Chapter 22

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You guys have been asking to change Alex so this is what he looks like now..he is so hot!!

Recap: "Sera?"

"Yea Mel?" I said as I looked down at her.

"Why is that guy staring at you?" She said

"What guy?" I said looking around the store.

"He isn't inside the store. He's out there. He's been standing there for awhile now just staring. He's creepy." She said pointing to a man who was indeed just watching me intently. I knew this could not be good.

I stared at the man that was wearing all black.

"Mel where is Alex?" I asked her.

"he is over there." She said as she pointed to the corner where he was standing.

"C'mon" I said as I grabbed a hold of her hand and walked over to Alex.

"Alex?" I said putting my hand on his shoulders causing him to turn around.

"What?" He said.

"There is a guy staring at us outside of the store."

"Where?" He said looking around until his eyes stopped on the man.

"I'm going to go talk to him." He said as he started walking. I stopped him by pulling his hand. You could feel all his muscles tense up.

"What? No you can't just approach him like that. He could be dangerous and you can't make a scene in public." I said trying to knock some sense into him. I felt tugging on my hand and I looked down.

"Sera I'm scared." She said as she hid behind me. I knelt down so we were at eye level.

"Don't be. Alex is here to protect us and we will be home soon." I stood up and turned to Alex who was still looking at the guy.

"Just get us out of here." I said to him.

"I don't think it's going to be that easy."

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because he is not alone." He said staring at the guy but this time eight men stood behind him. They started walking towards the store that we were in.
"Go to the back of the store now." Alex demanded. We ran to the back of the store and the customers gave us strange looks. They started getting closer and I saw that they had guns in their hands. Alex didn't wait and took out his gun from the belt on his waist. I dug through my purse looking for my pocket knife that I keep in case of emergencies. And this was definitely an emergency.

As soon as Alex raised his gun, the other men started shooting. People screamed and tried to get out of the store. I felt Melanie start to cry. She has never been anywhere near guns or in an attack. No doubt she was scared. Alex was rapidly shooting hitting some of the men. Melanie and I crawled on the floor ,while Alex kept shooting. Bullet holes were all over the walls, innocent people dead on floor.

Alex soon ran out of ammo with three bad guys shooting at him. He had to resort to fighting. I knew he needed help and I had the perfect plan. I looked over to Melanie and she was still crying.

"Mel do you know how you hide in between clothes and mom gets really mad because she can never find you?" I asked. She was too scared to say anything and she simply nodded.

"Okay I need you to be the best hider right now?"

"You want me to hide?" She blubbered in between her tears.

"Yes and don't come out till I tell you alright?" I demanded.

"Sera I'm scared."

"I know you are but you will be fine if you hide okay? Go hide." I said as she hid a nearby clothes rack that held long dresses. Perfect. I walked around the store so the guys back was faced to me. I saw Alex fighting two guys while another was preparing to shoot. I ran up to him and stabbed him in the neck. He dropped his gun to try and get the knife out. He struggled to turn around but I tripped him and he fell on his back. I got on top of him and choked him until his struggling stopped. He was now unconscious on the floor. I grabbed my knife from his neck and cleaned the blood on his shirt. I picked up the gun he dropped and aimed at one of the men that was fighting Alex. He fell down holding onto his chest. As I reached down to take his gun, I saw a tattoo on his wrist 'WB'. The Weight brothers I knew they would be a part of this. I looked over to see Alex choking the other guy and he went unconscious like his partner. People around us were still screaming and running around the stores. We could hear sirens in the distance.

"Where is Melanie?" Alex asked as he looked around the store with panic clearly written on his face.

"I told her to hide. She is over there by the dress rack." I said as he walked over there. You could here her crying and whimpering. Alex moved the dresses out of the way and you could see he sitting down with tears running down her face. As soon as she saw Alex she fan into his arms crying into his shoulders.
"I-is it over?" She cried.

"Yea" he said running his hand up and down her back trying to calm her down. He turned to look at me.

"We need to get out of here soon unless we want to explain this to the police." He said as we started walking out of the store and into our car. Alex put a crying Melanie in the back seat and drove us home. The whole car ride was filled with Melanie's silent crying.

As soon as we arrived home Melanie ran inside right into Catherine's arms. We walked inside and closed the door behind us. Catherine gave us a panicked look as she hugged the crying little girl.

"What happened?" Catherine asked as we sat down on the couch in the living room.

"We were attacked at the Nike outlet." Alex said.

"Oh my god are you guys okay?" She said as she checked Melanie then looked at us.

"Yes we are fine, but I would like to speak to Lucas is he here?" Alex asked.

"No Lucas and Mia went to Bakersfield and won't be back till late." She said.

"Alright I'll just talk to him tomorrow." Alex said.

"Dinner will be ready in a few hours so why don't you guys go rest in the mean time." She said as she took Melanie upstairs to calm her down. I stood up and turned to look at Alex.

"I'm going to take a much needed nap." I said. He simply nodded and I headed upstairs toward my bedroom.

Four hours later

I awoke from my peaceful slumber to hear voices downstairs. I reached to take my iPhone from my back pocket. It read 4:56pm. Felecity's birthday dinner should be starting soon. I opened my door and walked down the stairs. The noise was coming from the living room. Everybody was here except for Mia and Lucas. People were just congratulating Felecity on her turning 16. There was a table next to the door stacked with presents. Catherine saw me from across the room and walked over.

"I'm so glad you are awake. Felecity's birthday dinner is about to start." She said. I nodded and looked for a small child that was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Melanie?" I asked.

"She ate early and fell asleep. The whole attack really scared her."

"Oh maybe I should go check on her." I said as I started going back up the stairs.

"No she is fine, we are about to start dinner. Let's go." She said as she held my arm. She let go and yelled that we were about to start dinner and for everybody to go head to the dining room.

We sat around the 18 seated dining room table. We usually just eat in the kitchen but when there is big dinner events we use the dining room table. I was seated in between Alex Amethyst. We were all talking amongst each other as Mom brought out the food one by one with the help of some of the boys. As soon as all the food was out we joined hands to say grace. Mom started

"We thank God for the f-." She was interrupted by the doorbell ringing throughout the house.

"I'll get it. I was expecting one more person." She said as she left the kitchen.

"Who?" I said as I stood up. She was gone for a few minutes before she came back with the worst person she could ever invite.

"Starting the party without me eh?"


I would have updated sooner but I had no more data left.

70 votes for another update.

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