chapter 5

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Hello my beautiful readers!
Thank you for such a good response 😊 Hope you continue the same 😉 enjoy reading! ❤

Next morning:

Nandini woke up all fresh, keeping all the negativity aside. She had made up her mind that she won't let anything affect her. She'll be positive like before and enjoy her life - be it personal or professional.
Navya was more than happy to see Nandini smiling and behaving like before.

Hospital, Locker room:

Nandini and Navya entered only to find the three girls already present there.
"Hi girls!" greeted Nandini cheerfully.

Mukti, Alya and Shweta greeted her back in the same tone.

"Thank God! Finally I see the old Nandini back! Kya hogaya tha tuje? I thought you've forgotten how to smile" spoke Mukti as she wore her lab coat.

Nandini smiled but before she could say anything, Navya said, "pagal hogayi thi! But she's back to normal now"

The girls talked some more since they still had time before reporting.

ManBir arrived and seeing the sight infront of them, unknown smiles crept both their faces. All the 5 girls were there. Nandini was smiling, laughing at times, her changing expressions.

Cabir cleared his throat which grabbed their attention.

"Hey boys!" Alya greeted.
"Hi" both said as they entered inside.

"Enjoying girls time huh?" asked Manik as he opened his locker.

"yap" Mukti and Alya answered.

"Guys let's move it's almost 8!" said Shweta. They all nodded, took their lab coats and started moving out.

Just when Nandini was going, she felt her hand being held. She didn't take long to realize it was Manik. Her breath hitched.
He came closer and she closed her eyes. Her back almost in contact with his front.
He slowly left her hand and held her by the shoulder. She was surely not in a state to do or say anything.
He tilted his head abit and whispered, "Don't let that smile leave your face" his hot breaths made her clench her fists as a smile appeared on her face.

Nandini's POV

Shit! Why did he hold my hand?

He's coming closer.

Aiyyapa! Let me die right now!

Why am I feeling these stupid butterflies in my stomach?

"Don't let that smile leave your face" he whispered. I instantly smile and my heart starts beating as though it wants to jump out of my body. I slowly open my eyes just to find him leaving the room.

End of POV

Nandini thought of what just happened and she felt her face flushing. She suddenly realized the time and moved out of there keeping aside all the thoughts.

She hurriedly joined the others just a few moments before Nyonika came.
Manik's gaze was fixed on her but she avoided looking at him which made him smirk.

Nyonika re-arranged the groups for the next two days and now the girls were in one group while the boys in the other. Nandini sighed a breath of relief that he won't be around her.

The two groups dispersed in different directions to do their respective duties.

In the lab:

Nandini and Mukti were checking on some blood samples just when Mukti popped up a question.
M: Have you ever fallen in love Nandini?
N: (shocked) WHAT??
M: Aree chill I'm just's okay if you don't wanna tell me
N: mukti it's not like that..but why suddenly this question?
M: (keeping the tubes in the stand and turned to Nandini) woh issilye because I want to fall in love
N: (her eyes widened) you WANT TO fall in love?
Mukti nodded with a smile.

MaNan - Destiny Has Its Own Plans [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt