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Outer space/Carry on- 5sos

"Mummy?" Charlie asks as I pull into the arena "yes sweet pea" I say as she giggles at the name I give her "sweet pea" she replies with a big laugh "where we going?" she asks innocently "well you know when we were watching Cinderella last week and you fell asleep" I came to a stop at a red light as I see Charlie nodding "well I got 5sos tickets for you and I!! And they're coming on stage in about an hour!!" I burst as if a cannon has gone off inside me and Charlie's face lit up and smiled from ear to ear "really??!!" she squeaks "Really babe!!!" I say as the car starts again "I love you mummy!! The best ever" she smiles and chuckles to herself out the window. I know we'll have a great night but somethings telling me to turn around and go home.

We get to the standing area with the rest of the fans, some were in their early 20s and some were my age but they were all as excited as Charlie. I just hope she doesn't wet herself.
Charlie literally made me buy every single thing in the merchant store and currently wearing all of it either over her or the wrist bands on her wrists.

The opening act was a new pop punk band who is signed to Hi or Hey records and they were actually really good and Charlie is really excited and that has pumped her up for Ash, Mikey, Cal and... Luke to come on. For a little girl of 5 she's actually quite old for her years, she's quite mature and sensitive but in the nice way. Normally it's me crying about Luke and things and she picks me up and cuddles me. She also asks about her dad a lot and I tell her the story of her dad and I and I see her glow because all she wants is a dad to help her through everything and to see her mum be loved. But unfortunately life isn't so easy. I don't tell her about arzaylea or him cheating, only the good things.

"10 seconds!!!" Charlie screams "9..8.....7....6.....5...4..3....2....1!!!" all the fans scream including Charlie and I. Ash immediately starts banging on the drums and wow he's grown into such a man, I mean he has dark brown stubble and wavy hair (a few lines here and there but so do I no biggy).

After a minutes drum solo the rest of the boys run on stage with their guitars and begin to play 'fly away'. They all look great but Luke stands out the most. His hair over his face a bit but still not too much to cover his bright blue eyes and his fashion sense has grown and his band t-shirts are out and he's wearing a kind of shirt that is striped with buttons going down it "Hello Manchester!!!" Mikey shouted as they ended fly away "how we feelin?!!" he shouts down the microphone and in response the crowd roars "what a great crowd!!" Luke says as I intently watch his every move "we're so happy to be here and I hope you are too!!" Ash smiles showing off his signature smile "here's Vapor" Cal says make the crowd scream 10x as much.

"mummy?!!" I hear Charlie shout as I lean down to her "yes baby?" I ask as the boys are half way through Castaway "can I go on your shoulder? I can't see" she pouts "of course" I smile and lift her onto my shoulders and she frantically claps along to the beat.

We continue to dance and sing the lyrics and as they end Airplanes Mikey speaks into the microphone "okay ladies and gentlemen, we've done this for a few years now at every concert we pick a lucky person to play either one of the guitars, Base or Drum kit!!" mikey says as the crowd screams and so does Charlie. God this kid. "now who will it be?!" Cal shouts. They scan their eyes over the roaring crowd and for some reason Charlie was screaming louder than everyone "Mikey my mummy can play!!!" she shouts over and over again to get their attention. It's true I can, I've played Amnesia to her many a time to help her sleep and a few nursery rhymes but she likes things like Elvis and some Green day anthems to help her sleep.

Unfortunately for me, Mikey scanned the crowd and pointed directly at us making the whole band turn to us "the little girl and her mom!! Come on ladies" he sours as I awkwardly push past people to get to the gate where the security kindly open the gate and let us on the stage. So much for a low profile.

We made it up on stage and I saw mikey first and Charlie hugged him "hey" he softly spoke as she made her way to Luke "what song is your mommy good at playing?" Luke asks Charlie as she thinks and I stand next to mikey watching Luke finally speak to his daughter (not knowing it like but its making tears well up in my eyes) "Amnesia!!" she shouts as the crowd roars "are you okay with that?" mikey whispers to me "yea sure I play it all the time to help her sleep" I smile "hey don't I know you?" mike says "nope-no you don't" I smile back as he hands me an acoustic guitar "thanks" I blush.

"mummy come here!" Charlie smiles as I slowly make my way next to Luke "you ready?" he asks very nicely "yep" I say as I start playing the chords.
"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted, I thought about our last kiss the way it felt, the way you tasted but even though your friends tell me you're doing fine. Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's tight beside you? When he says those words that hurt you do you read the ones I wrote you. Sometimes I start to wonder if it was just a lie, if what we had was real how could you be fine, because I'm not fine at all" I finished there but I looked up at Luke who looked as if he saw a ghost and he carried on the song "I remember the day you told me you were leaving, I remember the make-up running down your face. And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them. It's every single wish we ever made. I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia and forget about the stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you. And the memories I don't think I can replace." the stage fell silent for a minute until I decided to speak "well it was nice meeting you all but you guys can carry on now" I smile grabbing Charlie's hand and pulling her away "thanks Mikey" I smile as they all stare at me.. Especially Luke.

"the next song is San Francisco!!" Ash smiles as he starts drumming but I'm currently in a trans of what happend.

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