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Cryin- aerosmith

Everyday I jog past Luke's house and everyday at 9am Arzaylea always hugs or kisses or practically frenches Luke every single fucking time I jog past.
This doesn't make me sad. Only angry. All I want to do is get a gun and shoot myself on the spot.
I had to love a fucking complicated arrogant sod didn't I?!!!

Today was different though. Instead of seeing Arzaylea and Luke sucking eachothers faces off, I was greeted by Liz taking the rubbish out "hi Liz" I say as I walk up to her "hello" Liz grumbled "are you okay? You sound a little deflated" the concern growing up inside of me "i'm....Fine... I'm just sick of Luke's girlfriend.." she trailed off "what's she done?" "she just isn't nice, she verbally abuses me and I've told her many times to pack her bags but then she lies to Luke saying I threaten her b-but its complete and utter lies" she sighs "oh Liz" I sigh "she's not very nice with me either, its as if she's jealous of the ones close to Luke" "yes it is like that, I mean Celeste came round last week and at dinner she hit the roof because cel was passing the carrots to Luke" she giggled a bit making me giggle even more "wow. That's pathetic." I say "it is, I just don't know what to do." I was going to regret this but it had to be done for Liz's sake "do you want me to speak to Luke?" I asked hoping that she'd say no "you don't have to but I know that you are close to him" she sighs "I will Liz I just hope it makes things better" I say "is he in now?" I ask getting it over with "yea he is and he's alone since Arzaylea is getting her nails done" "okay see you in 10 minutes" I say walking into hell.

I walk upstairs and get to likes door and immediately regret my decision but I'm gonna have to suck it up.
I open the door and see Luke asleep on his bed, should I wake him up? I'll just poke him and see how it goes.
I poke his back and his hand pulls grabs mine and pulls me on top of him "Ar?" he whispers as I try to get out of his grasp "call me her name again and I'll rip your fingers off" I state and he immediately throws me off him and he wakes up "s-sorry" he says leaning against his headboard in a groggy voice and I sit next to him "that's all I hear from you 'sorry' even when you're not with me but when you're with her. Doesn't it get boring?" I say as he bows his head "im guessing that's a yea since you didn't answer." he just huffed like a child who hasn't got their own way "Luke, this girl isn't good for you-" "AND WHAT YOU ARE?!" he shouts in my face "NO IM NOT, I NEVER SAID I WAS!! BUT I SURE AS HELL WOULDNT VERBALLY ABUSE LIZ LIKE SHE DOES!!" I shout back at him "she doesn't, you're just a liar" he spat, this only bubbled my anger, "I am many things Luke but I'm not a liar." "just a slag then" he huffed as I felt a few warm tears rolling down my cheeks "i-i.. Can't believe you just said that" I wimpered "yea. I did and also" he stood up and got my old acoustic guitar off a stand and brought it out "this is for you" he spat and started hitting my guitar against the wooden floor until it was nothing. "you've changed Luke. And I hope you like being alone because if you carry on being this asshole you'll have no one" I say and walked to his desk to see the gold chain and lego man I gave him "you don't deserve me or my friendship" I spat and grabbed the chain and walked out as tears streamed down my face.

"how did it- are you okay?" Liz say coming up to hug me as I cried into her shoulder "H-he's changed Liz. And all because of her. He's not my Luke anymore he's hers a-and as much as he angers me i-i love him" I cry as she strokes my hair "it's okay darling, you tried. But you're going to have to let go of him. He's not worth it. He has changed and I have no other option than to kick her out" she says "thanks Liz but im going to book a flight home it was a bad idea coming back" I say as I get up "aww I'll miss you ,Marie, I only wish you were with Luke and not Arzaylea" she sighs and hugs me one last time.

Lukes POV
Wow. I didn't know that much anger could come from within me. I'm quite proud actually, screw her. I don't need that little bitch anyway. I was only gonna screw her anyway.

I chuckle lightly until my my stomps through the door "how dare you treat Marie like that?! All shes done is love you and you throw it in her face!! Arzaylea is leaving today and you can too since you don't have any respect!!" "No respect?! All I do is give you and dad half my wages and this is the thanks I get?! Im getting my girlfriend and leaving since you insist!! You will never get another pay check from me, Arzaylea was right you and that cow next door are both whores!!" I shout as I pack the last of my stuff and stomp out leaving my mum gob smacked. As I walk through the door I see arzaylea walk up "lukey I need-" she began "we're leaving" I spit "get in" I shout as she does as she's told.

We pull in at a hotel and we just sit there in silence for a minute until she speaks "why are we at this grubby shack?" Ar remarks looking at the surroundings "it's only for the night baby" I say as I put my arm around her "right... About that. I think we should break up." she says quite happily "what? I just defended your case back there?! You aren't serious I can tell" I chuckle a bit "sorry lukey i am serious, thanks to you my social ratings have gone up and I've got a modelling contract!!" she squeals "wait. You were using me?" I whisper "you can call it that. But now that I've signed the papers I'm an official model!!" "b-but I love you" I hope she does to "aww thats cute, now drive me to the airport" she demands "no" I say "what?" she spits "you heard. Now get the fuck out you cheap slapper, I've lost all who mean the most to me because of you!! Get the fuck out my car before I rip those cheap ass hair extensions out of the car my self!!" I rage "fine I'll get a cab, your just angry, you'll cool off and come chasing" she winks and gets out, how can I be so dumb?

I drive back to my mum's house and knock on the door "hel- oh I thought you and her were out living life as loves young dream?" mum said sarcastically "s-she was using me all along a-and I was too stupid to see it" I cried "I-im so so so sorry mum I really didn't mean anything I was so caught up in her and her ego that I couldn't see what was right in front of me" I cried even more now how could I succumb myself to such a bitch?! "Luke shhh it's okay, she messed with your head and I'm still not fine with you calling me a whore but you are my son. And I will always stick by you no matter what" mum finished as she engulfed me in a hug.
"now I need to apologize to Marie and I need to tell her how blind I am" I say looking round at her house "I'm sorry hunny but Marie's gone. She left after you did and she said it was all a mistake.. I'm sorry" no Marie can't be gone already.. She's only just come back into my life and now she's gone.. Again "i-i can't go to the airport, arzaylea will be there a-and I- I've messed up big time" this only made the tears come down my face thick and fast.. I blew my chances with the love of my life.. I've ruined everything.

Sorry for making arzaylea a bitch :| but I'm sure she's a lot nicer in real life and if she makes Luke happy im happy!!

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