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Down-Blink 182

~5 years later~

"Charlotte come on you're going to be late!" I shout upstairs as faint footsteps make their way down the stairs, you see this year she's decided she prefers the name Charlotte rather than Charlie because it's more 'mature'. "do I look okay?" She asks while patting down her grey skirt. "You look so grown up!" I smile pulling her in for a hug only to be pushed away "I don't I look like an idiot." She huffs, Charlottes starting secondary school today, and she's not very happy with the long, baggy grey skirts and the oversized jumpers that make up her uniform. "You don't, come on let's take you to your new school!" I squeal. We still live in the north but I moved away from the countryside because Charlotte said she preferred the buzz of the city. It took a lot of persuasion but last year we moved in an apartment and she loves it.

"Good luck kiddo." I smile pecking her head "thanks mum, I'll see you after right?" She sighs "of course" I smile as she gets out and waves. Gosh she's so independent now where did little Charlie go? She's actually so grown up for her years, she thinks like a 15 year old rather than an 11 year old. I hope she has a better first day at secondary school than I did, that's for sure.

On the way home I turn up the music as I start belting the lyrics to the song.
After it finishes the celebrity news comes on which I turn down lower because I'm simply not interested. "So today we have actually got a big bit of news, Luke Hemmings, the frontman of 5 seconds of summer and his long time partner of 13 years, have separated." The news reporter says, making my heart stop. No Luke never came to see me or Char after that night. Which is still a dick move. But he has been raising his child in LA or whatever. And got back with Olivia to portray themselves as the perfect family. They aren't. That's for sure.
And this now proves it. I hope he's unhappy because he deserves it.
"Also 5 seconds of Summer are in Manchester today actually, promoting their new album." The reporter continued. Shit.

I quickly drive home and sit down thinking. What if he's looking for us? No he doesn't care otherwise he'd have been back by now.

I lounge about for a bit watching Netflix when I realise, I haven't done the weekly shop this week. Great I'm gonna have to leave my abode. I get up and just put my brown ankle boots on, grab my keys and purse and leave.

"Okay" I sigh while travelling around the sweets aisle, I've nearly finished now but I'm gonna get some sweets for Charlotte and I to have while watching a film tonight. "Minstrels, aero, munchies, oh twirls!" I smile as I pick up a packet of twirls and then go for some fizzy cola laces and Doritos.

I start to make my way to the check out when someone walks right into me, making me lose my balance a bit "oi what do you think your doing?" I spit impatiently "oh sorry" he stutters a bit as I look round him there are 3 other lads giggling. "Be careful next time" I say sternly while continuing walking. "Hey!" He shouts "I recognise you" he grabs my arm so I'm face to face with him. "Sorry you're mistaken because I don't recognise you." I sigh checking the time as I need to pick Charlotte up in 15 minutes. "I know who you are now!" He chuckles "really?" I growl impatiently "yep, Luke come here" my eyes widen, no no no "it's Marie" he smiles as both mine and Luke's mouths drop "h-hi" he waves "hi, I need to go." I say rushing off to pay.

After paying I quickly make it to my car, putting all my shopping in. Luckily they weren't in sight but knowing them they'll pop up somewhere.

I drove at like 60 mph to get here on time and luckily I had 5 minutes to spear, so I'm really just tapping the wheel softly to nana by the 1975 then someone taps the window, I look around and see the devil himself outside my window. "Can you let me in?" He pleads while I shake my head "please Marie.. I need to explain myself" I sigh and unlock the door. "Hi" he says while getting in "yea" I sigh . "Who are you waiting for?" He asks curious "Charlotte." I quickly say as he frowns "you mean Charlie?" "No I mean Charlotte, she prefers that.. But you wouldn't know that would you?" I slowly get slower with every breath I take. "I guess I wouldn't." His eyes growing sad. "So are you going to-" I get cut off by Luke's door opening and a puzzled Charlotte opening it "who's this?" She asks like Luke's an alien "your dad." I sigh once again "hi" Luke extends his hand but Charlotte denies "no thanks." She huffs sitting in the back. "Looks like we'll have to talk at home." I sigh driving back to our apartment.

We arrive and Charlotte stomps in as Luke and I get out, and I go around to the boot to collect the shopping "I can help" he suggests "no it's-" I was about
to finish but he grabbed basically all my bags anyway. "Right then." I huff.

I close the door and Charlottes already curled up into a ball on the couch "do you want a sandwich my love?" I say before I speak to Luke "n-no I'm good thank you." She sighs. "Okay I'll be in here." "Okay."

I sit down and so does Luke, "so." I say "explain to me why you haven't seen Charlotte in 5 years?" I sigh sipping my tea. "Well I had to support Olivia and Lexi." He says already making excuses "so you couldn't visit like twice a year?" I seethe. "We were so busy, the press wanted to meet Lexi, I was touring and yea.. I didn't have time." He added "bullshit." I say sadly "we missed you Luke and once again we were second best!" I shout because I really have had enough. "Charlotte needs you, for the past 5 years all she has asked about is you and when you were coming back. And do you know what I've had to tell her, he'll be coming back 'soon' because I am unsure when you will be coming back. " then and there I break down, the tears pour into buckets and I'm being consumed by my sadness "a-and you'll be leaving again because you're only here to promote your album!" My tears continue to stream. After a moment Luke speaks "I'm sorry Marie." He sighs staring at me "I don't want pathetic apologies like you always say and they don't mean anything. So cut the crap." I spit as Charlotte comes in "mum are you okay? I heard you crying.." She avoids eye contact with Luke "y-yea" I sniffle "you're not okay. Is it because of him?" She says looking at Luke as he nervously smiles "no I'm fine really jellybean" "no you're not mum! Listen Luke, you were in my life once and you abandoned me and mum for another girl and her baby. Because of your irresponsible actions we've been left in your past. My mum has been there for me even when you weren't. She's a saint and sure as hell is better than that stupid barbie you called a girlfriend.. S-so instead of being fake and all wimpy, I suggest you leave." She sobs and as she does so, Luke sighs in defeat, "well if you both don't want me here. T-then I guess I'll show myself out." He sighed again before we heard a faint shutting sound.

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