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Bad reputation- Joan jett + the blackhearts

We eventually land and im pissed beyond belief and I have a plan. But he's gonna have to meet my parents which I really really didn't want to happen. But im gonna have to go through with it.

"babe what's wrong? You've been quiet ever since we landed" Rogan chirped and put his filthy arms around me, that have touched however many girls but I'll go along with it until my plan kicks in "im just missing everyone and just want to get home.. Babe" I cringed internally "aww come here" he said pecking my lips as I suddenly felt Ill but I just smiled.

It was a short taxi ride home and we are now at my parents doorstep and the only thing on my mind is booking the cheater a flight home..

"MARIE!!!" my mum squeals as she gives me a bone crushing hug "your hair?!! It's blonde!!" she said in confusion knowing my views on dying my hair blonde "just for me" Rogan smiled as I fakely smiled and hugged him (all part of the act) "aww this must be your boyfriend" my mum cooed "yepp" I say popping the 'p' "come in come in I'm sure your dad will be here soon" my mum ushered me into the dining room "I'll get something to eat soon I just need to shower, Rogan you stay here with mum and get to know her a bit" I say hoping I can quickly book him a flight for tomorrow "you sure babe?" "very" I coo as he returns to his phone probably texting some slut.

I run to my laptop and immediately get this flight home booked so I can never see him ever again, go piss off with Samantha or Julia or whoever, I dont want his stds.

It took me 15 minutes but the flight is booked for 2 pm tomorrow, I want him gone as fast as possible, "babe you okay? You've been up here a while and your dad's here now" Rogan said through the doorway sitting beside me as I log off. "im fine just thinking about things but I'm coming down now" I lie. "okay" he says and leaves as I compose myself.

I go down to a big dinner in my dining room to see my dad since he was on tour again with another band.
"dad!" I say hugging him tight "Marmite!" he squeals back
"lovin the new nickname!!" I giggle "sit sit, I've made this dinner especially for our special guests. Now Rogan sit next to Marie there" she points at the chair next to mine "sure" he replies.

We talk about college, the band's my dad's toured with including All time low, The vamps and recently 5sos but we quickly changed the subject. Rogan was quiet still staring at his phone in absolute disbelief and I have a suspicion it's to do with one of his hoes.

The table went quiet for a second so I thought I should get my plan started, "mum, dad, Rogan and I have actually been together for a year haven't we Rogy bear?" I nudge Rogan snapping him out of his trance "y-yea we have" he stutters "how lovely!! Im happy to see my little Marie happy" my mum giggles while my dad gives me a suspicious look "yea im so frickin happy that I can definitely see a future with our relationship, maybe a marriage soon?" I push as Rogan chokes on his drink "lets not get ahead of ourselves we're only 19" he nervously chokes out "yea but if we can stand a year together why not 2 or 3 or even 10?!" I question knowing where I'm heading "or is Julia, Samantha, Gabriella and Mandy getting in the way? Or am I getting in the way of your pimp business?" I questioned trying to sound calm but everyone knew I wasn't "erm no those girls are my cousins..." he tried fooling me "oh yea even though I read the erotic messages so do you sleep with your cousins?" "no i-i can expl-" "don't give me the 'I can explain' bullshit I know you're a liar, cheat and all round son of a bitch and I don't want your apologies because I know your not sorry because you wouldn't still be doing it!!" I shouted as my mum and dad gave eachother scared looks, since they've never seen me explode before "well maybe you should give me what I want and be a good girlfriend!!" he shouted back as the anger rose up in my veins "I have given you all you need as my boyfriend!! And if you are talking about sex then I have given you that!! Because I trusted you but we don't do it every fucking night because im not a cheap slut like Julia or whoever!!" "DONT YOU CALL JULIA A SLUT!! Shes a better girl than you ever will be and im glad we're ending this little joke we have because she's pregnant!!" he shouted immediately regretting his decision as my mum and dad were trying to exit the room I gave them a sad look and my mum immediately ran to my side "I think you should leave" my dad said to Rogan "fine I don't want to stay in this nut house anyway" he huffed but I got up first running to get his bags.

I pushed all his bags down the stairs with some opening into the street as he ran out to get them "what the hell you crazy bitch!!" he shouted collecting his stuff off my lawn "I am aren't I?! So crazy i've booked you a flight back to the UK tomorrow at 2pm so you can be back with your lovely Julia!!" I shouted shoving his stuff into the car and getting in the driving seat of my car "get in the fucking car!!!" I shout as he gets in the passenger seat "where the hell are you taking me?!!" he shouts as I start the ignition "to a hotel near the airport but don't worry your precious Julia wont be far away" I spit "don't fucking say her name again" he spat as we were coming up to the premier inn "dont worry I won't. And don't fucking come near me again!!" I shouted at him unlocking the doors and chucking him out of my car.

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