Chapter 15

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Clementine's POV

The black lines ran down my face but every time I swiped my cheek with the palm of my hand, it only reappeared. I sped through the lanes forgetting all about safety. The cars slowly became blurrier and blurrier due to the tear droplets overwhelming my eyes. I swiveled into the driveway path and tore out my keys after pushing the handle to a park. I took a kick at the car door and slammed it closed behind me. My heels clicked into the ghastly black night. "Ari open up, it's me!" I pounded on the door. When the door finally clicked to an overt path my body instantly fell instantly into her arms.

"Em! What are you doing here at midnight." I looked up from my bestfriend's arm. I closely studied her face. It was traced with worry. "Look what you've done to yourself. You need to come inside now." I was gently helped up and flopped onto the couch. I sunk into the neatly lined up pillows.

"Ari, the blonde one's a fake." I whispered into the empty living room. "The one with Simon. I still love him and she's in the way." I choked on my words.

Ari shushed my soothingly and laid a fuzzy cloth onto my body. "It's his lost," she smiled a genuine smile, "As a friend, I believe you should talk to him." Immediately I knew he wouldn't believed me. The way they looked at each other in each video they recorded together. My heart twisted vigorously. "Sleep here the night." I nodded and knew it would probably be the best idea. At first we talked about how much life sucked but soon drifted to humor and ample jokes. Soon we were passed out on the elongated couch.

With all my courage I held my hand up high and pushed a glowing button. Please be nobody home. Please. With my luck the door glided open swiftly by a rather big hand. When the door finally was overt I immediately saw his bearded face drop into either what was an angry expression or a scared. Maybe mixed together. I knew his name, it was at the tip of my tongue. He recorded with Simon back in the day.

"Is Simon here?" My voice was quiet and shaky. Relief filled Josh's face but still cautious. Josh nodded firmly and spoke out a yes.

"Come in, he should be upstairs working on some...things."

"Editing and filming? I know and you're Josh." I tried to not sound so creepy and a stalkerish fangirl who could potentially bag Josh right on the spot. "Simon and I were close friends, no worries." Josh eyed me suspiciously. Fuck. I stepped inside, removing my sandals.

"Do you need help to his room?" Josh offered help. I shook my head because I could remember where the attic was from a few weeks back. I shuddered to the thought of me drunk and provocative. I slowly stepped up the stairs and made my way up. I could feel two darts aiming at my back with each step I took. Finally I cut a corner an those darts were off. I slithered down a tight, narrow hallway leading to a room that was oh so familiar. Now, a little too familiar.

I turned the door handle slowly regretted every second. Maybe if I turn back now... The door abruptly flew open and it wasn't by me. Soon I stood face to face to who seemed now a stranger to me. A stranger I could read so perfectly. "Simon." I whispered. I could feel my eyes build up a flood but i blinked it all back and and stayed a blank expression. I tried to keep a colourless demeanour.

He looked down at me and closed his eyes and sighed. "You've changed." He spoke, breaking the silence. His voice quivered and shook. My heart dropped to my feet.

"So have you." I let out, emptying my mind, "I didn't have to do this. I just felt so insecure."

"But you're beautiful." He complemented, shifting his way in.

"Not in your eyes, Simon." I looked noticed his jaw tighten. "I came here for a reason-not too cry or kiss you." I bit my lip thinking about my next sentence, "I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to start with, I met Lily Grey."

Simon nodded bitterly, "my girlfriend?" I honestly could not tell if he was angry but he was defiantly just as surprised as I was. I nodded.


"Cheating on me? Clementine, you can't believe I'm that dumb to believe that trick. She loves me." My eyes widened.

"I saw her at the club you prick. I would never lie to you Simon." I was angry. How could he accuse me for lying?

"Fuck out of my relationship! You can no right to come in an say Lily was cheating on me!"

"You have no right for accusing me, especially since I'm RIGHT!" I had enough. Coming here was a mistake, "I'm leaving you and that plastic doll alone." I angrily charged out of his room and ran down the stairs.

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