Chapter 6 (Keith's POV)

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I follow Anthony and Amra back to the spot where Noah disappeared from. "Why would he have left?" I wonder as we approach the spot.

"Hold on." Anthony stops us, pulls out his phone and flicks on the flashlight. "We don't need to fall, too." We carefully pick our way down the short cliff, and I'm the last to hop down, landing beside the tree.

"Where to?" I ask.

"Mari went that way, right?" David points to the trees, where Mari's footprints lead. "So let's go this way." He starts walking the opposite direction.

We follow David along the fallen tree. After a minute, we reach the stump, and I can tell immediately that something's wrong.

"Look." I point at the long, scary-looking gouges in the bark and wood on both the tree and stump. "It's as if something ripped the tree in half." I shudder, wondering what could've done it.

"Guys, I have to tell you something." Amra says. He's been oddly quiet this whole time.

"What's wrong?" David asks.

"While I was exploring the cabin, I found a weird log with carvings on it. It looked like a mini totem pole with a brown butterfly painted on the back. And when I flipped it over, I had a weird vision. There was a person sitting at the bottom of a small cliff, holding his leg like he was in pain. And then, the tree fell and I think it landed on him." he finishes:

"I found one of those too." Anthony admits. "Except it was a black butterfly, and I saw...well I saw me. And I fell somewhere dark, and I think I died."

"But that's not possible. They're just chunks of wood." I protest.

"Am I the only one thinking of Until Dawn here?" David cuts in. We all glare at him. "What? It's just not possible. It's a video game."

Amra shakes his head. "David's right. It's crazy. Noah might just be messing with us, to freak us out." But it doesn't look like he's convinced himself.

"Guys, look." Anthony calls from a bit to the right, in the woods. We head over and I see he's standing over an open grate in the ground. "I think it leads to the mine that Courtney was talking about."

"So?" I ask. We should be searching for Noah, not investigating old mines.

"See these?" he points to the weird drag marks that we saw near where we came down the cliff. "They lead in here. Maybe Noah went down there."

"Why would he do that?" I ask, and I know there's no answer.

"What if someone, or something, took him?" David suggests. "We should at least check it out."

I sit down and drop just under ten feet to the floor. Anthony, Amra, and David follow, and Anthony shines his flashlight down the passage. We follow it, and soon come to a mineshaft, with an elevator waiting.

"This seems sketchy, guys." I say, hanging back.

"We'll only go for ten minutes, then come back up." Anthony offers. We all squash into the elevator, and Amra pulls the lever to descend. The old thing creaks downwards, and stops when it arrives in a large open area of the mine. We all climb off, and begin to look around. I make sure I can always see the others. Anthony keeps on his phone flashlight so we can all see a little better.

"Anthony, Amra, did the totems you found look like this?" David calls, holding something up. We all gather around him.

"Yeah, except the one I found had a black butterfly, not white." Anthony says. "Don't flip it over." But it's too late, and David's stare goes blank for a second. Amra slaps the totem out of David's hand, and it skitters across the floor, past the elevator, and down the mineshaft. I don't hear it hit the bottom.

"What was it?" Anthony asks.

"I jumped off a cliff." David replies. I start to laugh, but David interrupts me. "No, seriously. I saw myself jump off the edge of a very large cliff."

"Come on. We should go." Anthony says. We head back to the elevator and Anthony, who's at the back, pulls the lever. The elevator shakes for a second, then there's a loud snapping sound of a wire breaking. And the elevator begins to fall.

I dive for the solid ground. I roll across the rough rocky floor, scraping my hands on the stone. I sit up to check the others. Amra is shoving David off of him, who is holding his head. I see a bit of red leaking through his fingers.

"Guys, help!" Anthony screams, and I see a set of fingers clutching the edge of the elevator shaft. I run over and manage to grab one of his arms.

"David, Amra!" I yell. They're distracted by David's bleeding, but notice what's happening and begin to hurry over. It's too late, though, because suddenly the ground beneath me gives way and we're both falling. But a split second later, I'm yanked to an abrupt stop, my jacket pulling tight around my chest. I look up and see Amra managed to grab my hood. I look down and see Anthony has slipped from his jacket, him holding on to one sleeve while I hold the other. Then there's a terrible ripping noise and the sleeve I'm holding tears off. Anthony plummets into the darkness below, screaming.

Amra and David haul me up, and we're all too shocked to speak. Finally, I manage a few words. "We need to get out."

"There's a ladder over there." Amra says, pointing to where he'd been searching. We follow him and climb the rusty ladder. We end up in a small, dark cavern, but it doesn't take us long to find a small gap that leads back to the cavern we entered through.

Before we can leave, though, I check the wires on the elevator. They seemed sturdy enough when we went down. I find the main wire that supported the elevator, and when I inspect it, I see that the wire hasn't frayed at all.

"It was cut." Amra says, mirroring my thoughts.

I drop the thick cable. "This wasn't an accident."

A/N: So that happened :) I've been busy lately, but I'm currently working on Forgotten, the third Wesari story, which I'm super excited about.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm taking driving classes this weekend! My bday is next week, so soon I'll be able to start practical classes. It's exciting bc, well, soon I'll get to drive. But it's also less exciting bc I have to write a 1500 word minimum 5 page essay for the course I'm taking that's due on Monday :( I hate essay writing. But hopefully it'll be worth it!


Nightmare on Smosh Mountain (Smosh x Until Dawn)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat