Chapter 19

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"OK Seraphina I can't hide anything from you but what I'm about to say can not be repeated alright?"/

" jeez alright your scaring me just say it."

"I think I maybe pregnant."


"Well I'm not sure. I haven't been to the doctors yet." She said as she finished her fries.

"Have you told my brother yet?"

"No I don't want to tell him until I know for sure." She exclaimed.

"Well when are you going to the doctor?" I asked

"I don't know. Lucas and I are pretty attached we don't go anywhere without each other."

"Well guess what Mia? We are going tomorrow bright and early to figure out if I'm going to be an aunt."

"What about Lucas?"

"I'll tell him that we are going to the doctor for my next birth control shot and I don't want to go alone. He gets grossed out when I tell him stuff like that."

"I'm scared Seraphina. What if I am pregnant. Lucas already has so much on his plate with him being next in line. If a baby is added he might freak out."

"Hey don't worry about it. Lucas loves kids. You see the way he is with Melanie you will be an ama - what are you guys doing?" Alex interrupted while flipping on the kitchen light.

"Umm we are just talking." I said.

"At 12:56 in the morning." He said looking at his watch.

"Yes and Mia has an appointment tomorrow and I'm going with her." I said.

"Alright what time tomorrow?" He said running his fingers through his blonde hair. His eyes are so dreamy like the color of the blue sky. Wait hold up did I just say that. Snap out of it.


"Okay I'm going to bed goodnight."

"Yea we are too. Goodnight" I said as Mia put away the ice cream and walking up the stairs.

Mia walked to the room she shares with Lucas , opened the door and said goodnight before leaving me in the dark hallway.

I opened the door to my room and took off my shirt leaving me in only my bra and short shorts because it was getting hot in my room. I  layed on my bed and waited for sleep to engulf me.


The alarm I set up for myself to wake up for the appointment blared through my ears. I picked up the alarm and threw it at the wall. I threw the covers off my body and stood up stretching. My door suddenly opened and there stood a smirking Alex.

"Nice bra."

"Get out." I said throwing a pillow at him.

"What no thank you for the compliment I just gave you."

"Oh my god get the hell out of my room." I said walking toward him and pushing him out the door.

"I just wanted to tell you we are leaving in ten minutes!." He yelled from the other side of the door. His laugh descended which means he left. I quickly changed in an L.A shirt, high waisted leather skinny pants and some Timberland's.

I walked downstairs to find Lucas, Mia and Alex in the kitchen.

"So Lucas I have to go get my next birth control shot is it OK if Mia goes with me?"

"Umm yea OK she can go." He said. I could tell that he was uncomfortable by the way he was trying not to make eye contact with me. I don't really need birth control but I use it so it regulates my period.

"Okay well we are leaving now bye."

"Wait will you take Melanie with you today I'm having a few members over to discuss things and you know how scared she is of them."

"Okay." I said

"And don't forget she has ballet at 11:30." He said.

"OK ill take her after my appointment." I said walking out of the kitchen and into the living room where Melanie sat playing with dolls and watching spongebob.

"Melanie let's go." I said to her while Alex walked out the door with his keys.

" where are we going?"

"We are going to the doctors and then to your ballet class. So make sure you take your ballet bag with you."

"Okay I'll go get it. It's upstairs in my room." She said running up the stairs.

"I'll wait for her you go ahead and get in the car." Mia said opening the door for me. I nodded and walked out towards the driveway where Alex sat in his car. I opened the car door and sat down in the passenger seat.

"Mia and Melanie will be here any minute." I said opening my purse to get my mini mirror and light brown lipstick.

"Alright why did you tell Lucas that it was your appointment when its really Mia's?" He said while I applied the lipstick.

"Look I'm going to tell you because my dad trusts you which means I do to." I said and he waited for me to continue.

"Mia thinks she is pregnant and she wants me to go with her to the doctors to check. Also Lucas doesn't know so keep your mouth shut." I said putting my lipstick away.

"But why doesn't she just tell him. He has a part in this too." He said.

"Look Mia and Mel are walking out of the house I'll have to tell you later." I said as Mia and Mel entered the car.

"Alright let's go."

After we arrived at the clinic they made Alex and Melanie wait in the waiting room while Mia and I sat in this ugly yellow room waiting for the doctor. I sat in a lounge chair and Mia sat on the patient bed. They already checked her and are now running the tests. The doctor came into the room with papers on his clipboard.

"Well miss Mia you are definitely pregnant."

It's short but you guys wanted an update... ;) her you go...
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