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I woke up snuggled into Luke's chest, I didn't want this moment to end but there was a knock on the door and obviously Luke wasn't getting it.

"Hey is my band mate in here?" Calum asked "erm yea come in" I replied walking over to Luke and shaking him lightly "Luke.. Luke.. Wake up.." I softly spoke as he replied with a grumble "no come back to cuddle" Luke snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me down "we have company" I whispered as he looked up and jumped up like a shot "oh I mean yea yea whatever man" he awkwardly spoke "sorry to ruin this moment mate but Management want to have a meeting about the next tour, but you can cuddle with me if you like" Calum giggled "great can't wait, I'll be back" Luke winked walking into the bathroom to get changed.

"did erm anything happen last night?" cal awkwardly asked whilst I was getting my clothes for the day "he wishes" I giggled looking back at him "Right... I just want to say sorry also" he says coming to sit next to me "what for?" I raise an eyebrow "for all the shit we put you through in highschool" "oh that. Don't worry that was years ago, I'm a big girl I could handle it" I said "but I could see you couldn't, I saw the cuts Marie" he whispered looking into my eyes "well.. Yea.. But that wasn't because of you.." I trailed "who was it because of then?" "Luke." I simply said as I remember the time I used to cut over him "why?" he asked as I could feel his hand come into contact to mine "i-i loved him cal. And to watch someone you love not fight for you m-makes you feel worthless and I did" I sigh as I feel a tear escape my lid but I quickly wiped it away. "oh, im so so sorry" "no no no it's fine just forget it, don't tell Luke any of this, the past is in the past so please.." I say as I look into his sad eyes "o-okay i-i won't" he says as he hugs me "thanks cal" I whisper as Luke comes back in "oi don't get to close cal she's mine" he giggles "oh I hope so" cal replies and winks in my direction.

"see ya Marie, nice seeing you again!!" cal waves as he walks out the door, "you to cal!!" I shout back "bye Luke enjoy your meeting" I kiss his cheek "bye beautiful see you in a little" he hugs me "oh and" he hands me a piece of paper and winks as he walks out "okay.." I day opening the paper, "my new number" it said with a number and a heart. I could feel my cheeks heat up.
"right time to pack up" I whisper to myself after I get over my sort of fangirly-ness? I don't know.

I get to the lobby and immediately see Hal "Hal!!" I shout as he turns round with a smile "how was your first married night?" I wink "ooo you pervert Marie!! We didn't do anything he passed out as soon as I got in so I put my fluffy eye mask on and went to bed" he giggled "right okay" I giggle "damn no juicy information" I say making him chuckle "no not from me but what about you and Luke is it?" he wiggled his eyebrows "now who's the pervert!! And nothing happened unless cuddling counts" "damn no juicy information!!" he mimics "ha ha very funny"  I fake laugh and go to the desk.

I hail a cab and type Luke's number into my phone and about to type a text to him when I look out my window to see him standing outside the mall with the boys "you can stop here how much will that be?" I ask the cab driver "for you, 20 bucks" he says as I hand the money to him and thank him getting my case out of the boot.

"Luke!!" I shout as I see him turn around "Marie hi!! What are you doing here?" he asks quite nervously but I shake it off and walk up to him and the boys "I had to check out early, what are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting?" I say "we finished early!" Mikey says happily "oh lucky" I giggle "yea anyway, I have to meet Liz so I'm gonna have to go" Luke quietly says "oh okay I'll leave then.." I trail off "oh no we'll look after you!!" Ash shrieks "oh you don't have to..." "no we want to!!" Cal giggles. "you guys really don't have to" Luke says putting emphasis on the 'really' "well if they're sure I'll go places" I casually say "yea but-" "it's decided!!" ash shrieks "basically a date!!" Mikey giggles as I see Luke hitting him "woah man just a joke chill" he giggles making me chuckle. Cal grabs my hand leading me out the mall as Mike and Ash follow, I turn and wave at Luke "bye Luke!! Say hi to Liz for me!!" I shout as I see a painful smile on his face.

