Chapter 30 (Courtney's POV)

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Noah and I have been stumbling around in the snow for what feels like hours. I have no idea what time it is, but I do know that I'm freezing cold. I'm only wearing a thin long-sleeved t-shirt, after all. But I'm really in no condition to complain, because Noah's walking next to me, shivering violently, wearing nothing more than pants and a tattered up Smosh t-shirt.

"Are we almost there?" he asks again. He even sounds freezing. I can hear his teeth chattering.

"I think so." I say uncertainly. I turn around to look at him more closely. His lips are blue, along with the tips of his fingers. He has some serious frostbite and hypothermia, and it won't get better if we don't find somewhere to shelter now. I look around, and I spy a dense clump of bushes not far ahead. "Come on." I say, dragging him over and following him inside.

It's slightly warmer, but not much. He presses up against my side for warmth, and I'm shocked to find him colder than ice. I need an idea. I spin the flare gun around my hand, and doing so gives me an idea.

"I could use this to light a fire." I say, showing it to him. "And maybe send up a flare for help. We can't be far from the house, and Wes, Ian, and Keith must be back by now." I check the number of flares left and...there's only one. Of course there is. And now I understand Noah's vision from earlier.

"Noah." I say. "Think really hard about that totem from earlier. What colour was the butterfly?" I ask. Noah's life clearly depends on it.

"I'm honestly not sure." he replies, his voice terrifyingly faint. "But I'm tired. Can I sleep on it?" He's not making any sense right now, but I have to get an answer from him.

"Noah I swear to god that if you fall asleep I will kill you." I threaten, but really, I can't let him die. "Please, think!" I practically beg.

"I dunno." he mutters, leaning back.

So now I have a choice. I mean, a fire would probably be a bit more sensible, but a flare could get us rescued and back to the house, where we'll be warm and safe. And I have to make a choice now. Quickly, I lean outside the safety of the bushes and fire the last flare into the sky before retreating, praying that someone saw it. Well, someone that we trust, anyways. Of course, now I realize that Washington might have seen it too.

I retreat back into the dense shrubbery and sit pressed up against Noah. The tension is so thick you could carve through it with a knife. So I decide to try and lighten the mood with a classic Smosh pun.

"Hey." I nudge him, and he glances in my direction. "Do have any idea who we can call to get out of this situation? Because I think I might NOAH guy." I grin at him, and he smiles back feebly before curling back up. The smile falls from my face as I press my numb hands against his arms, face, and chest. He's still cold as ice. I have an idea that might help a bit, but I can't believe what I'm about to do.

"Noah, put this on." I say, taking off my shirt so I remain in just my bra for the second time that night. The cold shocks me, and I'm surprised he's actually lasted this long. The chill cuts right to my bones. Noah doesn't even question the gesture of help and slips the shirt over the remains of his own top.

We stay like this for, well, I don't even know how long. I gradually start to get colder as well, though the bushes are blocking most of the wind and are warmer than the outside on a whole. I'm starting to doubt my decision about shooting the flare until-

"Courtney?" I hear Keith's familiar voice on the wind and shoot upright. They saw it! I shake Noah to wake him up, but he doesn't budge.

"Noah, they're here!" I exclaim, but he doesn't move. Panicking, I press my fingers against his neck, searching for a pulse. I find nothing. My breathing grows shallower as my voice grows higher.

"Keith, here!" I shout. "Noah's here! He's alive! But he needs help!" I shake Noah, but it's futile. He won't wake up. He froze, and I sat right next to him while it happened.

"Courtney!" Keith's voice repeats, much closer. Weird, I didn't hear his footsteps. Something's wrong, I can feel it. I take a chance and peek through the branches of the bushes. I stare intently into the trees, and catch a glimpse of a shape perched on a branch nearby. It's another Wendigo. I'd forgotten they could mimic human voices.

I very carefully back up until I'm on the other side of the copse of bushes. As slowly and silently as I can, I slip out of the bushes and back into the thick trees. I can barely make out the Wendigo from here, which hasn't moved.

Then, without warning, it launches itself into the bushes where I had been less than a minute before. Without even thinking, I turn and run. Without the cover of the bushes, I feel the full potency of the freezing air, wind, and snow.

I continue stumbling quickly through the snow for a short while longer, but eventually slow to a walk. Through the trees, I can make out a large, dark shape. I've finally made it back to the lodge. I arrive at the back, where the door is broken, so I turn left to go around to the front when I catch sight of something dark in the snow. Blood. I take a deep gulp and circle around to the front door.

A/N: Frozen5K giveaway is over!  The results are posted on the final part of Frozen :)  Check them out to see the other cool Smoshy accounts!


Nightmare on Smosh Mountain (Smosh x Until Dawn)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora