Chapter 28

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Im currently scrolling through my Instagram feed, waiting for Lucas to head to the airport. Between the two of us, Lucas takes the longest in getting ready. Honestly I dont see what takes him so long. Every time he has to go to a meeting, he dresses the same. A suit and tie type look with his hair gelled. Alex and I are seated in the back of the range rover and Mia in the passenger seat. Finally, I see Lucas step out of the house and put on his sunglasses. Just as I expected he was in suit and tie but I think I look better than him. Not to be cocky or anything.

(Outfit Below tell me what you think)

"Lucas what the hell takes you so long to get ready?" I demanded as he entered the vehicle and started the engine.

"It takes time to look this great Sera." He said pulling out of the driveway and onto the road.

"Jeez you can make me a sandwich with all this bologna. " I said rolling my eyes. I heard a stifle laugh from my right and knew exactly who it was.

"Your just jealous. " He said looking into the rearview mirror at himself. I scoffed. I went back to my phone when I felt a hand land on my bare thigh. I looked up at a smirking Alex. Lucas was too busy talking to Mia about the baby to notice Alexs roaming hands.

'Knock it off 'I mouth to him. His smirk seems to grow even wider than usual. He starts to rub his thumb in a circular motion.

"Hey Alex I know you have a thing for my sister but can you do me a favor and stop groping her in my presence." Lucas said looking at us through the rearview mirror. I stared at Lucas in shock and then turned to Alex seeing the same expression.

"You know? You know that we are together?" I asked shocked

"Yeah I know about you guys. Its kind of hard to miss the touching and sneaking around the house." He said laughing.

"So you are okay with us? Seeing each other? "Alex asked.

"Yeah man I prefer you over that other dipshit she dated but if you hurt her Im coming for you. I may be a good friend to have but I am also an excellent enemy. Dont fuck this up." He said seriously. Alex grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"I wont. I promise to take care of her." Alex said caressing my hand.

"Great now that we got that all cleared up does anybody want anything from McDonalds?" Lucas said turning into the McDonalds drive thru.

"McDonalds? We literally just ate breakfast 45 minutes go." I said suddenly craving a frozen strawberry lemonade.

"Sorry guys but the baby is craving fries dipped in an Oreo blizzard." Mia said rubbing her small bump. Her bump is so small that it is barely noticeable.

"In that case I would like a large frozen strawberry lemonade and a cookie. "I said

"Oh me to but make it a dozen chocolate chip cookies." Mia said obviously liking the sound of McDonalds famous cookies. Lucas and Alex looked at Mia with shocked eyes.


We got right into the meeting once we arrived at one of my dads companies. The meeting room was filled with twenty tatted, scruffy, bad ass looking men. Granted I knew most of them since I was a little girl and I look at them as uncles. On the fourth of July, my dad hosts a gang barbeque in the backyard of my house. Every member that works for my dad is invited including their families. My mom and I would plan and prep the array of food in the early hours of the morning and it would be ready to eat my four in the afternoon when most of the guest arrived. Children would play on the playground, teenagers would enjoy a game of soccer and adults would laugh and play cards. Finally, around 8 we all gather around the street to see my idiot brother fire up fireworks that were probably not legal in California. Nevertheless, we enjoyed each others company like a real family should. The happy and laughing faces that I once at that barbeque were wiped away and replaced with confused and angry expressions. Every man had a file in hand looking through it. Alex and I sat at in two empty chairs clearly designated for us and Lucas stood at the head chair where my dad usually sat.

"Hello gentlemen as you all know my dad is missing which is a rarity. The Kennedy airport says that he arrived in Portland at 7:35pm but never arrived at the hotel. " Lucas stated looking down at one of the papers. I reached onto the table and grabbed the one reserved for me.

"What about his cell phone records?" A raspy voice boomed through the room. I recognized him as Uncle Freddy who gave me my first gun when I was 13.

"I had CJ ring those up and his last call was at 7:45 to the Yellow Cab taxi service. We checked the surveillance of the airport and it clearly shows him getting in the cab at 8:15pm." Lucas says showing a picture of dad hoping into the cab on the projector screen. CJ is one of the best hackers that works for my dad. When my brother was younger he would ask CJ to hack into the school website to change his failing grades.

"So where exactly did he go missing?" One of the men ask. This time I didnt recognize him at all. He must have been one of the new recruits that my dad hired recently.

"Thats it after 8:15 we lose him." Lucas said rubbing his forehead. A habit he does when he is frustrated.

"What about the taxi service? Do you know who was driving that night?" a voice questions

"What about the street cams? Did you check those?" Another voice questions. More people voice their questions and moments after that there is angry men shouting to be heard. Men who arent arguing try to calm others but its not working. I turn to look at Lucas but he looks lost. I know he wants to earn the respect of these men because he is next in line to be the leader but he needs to know when to step up and grow some balls. I guess I will be the one with the balls today. I step up on my chair standing and whistling so loud that it grabs every mans attention. Ha hows that whistle dad.

"Everybody sit down and shut the hell up." I demand with a strong voice and confident stance that dad taught me how to do when I turned 15. Everybody sat back down and waited for further instructions.

"For grown men who build companies from the ground up, you guys are a bunch of idiots. Instead of trying to figure out why my dad is missing one step at a time, you are screaming at each other." I said in a firmer tone. Some men looked amused at my actions and others glared in my direction. However, I didnt miss the glare Alex was making at those men. The meeting continued but with no new of finding my dad without all the information. We had to wait until CJ recovered information and pictures from the street cams and taxi services. I know CJ is trying his hardest and although he is the best hacker, he also has to be careful of not getting caught by the government. My hope takes a small bruise as we leave my dads company without an idea of getting him back.


Hey guys as I told you I will be updating more often so here you go!!! I love the song above. Seraphina's outfit above.

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