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5sos- broken pieces

I wake up thinking about Luke and how nice and kind he is but then I think how I spent my last year with a loser who used me and that's when reality sets in.
I was only Rogans add on to all his other girls.
This only makes me angrier. I just need to calm down. I know I'll go on a run that'll clear my head!

I set off out of my parents house and put in my earphones which blared Green day.

I've been jogging for 30 minutes and my head isn't clear, it's more angry than ever.
I go down a country road and I suddenly realize im lost.
Great. Another thing to be angry about.

I walk down the road hoping it'll lead me to the city but instead it was leading me to a hill with a massive oak tree on the top and all the pieces of the puzzle are unravelling. This is mine and Luke's oak tree. The one from when we were little. Our happy place. Our escape.

I lie under the oak tree and take my earphones out of my phone and put a playlist on, which starts with Lana Del Ray- Young and beautiful.

I've been lay here a while when I feel a presence sat on the other side of the oak tree, even though I took my earphones out my music was only on low so it was only audible to me.

I didn't know who was behind me all I heard was sniffles and manly cries. I had to help him, im on the same wavelength at the moment.

I quietly walked around the tree to see quite a tall boy huddled in a ball whispering things to himself "why couldn't I have her?" he whispered unaware of my presence "she's kind, beautiful, perfect." he cried to himself, I have to say something so I sit next to him and he seems like he needs a hug so I wrap my arms around the figure.

I look at the mysterious boys face and see the broken Luke Hemmings with tear stained cheeks. So I hugged him tighter and he hugged me like I was about to disappear. "M-Marie?" he cried "shh im here Luke" I whispered into his shoulder and stroking his hair "what's happened?" I sooth Luke "i-i got into a major fight with my girlfriend over nothing and it's all because I have other feelings for another girl" he cried and put his head back on my shoulder "Luke don't get worked up, I'm sure you and your girlfriend will work this out and be happy again" I said to him as much as it pained me.
"but I don't want to be with her" he sighed to my surprise and looked into my eyes "who do you want to be with?" I whispered "you" he whispered and immediately attached our lips together in sweet harmony. Our lips moved in sync and I didn't want it to end but the sad reality hit me like a ton of bricks and I had to remove myself from Luke "Luke" I sighed "as much as I want to, I can't do this. You've got a girlfriend and I just don't want her to feel like I do. I cant" "b-but Ive always loved you" he stuttered stroking my blonde locks "no you haven't and it's confusing because you said you have, kissed me and I havent had a word from you in a year and here you are with a girlfriend so no I don't believe you" I said as I shed a tear for luke and he wiped it away with his thumb "please. Please think about us and tell me if we'll ever be together" he pleaded "it's going to take time. But I'll think about it" I said looking at his features "thank you. Come on I'll walk you home" he says as we stand up and walk home.. Like old times.


It's been 2 days since my chat with Luke and I have been thinking and I've got an answer for him.

I jump up and put on my white button up skirt, my longsleeved metallica top on and boots to go to Luke's house and tell him.

I walk across the road knowing he's in because his car is in the driveway.
I knock on his door and Liz opens the door with her friendly grin "Marie!! It's lovely to see you!! But I assume you're here for Luke, he's upstairs" she says "thank you and nice seeing you!!" I say as I walk upstairs.

I get to the top of the stairs about to knock on Luke's door, only to hear a girl screaming in pleasure shouting "yes luke!! Faster faster!!" and him saying similar things. I should've known this was a trick and being the dumb shit I am I went along with it while he was fucking another girl.

The tears came streaming down my face and I looked at the little box in my hand and cried even more because I nearly gave this basterd a promise ring he doesn't deserve.

For the second time in my life I ran out of Lukes house crying.

I ran straight into my car and drove to the first place where I could clear my head. The beach.

The sand in between my toes made me forget about my worries and just relaxed me.

I looked in the distance to see a coloured haired boy making his way over to me. What does this clown want?

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