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Down- Blink-182

After that night at Calum's, Luke and I have been getting very close and I do truly love him;
We speak on the phone and text constantly and whenever im in LA when he is we meet up and lets say it gets quite heated...

I'm on another trip to LA as we speak, i'm handing out drinks to the passengers with Ally when I feel a weird feeling in my stomach and I rush to the loos to spew my guts out "shit" I say "hey are you okay- shit" Ally gasps "I must have food poisoning or something" I trail thinking about why im suddenly I'll but get cut off by being sick again "yea definitely the seafood" Ally laughs "I'll tell Phil that you're I'll and take the last few hours off" ally suggests "okay bu-" my head goes back into the toilet. "no ifs no buts no coconuts you're staying off" Ally rushes off. Never have I been Ill on a work day. This is a disgrace.

I land and quickly hail a cab. I tell the cabbie to go to Luke's apartment (where we normally meet up when we're in town).

"Luke?!" I shout up the stairs but nothing. I run up the stairs to the bathroom and throw up multiple times. "wait" I whisper "no. I can't be can I?" I question no we were safe I made sure of that. I make sure there's no more sick that was threatening to come up so I can go to the drug store.

Once I was sure I rushed down to the drug store. Once I was there I picked up 4 pregnancy tests (to be sure) and ran back to Luke's apartment. Thank god he wasn't in otherwise I'd have a lot of bad lies to think of.

I slam the door and immediately run into the bathroom. I test the 4 and start the 5 minute timer. I shudder at the thought of having a human being growing inside of me. I can't handle a child, I can't even handle myself sometimes.

I hear the front door open and shut shit. Luke's home. Right I can fake this never happened if the tests come back negative. But if they come back positive I'll tell him and we can work this out together.

*beep* the alarm go's off and suddenly im shaking. Okay man up Marie you can do this. I take the first stick in my hand and it's... Negative. Yes!! Okay god you better not spoil this now. Second- Positive
Third- Positive
Oh no no no no no...
No this can't be happening. I-i'm p-pregnant. Okay be strong Marie. Tell him.

I pick up the scattered tests and put them in my bag.
I unlock the door and make my way downstairs putting a brave face on to break the news to Luke.

I open the kitchen door to get some water when I hear a kissing noise and a few moans, I turn my head to the counter and see Luke making out with some girl who has her legs wrapped around his waist "oh baby" he moans still not noticing my presence "I love you Luke" she says in between kisses "I love you too Liv" and he slams his lips back down to hers. This made me snap "oh really?!! Because yesterday you said you loved me" I stated as he slowly turned around and the girl looked at me with wide eyes "erm Luke who the hell is this bitch?" the girl spat "well who are you?! I'm his girlfriend well now ex" I spit back "what the actual fuck?! You said I was your girlfriend" she says "Liv I think you should leave" he quietly says "woah no im not leaving-" "GO!!" He shouts "fine whatever" she flips her hair and leaves "wow you've sunk to a new low Luke and no amount of years will ever make me forget this." I say and grab my suitcase "no no no baby please I love you" I turned my head with sad eyes "if you loved me Luke you wouldn't have cheated." I sigh "yea but-" "no buts anymore Luke!!! You're incapable of being a good boyfriend nevermind a dad" oh. Shit. "what? A dad? What- you're pregnant?" he asks "yes and it's yours. But i'm leaving and you're not being anything to my child... So don't try to contact me Luke" I say as I grab my bag and walk out the door "Marie!!" I hear luke shout as I run down the road fast enough so I can't get luke to catch up to me. I look back and see he's stopped anyway so I give up running casually holding in all emotion and just focussing on bringing all my bags to a cab.

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