“Fuck you” I said almost calmly, I rarely swore at people knowing it would make things worse but to be honest, I couldn’t give a crap right now.

“I’ll handle this.” Mark walked towards me; he was now only a few inches away from me.

“So...” he said slowly “you think you’re tough.”

He swung at me, but the way he moved his shoulder gave away his move so I ducked and punched him in the stomach. A small groan came from him and in that time I knew I had just made a mistake.

“You’re a dead man” Mark said almost whispering.

1, 2 ,3 punches he threw at me, he was slow and I evaded each one of his attacks, but the 4th took me by surprise, his foot came up and thinking he was going to kick I threw my hands down to block, at the same time he punched me in the face.

“Not so tough now are you Tilyer” he sniggered.

“Grrrrrrr” I threw a punch and it was the only one i knew the name to "Uppercut" and it landed straight in the middle of his chin pushing upwards, this punch could have taken out one of his teeth, and only afterwards did I realise I growled at him.

“Did you just growl at me?” Mark smiled “Freak” he took a few steps back and put his left leg back.

What was he doing, stretching?  Mark was pretty well built and could have beaten me up now and then if I wasn’t so agile.

“Hut 1.” He shouted. Huh, I thought to myself, isn’t that used in rugby.... then it all clicked, Left foot back, 15 feet away from me, Hut one... charge. I used to do P.E with him and whenever we did rugby he useed to say hut 1, Why? i dont know, we all blamed it on video games and TV.

Mark charged at me, he had been playing rugby since he was 8 years old and I wouldn’t last a tackle from him.  As he came closer and closer I got ready for the blow but instead I stepped aside grabbing his arm and spinning him 90 degrees to his right.

Mark face planted and hit the ground at full speed.

Jack and Joe were motionless, speechless, and even a little scared.

I felt good, I felt as if I was filled with power and energy, did I just do that?

Mark got up and looked at me, his nose was broken, he lost a tooth, and was bleeding from both the nose and mouth.

“Bastard” he said as he punched me in the face. I fell to the ground and a surge or emotions flooded me, not pain, not shame, nor defeat, but power, anger, and the feeling that had flowed through me the night before.

I twisted and stood up, my vision went blurry and suddenly I couldn’t feel myself anymore.

My body went numb and I felt it twist and reshape itself. It didn’t hurt, in fact, the pain I felt kind of felt good, like I was becoming stronger. I felt like I was fainting my head went light headed and I dropped to the ground.

When I opened my eyes I didn’t see in rich colours but in shades of blue, yellow and dulled down colours.  My ears and nose were assaulted with a hundred smells and sounds.

It took me a few seconds to realise what had happened.

As I looked down at where my hands should have been, I saw paws, huge grey paws.

They were bigger than any dog paws I had ever seen. I found myself able to move my ears and I had a tail. I looked up to see Mark shaking, he seemed scared. Of course he would be, I was a wolf, well i was a guy, but a guy who shifted into a wolf, now thats scary.

The Wolf (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now