I'm sorry Bodyguard?

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Love the song above❤ Let me know what you think of Alexander.

"I'm sorry maybe I didn't here you right, did you say bodyguard?" I questioned hoping he didnt say what I think he said.

"No Sera, You heard right, you all have your own bodyguards. Amethyst, Damien will be your bodyguard, Derek is Neveha's, and Felecity your bodyguard Aiden is flying in from London he should be here tomorrow." Lucas explained.

"Lucas why the hell do we need bodyguards?"

"The Wright Brothers and their gang is threatning to take us and our gang down" Lucas explained.

"Wait how do you know that it is the wright brothers?" I asked.

"The bullet that went through the car window had WB trademark obvioulsy it was them." He said taking out the bullet from his desk.

"Why don't tou contact Dad and ask him for help?" Felecity questioned as she sat down on one of the black lounge chairs.

"Well I tried contacting him but he is not answering his phone. The members we have in Portland that dad never showed up for the meetings "

"So he's missing?" Felecity answered again.

"Yes and If worst comes to worst we have the 75 members here in L.A. and since you and Amethyst have already been attacked, I decided that you will all have a bodyguard." Lucas said

"I don't need a bodyguard I can take care of myself no offense pretty boy." I exclaimed at Alexander.

"None taken princess Im just doing my job. It wasn't my idea to take care of a whiny brat." He said as he shrugged. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I'm not whiny I just think I can take care of myself and I dont need a babysitter." I said.

"Plus I don't even know this guy, how am I supposed to be with him following me 24/7?"

"Alexander is dads third in command, he has been working with our gang for eight years, he knows how to fight and he will be protecting you from now on and no arguements Seraphina." Lucas said with a stern voice.

"Fine what about Prom its in two weeks?" Amethyst questioned.

"They will have to go with you, think of them as your dates." Lucas said smiling.

"Now Amethyst and Felecity your bodyguards will be teaching you how to fight since you guys are new at this. You can not go anywhere with out your bodyguard." Lucas continued. I stayed quiet thinking how this can not be happening to me.

"Alexander will be sleeping in the room across from you, meeting is over." Everybody left his office , me being the last one. I absolutely hate the idea of having a bodyguard. I can take care of myself.

"Seraphina" I heard as I was beginning to walk up the stairs.

"What?" I said turning to look at Lucas a few feet away from me.

"We have a meeting tomorrow at 9 with the rest of the gang."


"Oh and you will be riding with Alexander." I rolled my eyes..

"So he is my chaueffer and my babysitter this day just keeps getting better and better." I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air. I didn't want to deal with this right now, so I just walked up to my room.I layed backwards wondering how I'am going to deal with a handsome snarky guy watching me everyday.
Hey guys this one is a little shorter than the last chapter.Sorry guys

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