"And here we have the Hollywood sign up close and personal" Ash states as we all stand in front of it and I look at it in awe "wow.." I say amazed "it's a bit doodled on" mikey giggles "shut up don't ruin the moment" I lightly slap his chest "I think we should chill here for a bit" Ash says as we begin to sit down "yea definitely" I smile.

"so, Ash, how are you and the Mrs?" I ask as the sun is setting over LA and Hollywood (A/N sorry if they're not near eachother im terrible at geography) "yea we're good, there's been some Rocky patches but all in all really good." he smiles to himself and chuckles a bit making me smile at how much he loves Bryana "she's one lucky duck to have you Ash. You must really love her" "yea I do" he simply said with an award winning giggle "Luke told me there might be a proposal?" I winked poking him in the side "maybe... I may have a few tricks up my sleeve" He giggles "Mrs Bryana Irwin, a lovely ring" I smile "yea" he smiles giving me direct eye contact "you should've invited her today!! I would've loved to have met her" I chuckle "nah she's in Barbados modelling plus it's our day!! We're Like a family" ash squeaks pulling me in for a hug and ruffling my hair.

"okay Marie since you don't have a place to stay, I suggest you stay with me and Cal!!" mikey giggles as we're driving back to Ashtons apartment "no! Im not putting on you guys plus I'll stay in a motel the night I'll be fine!!" I state as im giggling with Cal in the back. "that is not an option Marie it's my way or the highway" Mike giggles "well if Marie's staying over that only means I am too" Ash says batting his eyelashes "but we're driving to your apartment nowwww!!!" Mikey says while keeping his eyes focussed on the road "fine... Then you'll stay at my apartment!!" Ash squealed as we all cheered "God it's hard to believe you're all 24 and 26" I giggled "its hard to believe you're 24 you look 19!!" calum says "thanks?" I strangely giggle.

"welcome to Casa de Irwin Marie." Ash says putting the key in the lock.
As the door opens we see Luke pacing back and forth around the hallway pulling at his hair "I'm guessing Liz wasn't too happy eh?" I joke but he just looked up at us "where the hell have you been?!" he practically screams "woah chill. We were showing Marie around Hollywood" Mikey exclaims as he walks past Luke to the fridge "I thought you guys got attacked or something" he calmed "I think you need to take a chill pill" I giggle and kiss his cheek.

It was now 1 am and the boys were basically passed  out around the room; mikey on a beanbag infront of Ashtons TV, Cal snuggling a pillow on the floor, Ash on the back sofa and Luke and I cuddled up on the main sofa facing the unlit fireplace "Luke" I whisper "umm hmm" he hums "im going back tomorrow, do you think we'll see eachother?" I ask worried about the answer "of course darling, in fact, Marie Taylor, would you be my girlfriend?" he whispers in my ear as a spark of excitement sends shock waves around my body "Yes Luke I will" I whisper but smiling like the Cheshire cat "great" he whispers and kisses my head "now lets get some rest" he whispers and I can already hear the faint snores.
I've ranted about this before but Luke and Arzaylea. Is it really our place to be judging her for luke? No. Yes I respect some of you are upset about Luke having a girlfriend and honestly being a Luke girl it hurts but he's a big boy he's obviously going to have a girlfriend eventually and even if she were the nicest person in the world or one of us fans people would still find a pathetic way of criticizing her because they aren't with Luke themselves. I mean people get a grip. I've seen pictures and videos of Luke and Arzaylea together and honestly he looks immensely happy and isn't that all we want? The same goes for each of the lads. I mean they've been working their asses off lately to get the album released and promote it yet the fans are spending their attention on the boys private lives? I just don't get it. Just give Arzaylea a break. (sorry I sheded her in a bad light in this story it was just part of the actual story no hate girl love ya)

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