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What you wanted- One republic

Lukes POV
"okay boys off you go" mum says pushing us into Ashtons van to go to prom but I only have Marie on my mind.
I know we had grown close but I continually messed everything up with her and everything we could've had has gone out the window because she's gone.

"you okay dude?" Mikey says as we inch ever closer to our school "y-yea" I whisper not intended to be that quiet "oh my" Cal says "you have a crush on the ex school freak" "hot freak" mikey corrected "no of course I don't" I lied "plus she's gone now I'll pull someone tonight don't you worry" I said immediately feeling the guilt grow in my chest because I only want to be with 1 person. And that's Marie.

"pull someone? Like Catrice? Come on she's a total slapper and cant wait for a free shag" Ashton laughed along with Michael "I don't know why your laughing mike you slept with her like a billion times" Ashton erupted with laughter while Michael huffed "thanks for reminding me of that Ash" I glared.

We walked through the school doors and Catrice immediately jumped on me wearing a pink short dress that was so high up I could see everything "LUKEY!!" She screeched "hi" I casually said "on the pull there mate" Cal giggled going off with one of Catrices drones "get me a drink babe" she shooed me to the drinks table "don't call me babe" I whispered walking away, why did I have to be such a wimp?! "why god. Fucking why" I huffed pouring the queen of the slags a drink "Catrice doing your head in yet?" an all too familiar voice said in my ear and I shot my head up as fast as I possibly could "M-Marie?" I questioned hoping it wasn't just my imagination "yes lukey" she giggled, she actually looked beautiful wearing a deep blue long dress that has sparkles from the waist up, her hair was in a side plait with silver sparkles in and she just looked stunning "wow.." was all I could come out with "wow yourself you suit a tux" she giggled straightening my collar out "Babe" the devil herself said snapping us both out of this beautiful moment "oh why are you here?" she spat looking at Marie "you look like a pile of trash you know that?" she giggled as all her clones did as well while Marie just looked down with a sad look on her face, okay Luke it's time to not be a wimp "I actually think she looks beautiful" I chirped looking at her as I saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes "erm Luke no she fucking doesn't look at her" "you know what Catrice fuck you and look in a mirror because you look like a filthy tramp" I spat taking Marie's hand and leading her to the dancefloor "you didn't have to do that. Im fine.." she sighed "even I know that's a lie, now lets dance" I giggle as I put my hands on the small of her back and she put her arms around my neck "idiot" she giggled as we danced.

"im glad your back" I say "only for a few hours Luke" she sighed "why did you come back?" I said "ouch" she sarcastically said "you know what I mean" I giggled "because I don't want to be remembered as a freak and say a proper goodbye.. To you." she whispered the last part "really?" "wow Luke you're actually blind" she giggled and her emerald eyes shined with happiness "I love you Luke" she piped as if a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders and it only made my heart beat faster "I get that you don't like me back but I needed you to know before I left otherwise I would've hurt myself for it" she said still staring into my eyes. Wow she's perfect.

I couldn't help myself I had to kiss her. I smashed my lips to hers immediately hoping she knows that I feel the same.
"wow. T-that was nice" she giggled "yea." was all I could squeeze out.

"great" she says looking at the clock as we are dancing "what?" I hum "I have to go" she sighed making me immediately tense up, "that went quick" I sighed "it did" "let me drive you to the airport" I said hoping to have a few more moments with her "no it's fine, my mum's picking me up to go home so I can get changed then we'll go but thank you for the offer" she sadly smiled.

I walked her to the school parking lot to where she will be ripped away from me once again. "Marie I really will miss you" I said as we face eachother "Luke I'll miss you a hell of a lot" she let out a shaky breath "when we were kids I knew I'd love you for a very long time a-and you will always be special to me forever" she cried letting the tears run down her face "come here" I say letting a few tears escape my sad eyes "i-I'll miss you so much Luke" she cried into the hug "I'll miss you so much Marie and when you're sad, angry, happy or ever need a chat I'm only a phone call away okay?" I said letting my shaky breath out "okay Luke" she sniffles as her mum pulled up "I got you another gift" she said handing me a small velvet box "open it when I'm out of sight" she whispered "okay, I guess this is goodbye" I sigh "we'll see eachother again Luke I know we will so until next time" she smiled holding her hand out, so I put my hand in hers and she pulled me in for a final kiss. "See you" she waved walking away "in a bit" I giggled as her mum pulled away and she waved until I couldn't see her anymore.

I opened her gift and opened it for it to reveal a gold chain with a little Lego man on the end which was pretty cute if I say so myself.
Being the loser I am I went back inside smiling like a complete fool.
"Luke!!" the boys yelled as I entered the hall "guys!!" I yelled back "aww Luke's smitten" Ash smirked "yea I am" I blushed there's no point in lying now, I am truly madly deeply in love with this girl "awww but she did look the hottest here tonight though lukey" Michael giggled obviously a bit tipsy "back off man" I giggled "sorry only stating facts anyone with eyes could see how hot she was" mikey says licking his lips, "yea" I smile to myself "lets go to my place, I'll order pizza?" I say as a mini celebration "YES" They all shout in unison "lets goooo" I point towards the van.

Hey!! The media recently has been corrupted with Luke and arzaylea (I hope I spelt her name correctly idk) and fans have had their views some for and some against. Personally I am for Luke being happy with whom ever he feels happy with and I've been looking at arzaylea on instagram and stuff and she seems alright in all honesty. People are calling her a bitch and stuff because Luke isn't going out with them and yea I understand you are upset but do you expect Luke to date every single person who thinks he's hot? Or is a fan of him? As a Luke girl myself to see these pictures did upset me but it brought me down to earth that we can't expect Luke to be single forever and he's obviously going to get girlfriends and we just have to still love him because he's still Luke but he's Luke and his girlfriend. But arzaylea is fucking stunning. Her makeup is on point tbh.
Im still a bigger fan of Bryana and Ashton though, they are adorable af.

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