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When we were young- Adele
The last week has flown by; Charlie's been out with both mine and Luke's parents and I have to say considering Christmas just went by she has a whole new wardrobe basically.
But Luke and I have been avoiding the conversation of what's going to happen next. It's not that I don't want that conversation, it's just that... I want to savour every moment with him so he can be there for this new child afterwards.

Today is New Year's Eve and it's going to be an eventful one I can feel it.

I get up with no one in the room for once, so I decide to get dressed for today, nothing fancy just black skinny jeans, black vans and a plain white t-shirt and putting my hair in a messy bun.

When I get downstairs the house is completely empty. I just grab an apple and go into the garden, only seeing one person. Luke. "Hey" I say walking over to him "hi" he replies, "where is everyone?" "Mom and dad are shopping, Jack and Celeste have taken the kids out and Ben has gone running" he says quite impatiently "oh okay. What's up with you?" I ask as he's normally never this moody. "Nothing" he huffs "well if nothing's wrong I'm gonna go" I say turning "wait!" He says as I turn again "can we talk?" He says "sure" I answer.

"Well, I've been in contact with Olivia over the past few days and i think she needs me." I knew this was coming but it still broke my heart. "Okay" is all I can muster. "I'm sorry." He sighs "I really do-" "love you, I know." I cut him off already knowing the end of this conversation. "I don't think we should be together. It's for the best" i say quietly, he doesn't respond. He doesn't even flinch, probably because we've had this conversation millions of times. With that I get up and leave. Again I'm second best but this time it's Charlie as well.

Packing my bags I think of the happier times Luke and I spent together before we got caught up in all this mess that we created.

19 years ago
"Luke!!" I smile as we start walking to our new school, since we are starting secondary school we have new everything, so it's really exciting "Marie!!" He giggles "I'm sooo excited" "same!" I lightly hit his arm in excitement.

We quickly make our way to our new high school and already Luke and I are separated into different classes, which is disappointing but I'll just catch him at break.
The first class dragged as the teacher was explaining the safety rules for the lab and so far I've made no friends.

When break roles around I'm excited to see what Luke's been up to.
After nearly spending my whole break time looking for him I give up and go to history.
The whole lesson I'm just wondering where Luke is, I really hope he's okay.

I follow students into the canteen since I have no clue where it is and as soon as I get in I see Luke sitting in the corner with a blonde haired kid and an Asian? I don't know but I make my way over.
"Luke where have you been? I've been looking all over for you." I frown and as I speak I immediately get glares from both boys except Luke, "who are you?" One spits "oh I'm.. Marie who are you?" I smile in a friendly manner "oh. Michael." He says bluntly. But being friendly I smiled at him. "Luke?" I question "yea?" He asks cockily "where were you?" I ask quite self conscious "oh was I supposed to wait for you?" What the hells going on? "Well I thought you would.." I sighed "well you thought wrong" the Asian butted in "sorry who are you?" I ask now losing my patience "Calum" he replies "well Calum, this is none of your business" I smile sarcastically and turn back to Luke "well?" I say as Luke looks round for a moment and then answers "well I think you should leave Marie." He grows quieter with each word he speaks, as I am embarrassed as hell "w-what?" I stuttered "you heard" Luke replied with more confidence. "Okay bye" I huff while making my was to the bathrooms.

After school, I didn't wait for Luke, he probably wasn't bothered anyway, now that he has his new best friends. Not going to lie, I start tearing up. I've known him for 6 years now how can he be so cruel?
After that day Luke never came into contact or went near me.. He started dressing less nerdy and more punk. He hung around with the blonde bimbos and completely ignored me.

The present

Even thinking about that makes my heart fill up with sadness. I need to get away, Luke needs to sort his own problems out.

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