Chapter 16 (Keith's POV)

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"Congratulations." says the weird, fragmented voice. I see Olivia and Courtney stiffen out of the corner of my eye, and I recall that they've already heard this person. "You've figured it out." the person continues.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Wes asks harshly.

"On this mountain, 11 years ago, my sister was killed. A year later, so were seven of my best friends." the psycho continues. "You may recognize this storyline."

"Until Dawn." I whisper. "But...why?  And everyone can survive in that game."

"For a game to be successful, you have to be able to accomplish something." the person continues. "The storyline, one I had experienced myself, was too good to pass up. And look how much money I've made off of it."

His logic makes me feel sick. He made a game out of his friends' murders.  "But the Wendigos don't listen to anyone." Wes points out.

"Didn't. They didn't listen to anyone. But when the new ones changed, they were confused and lost." the psycho continues. "So I made the only Wendigo from the years before learn to command them. Hannah. And of course the only person Hannah would spare is-"

"Her brother, like in the game." I realize.

"Yes." replies the person, sounding mildly impressed. "I'm Joshua Washington. And this mountain belongs to me. Why do you think I arranged the little 'accident' for the miners? Now I have a group of Wendigos at my disposal."

"How did you know our names?" Olivia asks. "And how are you talking to us?"

"It's not that difficult with hidden cameras and speakers set up in the house. I had months to do it, after I completed building my place further up the mountain." the lunatic laughs.

"That was you, building up there?" David says, shocked. I remember the emails he had told us about, where Courtney's grandfather and the now-dead guy had talked about somebody building something higher up on the mountain. "And doesn't Joshua die or change into a Wendigo at the end of the game?"

"Yes." Washington sounds almost amused. "But, like you said, it's just a game. It's not real life."

"We'll leave in the morning, I swear." Courtney says. "Just leave us alone."

"It's too late for that." Washington says. "I'll leave you now. After all, there are four people out on the trail to catch."

All goes silent as we stand there in the dark house. Mari, Ian, Shayne, and Amra are out on the trail, unaware of what's coming. And we're pretty much powerless to help them.

"We can't just stay here." Wes finally breaks the silence. "We have to do something."

"He'll expect us to stay in the house, right?" I point out.

"Yeah, which is probably what we should do." decides David. "It's safest."

"Not necessarily. He could get in if he wanted to." Olivia says, obviously scared.

"And if we go out to warn the others, he probably won't know we're coming." I add. "We might be able to get to the them before that maniac does."

"Then we can't just sit here and do nothing." Courtney says, then winces.

"You're not going anywhere." David says firmly. "I'll stay here with you."

"And the three of us will go out." Wes agrees.

Wes, Olivia, and I bundle up and step out into the cold. "We'll try to contact you if we're in danger, if we find the others, or if we reach the watchtower." I say. I quickly check the time on my phone, which reads 12:39am. "If nobody's back by two o'clock, try to find a room to lock yourselves up in that doesn't have one of that psycho's cameras."

David nods and returns to Courtney who's still on the couch. We step out into the cold night.

A/N: And the Josh of the story is...Josh!  This actually wasn't my original plan, which was to just have the Wendigos, but I figured I throw in a little plot twist 😜


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