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"So," Nate starts, opening up the door to his apartment. "It's not much but I like it." 

"Yeah," Jack says, following Nate into the suit.

Hannah and I follow close behind. There seems to be a lot of following going on since we got to New York. I feel like a lost puppy.

Looking around I see that we're in the living room part of the apartment. There's a small black leather couch in front of a flat screen TV. A few steps passed the couch there's the kitchen, and just to the left of the TV there's two bedroom doors that are relatively close to each other. It's not too big, but it has a cozy feel to it. 

"It's pretty," Hannah says.

"It's nice," I agree. 

Nate grins. "Thanks."

We stand in the living room admiring everything for a few more seconds until Jack takes my suitcases from my hands. He nods at Nate, signaling him to take Hannah's. 

"Nate's room is the one on the left," Jack says, pointing with his elbow. "You two are gonna be staying in here." He leans down and opens the door with his elbow, which impresses me because if I were to try that I would've dropped everything I had in my hands. 

As soon as the door opens the smell of cologne hits me straight in the face. It becomes evident that a boy did in fact live here. I remember Jack telling Hannah and me that this was his room but the weird thing is he never smells like cologne, and if he had been gone for as long as he has been I would assume the smell would've worn off by now.

I look over at Jack to ask him about it when I see that he's just as surprised as I am. He looks confused, but when we lock eyes his expression goes back to normal. Well his old normal, a scowl on his face. Something's wrong.

"Don't just stand there, fuck face." Nate laughs. "Let the ladies in."

I see Jack flinch when Nate curses. My throat tightens. The feeling in my gut is telling me not to trust this guy, but I ignore it as Jack steps further into the room, clearing a path for Hannah and me to get in. 

The room itself is decent. The walls are pure white and there's a queen sized bed a few feet from a small window. The bed doesn't have a blanket but it has a blue sheet covering the mattress. It's better than sleeping on the couch in the living room.

"How do you like it?" Jack asks, placing my luggage next to the bed. He starts messing around with the sheets, tucking them under the mattress so they won't move around when Hannah and I get on them. Nate doesn't move from his spot, he just hand's Hannah her luggage. She gives me a look and I shrug. When neither of us answer Jack looks up from the bed and sees Hannah holding her suitcases. 

"Bro, why are y'all so slow at everything," Nate jokes. "Get settled in so we can go." 

I furrow my eyebrows just as Hannah pinches my arm. We're both thinking the same thing. Go where?

"We just got here," Jack says, grabbing Hannah's bags and placing them next to mine. He looks a little annoyed, hopefully Nate won't notice because who knows what'd he'd say if he did. 

"That doesn't mean time has stopped," Nate argues, tapping his foot. "We're gonna be late." 

Jack clears his throat loudly. "Yeah, alright - I get it."

Nate clears his throat back, in a mocking matter. If I wasn't so tense right now I'd probably laugh. Jack bites the inside of his cheek and walks passed Hannah and me to stand next to Nate

"Nate and I gotta get somewhere for something," Jack tells us. "We'll be back soon."

Get somewhere for something? Wow, how specific. What the fuck are they doing? Why is Jack being so secretive all the sudden? The more time that goes by the more anxious I become. We should've just booked a hotel or something. It's obvious Jack isn't as comfortable with Nate as he let out to be, and that makes me not comfortable with Nate at all. I'm sure Hannah feels the same way.

"They're not babies, G," Nate says, shaking his head. "You don't gotta tell them all that shit."

"It's okay," I defend Jack. "We don't mind knowing what's up." 

"Why's it matter?" Nate questions. "You do you and I do me - unless you wanna do me." 

With that, Jack storms out of the apartment, leaving Hannah and me alone with Nate. I'm secretly thankful because I know what Jack is like right before he loses his temper and Nate was about to push him overboard. I'm tempted to smack him upside the head but decide against it right away. He'd probably attack me. 

"I wonder what's his problem." Nate laughs.

"You," Hannah whispers, turning around and slumping down on the bed. My eyes widen. Did she really just say that? I mean, sure I was thinking it but I wouldn't say it out loud!

"We got a feisty one there don't we?" Nate winks. I fake laugh. I guess he thought she wasn't being serious. Oh if he only knew. "Well, as Jack would say - see you soon!" 

I thank God as soon as Nate shuts the apartment door behind him. Holy shit he's scary weird. 

"Hannah, what the fuck?" I groan, hopping on the bed next to her. 

"I wanted to die, I'm so happy he left," she says, pretending to pull out her hair. 

"Where were they even going?" 

"Who the hell knows, probably a strip club."

I laugh to myself, thinking about Jack going to a strip club. Not that I think he wouldn't enjoy seeing half naked women dance around, I just feel like it wouldn't be his scene. I see him as the type of guy to rent a stripper and bring her back to his house for a private show.

"Nate looked like he was about to kill Jack when he told us they were going out," Hannah says, interrupting my thoughts. If you were to tell me yesterday that this time today I'd be thinking about Jack and strippers I would've told you you're crazy.

"I thought anyone Jack was friends with would be cool," I admit, disappointed. 

"Well he sure thinks he's cool."

I wrinkle my nose. Nate Maloley is anything but cool. "I miss Sam."

"As much as I hate to confess this, I'd rather deal with Sam than that crackhead." 

I choke down a laugh. "You think Nate's a crackhead?"

"Well I don't know about the crack part, but he definitely does some sort of drug."

"You think?" I ask, rolling over onto my stomach. 

"I know."

"Do you think Jack does it with him?"

Hannah shrugs. "Maybe, or maybe he's just his dealer."

"His dealer?" I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Hey, anythings possible in New York."

I sigh and close my eyes. Hopefully finding my brother will be more of a possibility than Jack being Nate's drug dealer. 


hello everyone! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday and I'm sorry for this short chapter. I know it being summer and all makes it seem like I have all the time in the world to update but I do have plans sometimes! I've been really busy this week so hopefully next week I can update a lot more and with a lot longer and better chapters

thanks for being so patient! if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment them and don't forget to vote if you'd like!


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