Chapter 20

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"Well miss Mia you are definitely pregnant."


Mia sat there, still not saying anything I can't imagine how she was feeling. Knowing that she is going to be a mom. Knowing that she has a human being growing inside. Knowing that she has to tell Lucas. Knowing that her baby's father is the next gangleader.

Of course that was not my job to tell her all those things. My job as a friend, as a sister is to support her. To tell her that everything is going to be okay. That she will love motherhood and her baby. The only problem is if she will listen.

The room was dead silent and Mia was staring at the wall in front of her as if it was so interesting. The doctor looked at Mia then at me. You could tell he was confused.

"Could you give us a moment doctor?" I said.

"Of course." He said leaving the room. When the door shut behind him I got up and sat next to Mia. I held her hand between mine.

"Mia are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm going to be a mom." She said in a hushed tone.
"Yes you are. How do you feel about that?" I asked.

"Happy and scared."


"Seraphina I'm going to be a mom. I've never had a mother figure in my life. How do I know if I am doing it right." She asked

"Mia you will learn along the way. Do you think every woman knows how to be a mother. They learn, if it's not from books it's from watching other people. You will do just fine and if not you have all of us to help you." I explained and she nodded.

"I need to tell Lucas." She said.

"Okay I guess it's time to go home." I said standing up and stretching out my arm. She stood up and walked toward me. I hugged her as we walked out together. Mia went to sign herself out. I walked over to the waiting room where Alex was reading a child's book to Mel who was sitting on his lap. Honestly it had to be the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I took out my phone and snapped a picture. I walked up to them and Alex stopped reading.

"Sera do you have a dollar?" Mel asked looking up at me.

"Yea what for?" I said pulling out a straight dollar bill and handing it to the giggling little girl in front of me.

"There is a vending machine at the end of the hall and I want a snack." She said running away. I laughed lightly and turned to Alex.

"So Mia is pregnant and she wants to talk to Lucas but first we have to take Mel to ballet."

"Alright let's go." He said as we walked toward the exit and to his car. Mel in front of us and Mia following close behind.

We drove to Sayra's Dance Academy and parked the car.

"Alex can you take me inside?" He looked at me and I nodded as if saying that I would be fine alone with Mia. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for Mel to come out. He carried her with one arm while the other held her small gym bag. Mel has really surprised me. She usually doesn't any man with tattoos. She was always scared of the other gang members but with Alex she felt comfortable. She would sit on his lap. she wants him to take her to ballet. She thinks we would make a good couple.

"How do you think Lucas will react?" Mia said out of nowhere.

"Suprise no doubt." I said knowing fully well how my brother is.

"Do you think he will be upset?" She asked. I sat there and thought.

"I don't think so." I answered.

"Let's hope not."

Five minutes later Alex came out and drove us home. The car ride was silent so I turned on the radio. One of my favorite songs, Again by Fetty Wap. I turned up the music so high we wouldnt be able to hear each other.

I want you to be mine again, baby
I know my lifestyle is driving you crazy
I cannot see myself without you
We call them fans though, girl you know how we do
I go out of my way to please you
I go out of my way to see you
And I want you to be mine again baby
I know my lifestyle is driving you crazy
But, I cannot see myself without you
We call them fans though, girl you know how we do
I go out of my way to please you
I go out of the way to see you
I ain’t playing no games, I need you.

After the chorus, Alex turned down the music all the way down.

"Hey! That was fetty WAP!"

"Fetty what!" Alex said confused.

"Fetty Wap he is a rapper. One of the top ten best rappers."

"I've never heard of him." He said. I stared at him in shock. Everybody who is everybody knows who Fetty Wap is.

"Have you been living under a rock. What artists do you listen to?"

"I don't really listen to music." He said shrugging his shoulders looking at the road ahead. I stared at him again in shock.

"When we get home I'm making you listen to all of my songs." I said as I looked at him. He smiled.

We arrived and walked inside the house. It was quiet except for someone typing on a computer which I assumed was Lucas. Catherine is usually at yoga around this time. Felecity and Aiden went to go help Derek and Neveha move into a house a couple streets away. They decided to move here to be close to family.

"I'm going to talk to Lucas." Mia said

"We will be upstairs." I said nodding my hand and dragging Alex by the hand upstairs. We headed upstairs and into my room.

"Why are we in your room?" Alex said as I let go of his hand.

"We are going to listen to my music and play Call of Duty."

"I played Call of Duty with Aiden and I whooped his ass."

"Well I'm a pro, so don't cry when I beat your ass." I winked.

I set up the TV to play Call of Duty. We played for three hours before we got hungry and ordered Chinese. I didn't see Mia or Lucas for the rest of the day. After we were done eating we laid on my bed listening to music. I had one ear bud and he had the other.

We must have laid there for hours. We didn't say anything just enjoyed each other's presence and the sound of music coming from my phone. The bright sun that once peeked through my curtains were now replaced with the moon's glare. I could faintly hear Catherine cooking and the pitter patter of Melanie's feet running across the floorboard. I would assume that Felecity and Aiden spent the night at Neveha's house because I didn't hear them come back. I could hear Catherine sending Mel to bed before she later went to bed. The only people I didn't hear was Mia and Lucas. I would hope that he took the news well. Mia would probably let me know tomorrow.

I heard snoring and I knew Alex had fallen asleep. I turned over so I was facing the side of his head. You could see the stubble of hair that was forming on his chin and cheek. The brown roots on his head were peaking from his blonde streaks. His lips were pink and plump that lifted when he smiled. Which isn't very often. I couldn't believe it myself that I was slowly falling in love with my bodyguard.
I soon fell asleep with a smile on my face.

A bit longer than usual because you guys deserve it.
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