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There she goes- The La's

Marie's POV
5 years. 5 years since I've been back home in Sydney. 5 years since I've spoken to Luke. Have I ever looked back? No. And I stuck to my promise this time.
Mikey never got back to me so I guess their record label said no.

I don't care though, I have a great job! I'm an air hostess for British Airways and im absolutely loving it!! I've had the chance to go to places I couldn't imagine me going to before like Japan, New York and so many others!! I've also made so many friends, in fact my my best friend (even though he's like a brother to me) is a steward called Hal, he's so witty he makes laugh more than I ever have before and I always make him laugh to so it's a good friendship!!

Today i'm actually going on a long haul to LA so it should be fun!! But I'm mostly excited for Hals wedding; he's getting married on the beach in LA and his boyfriend is so lovely, Im just sooo excited!!

I stand next to the door of the plane and wait for the 'special guest's' to arrive, and it'll just be them on today's flight because we're on a British airways private jet (for once).

But because there are only a few of them us air hostesses only need to work when they gesture to us so it's basically a slack off day!

I hear footsteps coming up so I adjust my smile for the guests.
"hello welcome to British airways, your seats are this way" I point directly down the cabin to a 4 seated desk "thank you!" a happy voice says as I smile. That voice is familiar..

After the 4 boys are seated we can finally take off.
Us air hostesses are sat behind them also on a 4 seated desk. The girls sat with me are so nice and so pretty!!

"can I request for something?" one asks as I get up and attend to them, this man has dark brown hair with a bit of blonde in it , dark chocolate eyes and he looked from new Zealand? But with an aussie accent "what would you like sir?" I asked "do you have any beer?" he asked as the rest of them were too busy scrolling through their phones but one was staring at me intently "erm yes we do we've got Stella, Carling or Fosters. Oh and Budweiser!" I shouted a bit loudly making him giggle "I'll have a Budweiser!!" he mimicked "haha okay" I chuckled.
I came back and gave him his Beer and nearly left before a vaguely familiar voice signalled me back "erm if it's okay.. What's your name?" he asked "oh it's fine and Marie" I smiled and went to sit down.

Luke's POV
Marie? Marie... Holy balls!!! It's Marie Taylor!! I thought I knew her. She's gone so beautiful, and she's on a plane with us for another 14 hours. This could work.

Marie's POV
I nearly drifted off to sleep when I can feel Ally (one of the other air hostesses) poking me "He wants you" she whispers to the man with big blue eyes and blonde flopping quiff "okay" I sigh.

"you requested me? That sounds weird" I giggled even though im sooo tired "yea.. I-i did, I wanted to ask if you would sit with me?" he asked "but there's no space" I chuckled at his attempt of flirting "yea there is" he opened his arms "im sorry I don't sit on strangers laps" I say "not even a famous stranger?" he pouted "not even a famous stranger" I smirked "but anyway I have to get changed if im having a snooze so I'll be back" I say as he watches me go into the bathroom.

I get changed into a pair of sweats, a long band tee Luke gave me 8 years ago with the Rolling stones logo on and some slippers, whilst putting my natural light brown hair in a messy bun, "perfect" I say as I walk out "Sonya are you getting changed?" I asked as she was falling asleep in her uniform "oh yea.. I will, give me a minute" she yawned dozing off "alright" I say tired myself. But as I go back to my seat I see the familiar curly haired kiwi sat in my place and the blonde one smiling like an idiot at the place next to him "you don't give up do you?" I giggled but sat there coz I'm tired as hell. "nope" he chuckles.

I sit down and immediately put by earphones in and listen to a few various up beat songs before 'broken pieces' by 5sos came on and I immediately felt the sadness in my heart. "what you listening to?" the blonde asks grabbing an earphone and then looking at my sad expression "n-nothing" "it's not nothing, obviously this song means something to you" he whispers as everyone else is asleep "it's really nothing, it just reminds me of my first ever love. A-and he was perfect, well up until the point where he called me a whore" I grew more sad as I say that word once again "he sounds like a fool and believe me he regretted it and wishes everyday that he could fix the broken pieces you and I-him, him had" he gave the game away. I knew these boys looked familiar. It's Luke. My Luke. "Luke" I softly say as I look into his blue orbs "im so sorry Marie, for everything" he says "thats the past Luke. Everythings better now." I half smile as the next song on the playlist is Amnesia. Bloody great. "I'm far from perfect Marie" Luke giggles "but you are.. I mean look at you, you're cabin crew now!! On the way to LA" he said making me giggle "not a patch on you, look at all you and the lads have achieved, this is all I wanted for you. To be successful" I say putting my hand on his face and hi puts his hand on top of mine "I've thought about you everyday Mar" he whispers leaning into my touch "i've thought about you too Luke" I say.

We cuddle for a few hours and I eventually drift off into a sweet slumber.

I wake up to my alarm on my phone which indicates an hour left until descent. Luke's arm was around my waist and I was cuddled into his chest. How can one person drive me over the edge?
I get up and go into the bathroom to get changed back into my uniform.
When I open the bathroom door I see Luke in the doorway "I need a piss" he says making me giggle "go ahead sir" I wink as he quickly turns around and kisses me on the cheek.

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