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I wake up to the smell of bacon. That and the fact that Hannah is snoring. Taking a deep breath I sit up in the bed, turning to the clock on the nightstand. It reads 8:03 A.M. "Uh, hell no," I mutter to myself, laying back down. Who the hell in their right mind gets up before 10:00 A.M!? I never thought of Jack as the kind of person who wakes up early, then again it could be Nate, but I doubt it.

Thinking about Jack makes butterflies erupt in my stomach. What we did last night still lingers in my mind. I can't believe that actually went down. I wish it could happen again sometime soon, but I don't see that as a possibility right now. Last night seemed like a one time thing, although I wish it was more than that. With everything going on right now I don't really think Jack and I have the time to be getting mixed up in each other. We have other things to worry about, other things including my big brother. 

My brother. Shit. What would he say about Jack and me? Does he even have to know? Is there a chance I could find him today? Is that why Jack's up so early, are we going to go looking for him? With all these thoughts there's no way I'll be able to go back to sleep. 

Throwing the covers off my body I let my bare feet hit the hardwood floor. I debate whether to wake Hannah up or not for a good two minutes before deciding against it. She'd kill me. Leaning over, I set the alarm clock to ten so it wakes her up in two hours. If we are going to look for Jack then I want it to be sooner than later. She can sleep all day some other time.

Jack's humming to himself as I open up my bedroom door. It feels weird calling it mine. I know it's temporary but still.

"Good morning," I say, startling him a bit. He jumps up and lets his eyes focus in on mine. I force myself not to break the contact.

"Sleep well?" He asks, placing four strips of bacon on both of the plates that he has set in front of him. The plates are already stocked with two pieces of plain toast and a good amount of scrambled eggs. Damn, he went to town.

"Decent enough," I respond, walking into the kitchen. 

"You're wearing your clothes from last night, did you not pack anything to sleep in?" Jack points out. 

I blush, looking down at my outfit. "I got lazy," I admit.

"It happens." He shrugs and slides one of the plates filled with the delicious breakfast at me. I catch it before it goes flying off the counter. He made me food? "Nate went out to the store real early and got a bunch of food, I guess he didn't wanna hear us bitchin' all day about being hungry. The other plate's for Hannah." 

"Thank you." I smile, taking a seat on one of the stools. The stools that Jack and I made out in front of last night. My cheeks heat up. "Is this supposed to make up for you eating my egg-roll?" I taunt.

Jack grins. "Well, yeah, did it work?"

I purse my lips at him and cock an eyebrow. "Hm, I'll have to see."

The look in his eyes goes from playful to fiery in a split second. I can't tell what he's thinking and that scares me. Did I say something wrong? He doesn't look angry but he doesn't look so cheerful either. I advert my eyes to my food, picking up my fork and digging in. 


Something in me snaps when she says that she'll have to see. As if me making her breakfast isn't enough of an apology for eating her dinner. I know something else I can do to apologize but I don't think me kissing her right now would go over with her as well as it did last night, so I try to calm myself down before making a scene.

Biting my lip, I turn to the stove to start cleaning up. I take the pan and the spatula that I cooked the eggs with and throw it in the sink. Clean up done. Now what?

"This is really good," Nadia coos. I turn back around to see her nodding her head up and down. I'm glad she likes my cooking. I want her to like the things I do. I want her to like me.

"Hannah better hurry or you'll end up eating her breakfast too."

"I set her alarm for ten," Nadia says, taking a bite out of her toast.

Ten. Hannah's alarm is set for ten. Nate and I have to meet Justin and possibly Johnson at Johnny's at nine. How do I go about this? I still don't have a plan. 

"Um, you wanna look for Jack today?" I ask, knowing how she gets annoyed whenever I call him Johnson.

Nadia's face lights up. Fuck. I knew she'd say yes but still, a part of me thought I might've been able to get out of this. Don't get me wrong I want to see Johnson too and I want Nadia to see him, I just wish Justin didn't have to be involved. He's the one I don't want Nadia to see. I don't want Hannah to see him either but it's inevitable that if Nadia comes with Nate and I that Hannah will be trailing right behind.

"What time?" Nadia asks, quickly trying to scoff down the rest of her eggs and bacon. 

"Uh, nine," I say. "Nate thinks he might be at a local bar about seven minutes from here." I cringe, getting ready for Nadia to flip that her brother may be at a bar, but she doesn't even flinch.

"Okay." She reaches for my cup of water that I left on the counter and turns to face me. "May I?"

"Yeah, I drank from it though." 

I watch her drink out of it even though I just warned her that my lips have been on it and my backwash probably in it as well. I almost shit myself. 

"I'm going to get ready!" She says, jumping down off the stool. "I'll wake Hannah up, she'll be out for her food soon." With that, she skips off to her room. 

My eyes are wide and I have to close my mouth so I don't catch any flies. I know drinking out of someone's cup isn't that big of a deal but this is Nadia we're talking about. Hannah's the only person I know (other than me now I guess) that she would even think about sharing a drink with. It makes me proud to say that I am now on that list of people. It's a stupid thing to feel accomplished about but I let myself smile anyway. 

I better cherish this moment because I know the second we walk into Johnny's shit is going to go down. I have to be prepared. I have to be prepared for both me and Nadia and Johnson and maybe even Hannah. This is going to be a long day.


hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! I know I gotta make them a lil longer, I'm workin on it but for now this is what I got. feel free to comment whatever and vote if you like!


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