Chapter 5 (Matt/Sohinki's POV)

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"So Noah's just gone?" I ask. That can't be right. "He's not here either."

"I don't know what happened." Wes says, plopping down on the couch. "He was there, I know that was the right place."

"Maybe we should go search again. I didn't go too far." Mari says.

"I'll go." Amra volunteers.

"Me too." adds Anthony.

"We can go as well." David says, standing with Keith.

"Courtney, do you have any flashlights?" Anthony asks.

"Yeah, they're in here." she replies, opening the bulky pink duffel bag by the stairs. "Or maybe not." she frowns. She pauses, thinking for a second. "Dammit. I think they're in my other bag. I left it in the car, since I couldn't carry both."

"We should go get them, since we need to conserve our cell phone battery." I say. "You said there are no outlets here, right?"

"Right." she confirms. "Wes, do you have the cable car key?"

"Oh no." Wes says, going pale. "Noah had it."

"Is there another way down the mountain?" Ian asks.

"There should be, but I don't know the area too well." Courtney answers. "Does anyone want to come with me and we can search for a bit?"

"I will." I volunteer as Ian and Mari raise their hands.

"We'll go now, too." Amra says. "We'll call you if we need help."

"Actually..."Courtney says, sounding reluctant. "There's only cell reception at the watchtowers. If you need to contact us, there's one about half a mile west of here."

I quickly look around and mentally remember where everyone's going. Only eleven of us? "Wait, where's Olivia?" I ask.

"She went to take a bath." Shayne rolls his eyes. "Knowing her, she'll be up there forever."

"Come on, let's go." Courtney calls from the door. I jog over and throw on my boots and coat. The four of us head out into the snow.


"Why is there no other way off this stupid mountain?" I grumble. It's been nearly forty-five minutes, and we've still found nothing.

"Don't ask me." Courtney replies. "I just inherited the place."

"I'm cold." Ian mutters. "Why is it so cold in Canada?"

"Hey look!" Mari calls from up ahead. "A building. We can warm up there for a few minutes." She sprints ahead of us and opens the door. "It's got a bunch of switches and stuff..." Then she backs away. "Y'know what, I'm not cold anymore."

"It's fine Mari." Courtney calls ahead. "It's probably just one of the old mine-operation buildings."

Mari grumbles something unintelligible, then enters the building. We're about ten feet from the entrance when I notice a weird little totem thing in the snow. Curious, I pick it up.

"Hey, what's that?" Ian asks, coming over and taking the totem. He flips it over, and I see a strange white butterfly on the back. Ian's expression goes weird and blank for a second.

"Hey, dude. What's wrong?" I ask nudging him. He drops the totem-thingy, then kicks it. It sails into the woods.

"Hey, what was that for?" I complain.

"Shh." Courtney hisses sharply. "Did you see that?" She points into the woods, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

"What is it? A tree?" I ask, grinning. "There's nothing."

"I thought I saw a person." she replies.

"It's probably an animal." Ian suggests.

Then I see a weird flickering light coming from behind the cabin. And time slows down as the entire cabin is consumed by flames. Then my brain kick-starts, and I run towards the inferno.

"MARI!" I scream, but I don't dare get closer. Then entire structure collapses, Mari still inside.

"Guys, help!" I exclaim, grabbing a large stick. No response. "Guys?" I turn around, but neither Ian nor Courtney are there.

A hand clamps over my mouth and nose, and I suddenly can't breathe. Black spots flicker in front of my eyes, and I get a glimpse of a masked face before my vision goes dark.

A/N: Sorry, I know this chapter is a bit short.  They'll get longer, I promise.  Also, don't hate me pleeez!  I kinda have to start killing characters to progress the story.  But yeah, I'm okay with you complaining in the comments.  I'll still appreciate all my readers! :)  *Reads hate/complaining comments and laughs evilly at everyone's misery*

Anyways, I'm still updating every other day, so...yeah...


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