"You don't have to tell me." Blaine said.

"I want to though. You deserve to know." Kurt said, twisting the promise ring around on his finger.

So when Kurt told Blaine everything, he didn't say anything. He listened intently. He would squeeze Kurt's hand tighter at some parts or run his fingers through Kurt's hair softly while he would be in a position where he was afraid to say something.

"I'm so damaged Blaine. I don't know if you want someone like that in your life." Kurt sighed. Blaine head tears in his eyes and he was smiling a little.

"Do you realize how brave you are?" Blaine asked.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"Kurt, you're seventeen. You've made it through everything. Some people would just give up after going through all that. And now you have me who's giving you even more problems but you still are keeping me here. And I'll stay as long as you let me." Blaine said. "You are the man I love. I wouldn't have it any other way. You are courageous and brave and amazing and beautiful. You are everything that I want and need in my life. You are strong no matter what anyone else tells you."

"So are you Blaine." Kurt said. "You are going through a ton of shit right now with your dad and us and all my problems."

"We take each other's problems." Blaine said taking his hand. "That's just us."

"We do, don't we?" Kurt smiled a little and laid his hand on Blaine's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Yeah." Blaine nodded slightly, drifting off into a deep sleep.

Carole walked by the door towards her room only to see the two boys, curled up uncomfortably on the small chair in the guest room. It was an adorable sight. You could see how much they loved each other. It was sweet.


"Blaine." Kurt shook the sleeping boy underneath him.

"Hmm?" Blaine asked, slowly opening his eyes.

"You missed your football practice." He said.

"Shit. What time is it?" Blaine asked.

"Six." Kurt said quickly.

"Oh no! I have to be at the Lopez's in twenty minutes and I'm not even dressed." Blaine said.

"You can borrow something of mine." Kurt said.

"God Kurt, you're a lifesaver." Blaine quickly kissed his cheek and ran for Kurt's room.

Kurt looked through his closet and picked out something for Blaine. A blue button up, grey vest, grey pants, and black shoes.

While Kurt was setting it on his bed Blaine was still looking through Kurt's closet and he noticed something in the back. It was something in a dress bag. Blaine grabbed it and unzipped it.

"What's this?" Blaine asked, holding up the outfit.

"You weren't suppose to see that." Kurt said, quickly grabbing it. Blue cut off jeans, black boots, white button up, red tie, and nice blue jacket.

"Kurt." Blaine laughed, watching him set it down on the bed.

"It was the outfit I wore the day I met you." Kurt sighed.

"I know. Why are you hiding it in the back of your closet?" Blaine asked.

"I forgot it was there since the day I put it there. It smelt like you. I didn't want to forget that. I knew that we'd probably never be together so just having that was... Nice." Kurt said nervously.

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