Chapter 13

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"Sweetheart I know your name is not Anna." He said grabbing my hips and holding them really tight.

"What? My name is Anna Marie." I said. who does he think I am.

"No its not. I know your name is Seraphina Delmonte daughter of the Gangleader." He said and I froze in place.

"I also know that outside of the club your brother is waiting for me." He said drinking his whiskey. How could he know who I am or what we were going to do. At that moment I didn't know what to do or say.

"So we are going to go out the back of the club where the car is waiting and if you don't listen there will be serious consequences. Alright?" He asked. He picked me up from his lap so we were both standing up.

"I've got one thing to say to you. (Pause) suck my dick." I said kneeing him in the balls. He fell to the floor groaning in pain. I ran towards Alex and dragged him to the front of the club.

"It's time to go."

"What about the guy?" He said and I looked back at David. He was slowly getting back up.

"He knows." That is all I needed to say for him to get what I'm saying. We raced to the front of the club but stopped when we saw a little army of men stand in front of the entrance.

"We are going to have to go out the back." Alex said.

"We can't go out the back his men are waiting there too. C'mon we will have to go to the roof top and climb down ladder on the side."

We ran up the stairs to the roof top with David's men hot on our tail. I closed the door and put an old chair underneath the door knob to buy us more time.

"They are really close. If we climb down they will catch up with us."

"We need to jump." Alex said.

"Jump? Jump where?" I exclaimed.

"There is a dumpster next to ladder we need to jump ready?"

"Not really."

"You need to go first." He said. The door was kicked and it broke. David's men came running after us. Alex wrapped his arms around my waist and together we jumped into the dumpster. Alex lying on his back and me on his stomach.

"Let's get to the car. Hurry!" Be yelled. We climbed out and ran to the front of the club. My car was only a couple feet away and so were the army of men after us. Amethyst and Damien saw what was going on and hopped in the backseat of the car.

"Your driving" Alex said throwing me the keys at me . I went around the car and sat in the driver's seat. Alex in the passenger seat with a gun in his hand. I turned to look at Damien and he had one as well

"Where did you guys get that?"

"Don't worry about it just drive they are coming." Damien yelled. I started the engine and drove out of parking lot into the highway.

"Call Lucas tell him what going on." I said to Amethyst. I drove for a couple more minutes before a bullet pierced through my side mirror. Amethyst screamed and I tried to crouch down while still driving.

"Amethyst get down!" Damien barked. She did as she was told while still trying to call Lucas.

"Seraphina, Lucas wants to talk to you." She said stretching out the phone with her hand. I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear.

"Now is not a good time." I said with one hand on the wheel and the other holding the phone. I made a sharp turn but the guys were still tailgating me.

"Well make time. Listen you have been in a car chase before. Call me when your done."

"You've got to be kidding me." I said into the phone. I swerved because David's men just hit me from behind.

"No I'm not. How many cars are chasing you?"


"Are Alex and Damien there?" Another bullet went flying through the back windshield. Making glass shatter everywhere. Alex and Damien sent bullets towards the men's car. Shattering every window.


"See it can't be that hard. Call me later."  He said hanging up. I can't believe he just hung up on me. He is so going to get it when I get home. I handed the phone back to Amethyst.

"What did he say?"

"He basically said to figure it out ourselves."

"We are so dead." Amethyst said. While we were hit from the back of my car again.

"No we are not." They are so going to get for hitting my car.

"Hold on tight." I stepped hard on the break causing all of us to jerk forward. David's car slamming into mine. I pressed on the gas and drove off as fast as I could. To make sure we lost them completely I turned on many different random streets. I didn't even notice I was going at a speed of 95 miles per hour until I heard the most annoying sirens from behind my car.

"Ugh not again." I mumbled pulling over to the side of the road and parking it.

"What do you mean again?"  Alex said.

"Seraphina got pulled over a couple weeks ago for speeding and she got a ticket." Amethyst answered for me.

"I wasn't speeding, I was just in a hurry to get somewhere." I said defending myself.

"Same thing"

"Whatever." I said as the officer knocked on the window with the flashlight in his hand. I couldn't really see his face because of the light.

I rolled down the window and covered my eyes from the blinding lights.

"It's so nice to see you twice in less than a month Seraphina."
Not the best but here you go.

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