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"Sam," I start, walking over to his usual spot. "Can you drive me home?"

He looks up from the girl that's currently sitting on his lap and tilts his head to the side. "Your shifts over?" 

"Yeah," I tell him, starting to feel awkward. 

I hate having to ask him for a ride, but I don't have my permit and I don't plan on getting it anytime soon. I'm fine with cars as long as I'm not the one doing the driving. 

The girl that sits on Sam's lap eyes me up and down. I have to fight hard not to roll my eyes. It's obvious she thinks I'm trying to take Sam away from her on purpose. As if. 

"Could you maybe call Hannah? I'm sort of preoccupied." Sam's grip on the girl tightens and he gives me a look. He wants to hook up with her and that definitely won't happen if he leaves with me. I sigh, nodding my head. I really don't feel like talking to Hannah right now, I'm too tired to deal with her.

"I'll drive you." A new voice speaks. Although it's not so new considering it's the voice that always somehow ends up in all the conversations I'm having. I turn around to come face to face with Jack. 

"No thanks." I deny. "I can call somebody else." After catching Hannah and Jack together I don't particularly want anything to do with them right now, even though it would be smart for me to try and get to know Jack better. 

"Who?" He frowns.

"She'll ride with you," Sam adds, kicking me forward. I glare at him, but he's not even looking. He's smiling down at that stupid girl. 

"Fine," I mutter, storming past Jack.

I walk by myself until I reach the parking lot. I have no idea what his car looks like. 

"It's the jeep," he informs me, as if reading my mind. I secretly get excited, I love jeeps. I let him walk ahead of me and follow him to his car. As soon as he unlocks it I hop in the passenger side and throw on my seat belt. 

"So do you not have a car?" Jack asks. He starts the car and quickly pulls out of the parking lot.

"No," I respond, staring out the window. 

"Do you have a permit?"

"No," I repeat.

"Why not?"

"Shut up and take me home," I growl. "I live right on Lincoln Boulevard."

"Oh that's funny," He says, no hint of humor in his voice. "I'm not taking you home, I'm taking you out."

I furrow my eyes and finally will myself to look away from the window, and at Jack. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"We're going to get some lunch."

"You're kidding." I scoff. "You do know this counts as kidnapping, right?"

"I don't think normal people enjoy being kidnapped."

I laugh. "You think I enjoy being in the same place as you?" 


I roll my eyes and drop further down into my seat. I don't hate being with Jack, but I don't really like it. He annoys me in such a weird way that I can't even explain how I feel when I'm around him. He just confuses the hell out of me. 

We sit in silence for the next ten minutes until we pull into Wendy's - the only fast food place that I like. I'm pleasantly surprised.

He takes the key out of the ignition and turns to me. "You ready?"

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