"It was a month ago, you were babysitting before.... we were supposed to get together. I had something important to talk to you about. The neighbors house caught on fire. When I pulled up Gordi and Blake stood on the corner watching, you had ran inside to help get the 3 year old son out of the house. I saw you hand the kid off to the nanny and run back inside. When I reached the kids I got enough information to find out there was still a dog inside. Then the gas line exploded..."

I put my hand over my mouth, it sounds too outlandish. Not true. I don't believe him. But I still need to know, "did I save the dog."

"No, but you were close enough to the door that you were thrown out."

"This is crazy, it's ridiculous. You don't know what you're talking about... You're lying!"

"Leah, what reason would I have to lie?"

"I don't know... I don't know..." I start to sob into my knees. I just want my memories back. I want to know if he's being truthful or lying, I want to know why he's here, why he's wasting time with me.

Arms wrap around my body and for a second it feels familiar. A tear falls on my sleeve and when I look over at him I see that he's crying too, silent tears as he crouches next to me on the floor.

"Who are you... To me, how did we meet?"

"A grocery store." Hunter lets out a small chuckle. "I scared you good and proper. You couldn't reach your tea and I helped out. I met my best friend that night."

"We were friends?"

"Something like that." He isn't letting go and I shift and try to loosen his grip.

"I have the worst luck." I let out a small giggle.

"You don't know the half of it."

"Wait, Blake... Gordi..."

"Turned 5 and they both adore you." Hunter finally releases me. "I think that's enough catching up for now." He sits next to me and I let my legs stretch out in front of me.

"But what happened after?"

Hunter has his eyes closed and he doesn't open them to look at me, just reaches out and takes my hand with his. "Major flashbacks, when you were awake you were screaming or caught up in the past. I never thought I could be in so much pain. Watching you relive your parents death over and over again." He breathes out, his hand tightens.

"Wait... You know about my parents?"

"Best friends share everything."

"So I had no secrets from you?"

"One or two but I didn't know them and could only guess."

"Did you have any secrets from me?"

"One, but I'm still not ready to share it." He smiles.

"I still don't trust you."

The smile leaves his face, "you will. Maggie will be here tomorrow, we've been taking turns. I'm glad you came around while I was on watch."

Before I can respond the door on the far wall opens and Hunter takes his hand away, I notice the shaking has almost stopped.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave." A nurse sets down a tray containing a glass of water and a cup of multicolored pills.

"I'll be back tomorrow." He promises as he stands and I follow suit. "Leah, I- I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hey Hunter?" I call after his retreating form as I push my hair behind my ears.

"Yeah." He stops and turns to look at me.

"If you are my best friend can you prove it? Just tell me one thing."


I look for a question that I would have had to tell him directly. "Favorite flower?" I smile inwardly, I never told anyone this, even Jacob. With him knowing everything else I figured there should be at least one thing I keep private. We had roses planned for the wedding but they seem to remind me of funerals... Funny how that works out.

Hunter smiles, "white lilies." Without a doubt he looks away and walks out of the room.

I stand in complete shock and a song pops into my head, something itches at the back of my mind and I hum while the words play in my head;

The storms are raging on the rollin' sea
Down on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
But you ain't seen nothing like me yet

I can't place it but it feels significant. I store the song in a corner of my heart and take the plastic cup with pills, tossing them all in before following it up with water. Somehow I know I'm going to get through this. I have confidence I can't place and strength that seems to spring from nowhere.

"How are you feeling?" The nurse asks as I show her I took all of the medication and takes the empty vessels from my hands.

"Confused, upset, but calm."

"Good to hear it, now if I can just take your vitals."

I sit on the bed obediently and stare at the closed door. Then while she's taking my blood pressure I find myself chuckling.

"Please hold still."


"Can I ask what you find so humorous?"

"It feels like I sleep walked through a good chunk of my life and suddenly I woke up to find I kept living life."

"I guess it is interesting, you're the first patient I've had who's laughed at it." She gives me a nod as she resets the cuff on my arm.

"Well did any of your patients wake up to find they befriended a musical sensation?"

"No. I think it's a safe bet that you're the only one."

"How likely is it that I remember?" I turn, the pump detaching from the cuff and the pressure in my arm lessens.

"I'm afraid you'll have to talk to the doctor." She looks a little stressed now and I don't blame her, I'm not being a good patient.

But I want to remember so badly, I need to know what went on and I need to know why Hunter thinks of me as his best friend. I need to know if maybe it was something more.

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