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Four hours pass. Four. Hours.

I have no idea where the hell Jack and Nate went or what they were going to do but it's been four hours and I'm starting to get worried. Normal things like grocery shopping, seeing a movie, or even going out to eat shouldn't take longer than four hours. 

My eyes glance over at the clock just above the kitchen counter, it was 10:00. Hannah and I still haven't had anything to eat because Nate is literally poor. There's not a single edible food in the fridge. We would go out to eat but we don't know our way around the city and what money do we have?

"This is getting ridiculous," Hannah complains, flipping through the channels on the TV. She lays upside down on the couch, switching which arm holds the remote every five seconds. 

"They'll be back soon," I reassure her, trying to believe that statement myself. 

"You said that two hours ago," Hannah reminds me, giving up and settling on the Food Network channel. Great choice. 

I pucker my lips, taking a deep breath. "I know." I thought I had been right. Feeling around in my back pocket I pull out my phone for the hundredth time and go to my messages. I've texted Jack countless times. He hasn't answered once.

Hey it's been two hours, you guys almost home?

Ok so I'm trying to give you your space and all but three hours is a long time to be gone without hearing any word from you guys

Are you lost or something???

Are you dead in a ditch

Please don't be dead, what would I tell my mom??

Haha I'm kidding that's not the only reason why I wouldn't want you to be dead...



I'm probably annoying the shit out of you rn but Hannah and I are alone and hungry and nate has NO food whatsoever..

It's the four hour mark...do u need 911?


you're ignoring me on purpose.

You better be dead bc if you're not when you get back I'm going to kill you

Great first day in NY!! Thanks for the tour

I know I'm seriously pathetic, but what else is a person to do when someone doesn't answer their texts?

"Hannah, you've texted Jack, right?" I ask, walking over to where she is. I try desperately to ignore my growling stomach as I sit down next to her. Her hair is pooled up on the floor, cushioning her head.

"Was I supposed to?" Hannah replies, eyes wide. 

"Hannah!" I yell, smacking her knees. She laughs in response. 

"I'm kidding!" She squeals. "Of course I texted him."

"No answer?" I assume. 

"No answer."

"Well this is awesome," I say, staring at the TV screen. The pasta that some blonde woman just made sits on a porcelain white table. My stomach starts to scream. "Please change the channel."

"Right on it," Hannah says, lifting back up the remote.

*A/N, the next part will be in Jack's point of view! (Now that the story is getting deeper into the plot, there will be parts where you'll be reading from Jack's side of everything)

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