Chapter 26 (Courtney's POV)

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My head hurts when I come to. I bring my hand up to rub my eyes – or at least I try to, but it won't move. I shake my head to clear the drowsiness, and find I'm tied down to a wooden board. It's slanted so I'm looking up at a very small platform in a large room. About thirty feet above us, the platform sticks out of a wood paneled wall with no apparent way to reach it. Nobody's there, but there are two blinking buttons next to it, one on each side.

I hear a groan and look over to the right. Amra is beside me, trapped in the same manner. He snaps to attention almost immediately, though, and looks around, panicked. And then I understand – this must be the place from his vision.

There's a sudden mechanical noise, and a hidden doorway behind the platform open's. To my surprise, Olivia walks out, looking confused. She peers over the edge and sees us. "Guys?! What happened???" she asks, looking afraid.

"We were chased out of the house by a Wendigo!" I call up. I look around as much as I can and notice the shotgun and our makeshift flamethrower are gone. "What happened to you?" I call up to Olivia.

"I heard someone calling to me, and I thought it was one of you." she explains. "But it was a trap. The Wendigos were mimicking your voices! Washington knocked me out, and I woke up five minutes ago back there." She points over her shoulder to the now closed door, where I assume there must've been another room or something.

Suddenly, there's a whoosh, and an arrow flies out of the wall beside Olivia and buries itself in the wood an inch from my left hand. On closer inspection, it's not from the wall but from a small hole in the wall, which must be a cannon or something.

"Welcome, or welcome back in one case - Courtney." Washington's weird, fragmented voice is back, playing from hidden speakers around the room. "We're going to play a little game." I stiffen, remembering Washington's first 'game' of the night, when Matt was killed. I twitch, and my hand hits the arrow. I get a sudden idea, and I'm praying Washington is too busy monologuing to notice.

With a little work, I manage to wiggle the arrow free and flip it around. I start using the tip to cut through the rope holding my wrists and waist. Meanwhile, Washington is still talking, now to Olivia.

"You have two buttons, one for each of your friends." he says. "The side the buttons are on correspond to the person. You will press the button of the person you wish to save." I wasn't paying attention, but I'm assuming this means the other person gets shot in the head by an arrow.

"But what if I don't choose?" Olivia counters. "You can't force me to."

"You don't want to find out what happens if you don't." Washington replies.

"Well at least answer this question." Olivia challenges. "If I refuse to press a button, how many people die?"

There's a moment of silence, perhaps hesitation, before Washington replies, "One."

"I'm not pressing a button." Olivia says. "I won't be responsible for any more of my friends' deaths."

"Fine." Washington replies. "You'll get that wish." There's a mechanical click, and suddenly the platform Olivia's standing on slides into the wall. Before she's fallen five feet, though, there's another mechanical whirr, and an arrow fires from the opposite side of the room with so much force, it pins her to the wall through her throat. She claws at it for a second before going limp.

I manage to refrain from screaming, but it takes a ton of effort not to burst into tears. I can't stop them altogether, but I keep the tear trails to a minimum.

"I' back." Washington's cracked voice is back, and it sounds almost like he's surprised. Then he's gone. I continue with the arrow for another moment, and the rope finally snaps. This makes it much easier to tear through the other two with the arrow, and soon enough I'm free and helping Amra get loose.

There's a door at the back of the room, which we head to immediately. Before we leave, I cast a final glance at Olivia's body, which is well out of our reach so we couldn't bring her if we wanted to. Then we leave and close the door behind us.

We wander around through the halls of the mansion for a bit, but can't find an exit anywhere. Each time we open a door, one of us carefully cracks it open and peeks inside first. Luckily, we don't come across either Washington or more Wendigos.

After what feels like forever but probably hasn't been more than twenty minutes, I hear a quiet noise from inside one of the rooms. I hold out my hand to stop Amra from walking and listen again. I hear it, coming from behind the door to our left. I cautiously crack open the door and peer inside. Then I throw open the door, shocked by what I see.

Because in this room, tied to a chair with brutal scratches all over his chest and arms, Smosh t-shirt reduced to shreds, is Noah.

A/N: As lcorns_wifey calls it, Noah "pulled a Jess" and is alive! (Wuuut???) Anyways thanks for sticking with this story this far :)


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