Chapter 12 Did You See It Coming? And What's Next?

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There's just something about laying sod that makes me want to sing. When you pick up a roll and hold it in your arms, feeling it's warmth from sitting in the sun. I can't describe it.

After sod is down we only have about 3 days of landscaping to do around the house, then we're done.

"Hey Leah! Your turn to load up the wheelbarrow!" Al reminds me.

Carefully I stand, leaving the already placed grass untouched, ready for watering. I grab the wheelbarrow and wheel it over to the stacks of rolled up grass covered in dirt. I load the rolls gently so as to not break up the roots from the dirt. If I stack them properly I can haul a bigger load than the guys. I think that makes them jealous.

Today is perfect; sunny, around 70, with a slight breeze. The late Indian summer sun doesn't seem to want to punish us today.

I have never been involved in a job this big. Laying sod for a full day is a new experience so it makes sense that by 3 I am feeling the ache of being bent over for so long, each time it is my turn to load sod I am thankful to be able to stand and walk a little longer.

We've worked from the side to the front and I notice that we are a little low on rolls already.

"There's still a half pallet over on the side in one of the flower beds." Sam shouts, "Probably should get that before we start on a new one."

"I'm on it!" I have to take the long way around to get it which I don't mind in the least. Until I round the corner and get a good view of the back porch.

Hunter and Tori stand at the back door, sharing a passionate and lingering kiss. I want to throw up the instant I see it. I keep pushing the wheelbarrow over until I'm blocked from view by a tall bush.

What do I do? Tori is really going to get in trouble if anyone finds out. But no one's finding out from me. I imagine the ridicule I would receive from her if she found out I told everyone. I feel shocked and ashamed. I should have warned Hunter about her. He's a nice guy, he deserves better than beautiful but self-centered Tori. But I thought he would be able to figure out how fake she is by now. Maybe I overestimated him.

I start to panic, they will be expecting me back soon. Whatever I do I need to do it quick. In a split second decision I end up dropping the wheelbarrow and creating an insanely loud noise, then I step into view after it.

Tori and Hunter have sprung apart and are looking over at me. Their faces are both flushed.

"Hi... sorry, I didn't know anyone was back here. Just need to cut across here... um... Nice of the weather to cooperate today.... Uh..." I'm rambling, I know it and I can see that they know I know what they were doing.

My cheeks color and I duck my head, hurrying across the yard to the other side of the house. I safely move behind the side so I can't see them anymore. I feel like I am going to cry but I don't know why.

After a few minutes Tori joins me, she leans against the side of the house and watches me load the sod. When I finish I stand and look at her, she opens her mouth. No doubt to try to threaten me into silence.

"Yes I saw. And no I'm not going to say anything." I look directly into her eyes, tired of being bullied. She closes her mouth. "I'm happy for you." I mumble, grabbing the handles and walking away, leaving Tori to whatever confused thoughts she may be having.

I am extremely quiet the rest of the day, Sam and Al both notice but they leave me alone.

We work past sunset and I am dead tired by the time we pack everything up. I volunteer to cover the pallets of sod with the plastic so the dew doesn't settle on them. I have a rush of calm the second I am away from everyone else.

InvisibleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora