Chapter 14 (Wes's POV)

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"So...yeah. That's what happened." I finish explaining what happened to Shayne and I. We were the last to go, so now we sit in silence. I'm still in shock, trying not to shake. Finally, Courtney speaks.

"I'm not feeling so good." she says. She pulls her wadded up shirt away from the wound in her side, and I'm shocked to see blood still trickling slowly from the cut.

"It's the blood loss." David says. "Where's your First Aid kit?" I remember that David knows First Aid, which means he can hopefully help Courtney.

"In the kitchen, beside the fridge." Courtney replies, lying down on the couch. David gets up to go find it, and I follow him to help search.

"Stop blaming yourself." David says when we're out of earshot of the others. "It was an accident. Neither of you knew."

I know he's talking about Josh's death. Are my feelings really that obvious? "You paid attention to the totem, and you escaped." I point out. "I should've listened to him."

"But the totems aren't necessarily true, remember?" David replies. "Where's that First Aid kit? Courtney said it was here, right?" He's right. The kit isn't beside the fridge. We search the kitchen a bit longer, but it's evidently not there.

"Come on, let's go ask again." I say, and we head back to the others.

"It's not there." David tells Courtney.

"Fuck." Courtney groans. "I know it was there earlier. That lunatic must've taken it."

The group continues to talk about how to help Courtney, but my mind is elsewhere. Totems, a psycho killer, Wendigos... this feels suspiciously like the game, Until Dawn. Maybe I'm on to something. We still have electricity, so perhaps we can find something out.

"Guys, I have an idea." I interrupt. They all look at me. Oops. "Sorry, continue."

"Like I said," Courtney continues, "there should be one in each of the watchtowers."

"Then we need to go get it." Ian says firmly. "Where's the closest one? Maybe we can radio for help while we're there."

"A little over a mile east." she replies, her voice fainter. She's got a towel now pressed against the cut, which I think was Olivia's before she got changed.

"I'm going." Amra announces. "Who's with me?"

"I will." Ian adds.

"And me." Mari agrees.

"I can come, too. We should keep as many people together as possible." Shayne volunteers. The four of them leave the house with their phones, promising to try and contact us somehow when they reach the tower.

"What was that idea, Wes?" Keith prompts.

"Oh right." I remember. "Am I the only one who feels like this whole scenario is suspiciously like Until Dawn?"

"Nope." David agrees.

"Same." adds Olivia.

"So I was thinking, maybe if we play the game through as fast as we can, or even just some of the chapters at random, we might figure some stuff out." I suggest.

"That's not a bad idea." David says. "I forgot Matt brought the game. I'll grab it." He returns a moment later clutching the game. He inserts it into the PS4 and turns on the TV. Then all the power goes out.

"Congratulations." says a deep, raspy voice from all around us. "You've figured it out."

A/N: So in the last chapter, @dragonwhisperer16 (for some reason it won't let me tag them...) had a theory, which I will not admit is right or wrong. The theory was that Sohinki faked his own death as is the psycho. If you have any theories as to who it is, comment below. There are actually quite a few hints in previous chapters, too, so take your best guess :)


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