Chapter 24 (Keith's POV)

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I'm in shock.  Because David is slumped against the wall opposite me with his remaining eye staring blankly ahead and blood slowly tricking down his face onto the floor.  And it's only because I overreacted to his anger and told Amra that I scratched my hand on his tooth.  And I'm the one who punched him in the first place.

         Yet for some reason, Olivia thinks she's the one responsible for his death, along with Mari's and Sam's, apparently.  That makes no sense though, since Mari fell and Sam was shot by Washington, and if we were to blame any of us, it's Amra who pulled the trigger on David, not her.  But regardless, she's slumped against the wall sobbing and mumbling over and over that it's her fault.  Finally, I can't take it anymore.

         "For god's sake, Olivia!" I exclaim.  "At least tell us what's going on!"  She takes a few deep breaths and looks up at all of us.

         "The totems." she says, her voice catching.  "I found a bunch of them over the last while.  One showed Sam in the basement, and she got shot.  I didn't know who she was then, but I should have put two and two together when I saw her.  And then I also had a vision that when I was in the entrance with Amra, Mari, and Wes, I had to take something small and black from Amra.  It was the gun.  If he didn't have it, then..."  She stops talking and starts crying again.

         Wes gets up and moves over to sit by her.  "Nobody can blame you for forgetting that after seeing what you saw." he says in a hushed tone to her.  I sit a bit straighter.  They hadn't mentioned seeing anything weird when they got back, and I'm not the only one to realize that.

         "What are you talking about?" Courtney asks.  "You didn't tell us anything like that."

         "When we were on our way back from the watchtower, we went down into some tunnels to avoid the storm." Wes admits.  "We...we found Anthony."  I don't expect him to elaborate, and he doesn't.  Instead he turns back to Olivia.  "But Mari wasn't your fault.  If anything, you were trying to save a life."  He faces us again.  "I found a danger totem with a vision of Olivia walking to the cable car station with David." he explains.

         "But I picked Mari to go with me for another reason." Olivia says, looking down in shame.  "I also found a totem, but it was a fortune totem.  It showed Mari and I when we were out on the cable car wire, and she fell.  But I survived, and since it was a fortune totem, I thought that it meant the only way I would survive would be if I went with Mari instead of anyone else."

         I wasn't expecting that.  "But even still," I protest, "it was the cable car that caused Mari to fall, not you.  If you had gone with anyone else, you both might have died."

         "But I was holding her," Olivia cries, "and I dropped her so I could save myself."

         "You were scared." Ian says, but he doesn't sound like he convinced himself, let alone anyone else.  Olivia seems to realize this, and her expression hardens into anger.

         "You all blame me!" she shouts suddenly.  "Don't hide it."  Nobody says anything for a second. "Fine!  I'll leave then."  She gets up and storms out the door, and this snaps me and a few others out of our shock.  I get up and scramble after her.

         "Olivia, wait!" I shout, followed by Ian and Wes as we chase her.  "Please don't leave.  You were afraid, we can't blame you!"

         "But I still did it!" she shouts from downstairs.

         The three of us hurry down the stairs just in time to see her slam the back door behind her.  I run up to the door and jiggle the doorknob, but it's jammed.  She must have accidentally broken the lock when she slammed the door.

         "We have to go after her." Wes exclaims, mirroring my thoughts.  We can't leave her alone out there, especially in the fragile state she's in.

         I hurry back up the stairs to tell Amra and Courtney.  "We have to go find her." I explain.

         "We shouldn't split up." Amra says.  He glances at Courtney quickly.  "But she still can't run around in the forest.  She might reopen the wound, and it could get infected."

         "I heard that." Courtney says.  "And I feel fine."

         "No, you can't take any chances." I say.  "You two stay here.  But I need the pistol, just as an extra weapon.  You two can keep the shotgun."  Ian already has the flamethrower, but I don't want two out of three of us unarmed.

         "Here." Courtney picks it up off the floor and tosses it to me.  Even with this simple movement, I see a slight wince on her face, and know leaving them behind is the right thing.

         "We'll see you soon." I say before heading back down to the front door and heading out into the cold winter yet again.

A/N: I've decided not to do the 2.5K Trapped giveaway since the Frozen one is still going on. But that means that there's still time if you want to enter the Frozen5K giveaway! There are details in the last chapter of Frozen :) Thanks


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