes Hannah and Hannah is Nadia's best friend so he shouldn't have a problem with his best friend liking his sister. 

I mean it's not even like we're dating, we've only kissed a few times. I clench my jaw at the thought of kissing her again. I've been too much of a pussy to ask her to be my girlfriend yet I'd kiss her again in a heartbeat - does that even make sense? 

"Jack?" Her soft voice penetrates my thoughts, and I'm shaking my head to get rid of them so I can hear her.

"Yeah?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. 

"Can we talk? I mean if you wanna watch the game that's cool too...but I think we should talk."

It takes me a couple of seconds to understand what she's saying. It feels like we haven't been alone just the two of us in forever. "Talk where?"

She bites her lips and eyes the door that the guy who opened the window for us came through. "I can say I'm going to the bathroom then after a few minutes you can say you're gonna look for that suit guy so we can get some food."

I almost laugh at how secretive we're being. I mean really, her pretending to go to the bathroom and me pretending to get food, how much more Romeo and Juliet can this get? But I agree to it, because I wanna hear whatever she has to say and I wanna say what I need to say to her.

"See you in a bit," She whispers, sliding off the stool. "I'll be right back guys, going to the bathroom." 

I half expect Hannah to offer to go with her, but she's too immersed in the game to even realize she's leaving. Jack mumbles something incoherent, his eyes locked on the field ahead of us. I lick my lips, watching her walk through the door. 

I have no idea what this talk is going to be about but I'm a ball of anxiety waiting to find out. 


hey guys!!! so it's been like a month but merry late christmas!!!! this story is taking me forever to finish up but I'm trying just for you guys! :)

if you have any suggestions or what not feel free to comment them! also don't forget to vote if you'd like. 

I can't tell if I'm going to right way with this story but hopefully I am. I'd say the last chapter may be the late forties or maybe chapter fifty? But soon enough.

I'll try to update whenever I can but junior year is really hard but I'm trying! see you all soon.


ps i know this chapter was short but please bear with me lol

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