Chapter 21 Downward Spiral

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Hunter jogs silently next to me, my breaths coming in rougher than his. It's been a while since I have been running and the park is bustling with people, not that I question why. The sunset is too beautiful to be stuck in a house or running in place in a gym.

"Can we slow up?" Hunter stops and doubles over. I dance around, keeping my body in motion.

"Come on Hayes," I pant a little and suck in a breath, "you're in better shape than me, get it together."

"No, I think I'm done running for the day."

I finally give in and stretch carefully, my feet slow. "Well at least keep walking for a while, I need to cool down."


I still can't believe he asked to join me, I'm more in disbelief that I said yes. I can't really say Hunter is being more gentle around me but he's certainly trying to be helpful.

"So..." Hunter takes a breath in and I turn to look at him. "I was wondering... If your up for it, can you tell me about Jacob? I know he meant a lot to you."

"Hunter, I-" deep breaths, my eyes focus on the gravel path beneath us and I look out over the man-made lake, even the mention of his name makes my heart ache. But Hunter has been a good friend, he deserves to know. "Next door neighbors, best friends... Our fathers were business partners. He was a year older than me and he asked me to his junior prom. I went home crying."

Hunter chuckles a little and turns slightly so our direction changes, we reach a bench and Hunter collapses and I sit gingerly on the other end.

"He was the only one I ever really trusted, you know? Like the one who finished my thoughts and knew when I was lying about something... I was sneaking out to see him the night I saw..." I dash away a tear, it doesn't matter how long it's been I still cry whenever I think about it.

"Sneaking out?" Hunter bends his head down to look at my face.

I sit up and suck in a lungful of air, giving a nervous little laugh. "His father burned my father, after that Jacob wasn't welcome in our house. It didn't matter to my father that Jacob had nothing to do with his dad's decision. His greediness hurt both of our families... But my dad didn't see that. At night sometimes I would climb out of my window onto the garage roof, I got quite good at climbing down the pine tree next to the house. That's what I was doing when I... Saw it."

Hunter reaches out and puts his hand on my shoulder. A comforting touch in my moment of weakness. I look at him and find myself lost in his eyes. I see pain, and I see something else. In a knee jerk reaction I stand, his hand falls away.

"Leah, I- I would like to take you out. I want a chance to show you how I think you deserve to be treated."

I shake my head, I wasn't exactly expecting this but I was wondering. And there are two reasons why I have to decline. "Hunter, I agreed to be your friend. I'm not going to agree to anything more, if you don't like that then you can just-"

"Leah, calm down. We are friends, but I like you, and I want to be honest with you. It would just be coffee together, to see if there's anything more... can't we try this?"

My face colors and I look off into the distance. "No. Hunter I'm sorry,
I think it's best if you leave me alone." Without another word I take off on the path, trying to put as much distance as possible between myself and this nightmare.

"Leah!" Hunter calls after me. But I know the paths in this park like the back of my hand, I veer off of the path as quick as I can after Hunter is out of sight, tears stream down my face and I try to hold it in until I get home.

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