20 | Careless Me

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"Who are you?" The group of guys turned around and crowded who I thought was Gray-sama.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard his voice project over the group, despite not being able to see him.

"I'm..." I hesitated, "Juvia, is alright." Even if I wasn't, I had to take this into my own hands.

"Are you really?" He questioned.

With a pout, I tugged my arm back and grabbed the guy's attention, "please let Juvia go." I demanded. "I won't say it again."

"Hey, hey. Don't be like that." He met my gaze.

"Unhand me, this instant!" I exclaimed.

"You heard her." The man said. "Let her go."

"Tsk. Bitch." The shirtless man threw me on the ground and spit near my foot.

"Hey!" The guys dispersed all numerous directions and I realized that the one who ran up to me was Lyon! Though, a sharp pain zapped through my arm. The

"Are you okay?" Lyon helped me up.

"Hey, where do you think your going?" I heard another voice and this time I knew who's voice that belonged to.
"I'll be right back." Lyon patted my back. "Shall we Gray?" He cracked his knuckles.

I knew what was going to happen next and I closed my eyes during the whole fight... I was confident that Gray-sama and Lyon would win but... Those were older guys.

"Hey, are you hurt?"
I opened my eyes and saw Gray-sama in front of me. "J-juvia is fine!" I assured. Looking over I saw those two guys lifeless on the ground.

"They won't be moving for awhile." Lyon pointed out, then reached out and grabbed my arm, "are you okay, Juvia?"
"J-juvia is fine!"
"That's good."
Spontaneously, Lyon shoved Gray-sama back.
"Wait-" I tried to stop them.
"You were with her today weren't you?! Why weren't you there to protect her?!" He shouted.
"Lyon-sama it's my fault-"
"No it's not! If Gray was with you, he would of sticked close to you, you know that everyone is vulnerable at the amusement parks."
Then he darted his eye at Gray-sama again, "so? Say something!"

"Juvia I'm sorry." Gray-sama apologized and a part of me ached from that apology. It was my fault that I let those girls get to me. It's was my fault that I went off by myself.
"Oh, hey Chelia, sorry about that."
"Come on! The others are waiting."
Then, Chelia noticed and smiled, "What's up? You guys together?"
"Y-yes." I answered.

Chelia looked at Lyon's expression and asked, "what's wrong? You seem...weird."
"No, it's nothing." Lyon lastly looked at Gray and clicked his tongue. "See yah, bye Juvia"
"B-bye! Thanks again." I said.
"Bye." Lyon smiled so blissfully and left and I stood next to Gray-sama, he didn't speak and just began to walk.

"Let's back to the others." He voice was shallow with no feeling, just like the time he had ignored me. I didn't want this, I want things to go back to normal.

"Gray-sama!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I broke through our wall and he turned around, his expression was now wide awake and on me.
"It was Juvia's fault for running off. Gray-sama, please don't fret over this, okay? Juvia is fine." I assured.

He stood there and sighed, a simple smile came across his face. Then, he went back to that poker face of his.
"That's not the problem."
"Then what?"
"I should of left those girls."
"Uhm, no Juvia doesn't want you to be mean to those girls. You were just being considerate, nothing more nothing less. Juvia was the one that got jealous." I confessed, then I realized I just said that I was jealous...
"Jealous? You?" He chuckled.
"T-that's not what I mean-"
"No, no. It's fine."
"Hmph! Listen to me Gray-sama."
The sun had begun to set with its umbrae colors fading from light blue to pink to a yellowish hue.
"They should be here." Juvia looked at her phone and wondered where the others were.
"Maybe they had too much fun." Gray thought.

In the distance, they saw Gajeel and Levy holding hands as they walked towards them. Levy lit up and threw herself into Juvia when they saw each other.
"Did you have fun?" Juvia asked.
"Yes! It was really fun!" Levy laughed.
"How did it go?" Said Gajeel.
"Complications but, it was good." Gray answered.
"Huh..? Where's Lu-chan?" Levy scanned.
"Ah! Juvia sees them!" He waved her arm, "Over here!"
When they walked over, they were holding hands as well. The aura around them was loose and romantically suffocating.
"Hmmmm?" Levy smiled so creepily, "You guys good?"
"Yeah!" Natsu smiled brilliantly, "it's all good."
"Juvia is glad that everything worked out!"
"You guys planned this, didn't you?" Lucy raised a brow, "you guys tricked me."
"We just wanted you to stop this silly fight." Levy pointed out, "hopefully, you're trust in each other are stronger than ever."

After a few minutes of teasing back and forth, Gray had finally broke in and announced the end of the fun, it was time to leave. Nearing the gate, a voice spoke out from behind them.
They turned around and Lucy's face became pale and held her grip on Natsu's hands.
"Lisanna?" Natsu said as everyone else had become stiff.
"Hey Natsu!"

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