Chapter 8 (Josh/Joven's POV)

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I pace the kitchen worriedly.  Everyone's been gone for a long time, and without flashlights, it would be easy to get lost.  I turn to face Wes and Shayne, who are waiting with me.  "We should try to call them.  We need to make sure they're okay."

            "But there's no reception.  Only at the watchtowers Courtney mentioned." Shayne reminds me.

            "We might as well try.  She said the watchtower was west, right?" I ask.  Shayne nods.

            "I'll just go let Olivia know where we're going." Wes says.  "Meet me in the front."

            Twenty minutes later, we're on the path to the watchtower.  It's not exactly a path, I guess.  It's more of an animal trail, very overgrown and full of fallen branches and weeds.  We decided to only use one phone, mine, as a flashlight, since we want to save battery.

            "Is that it?" Shayne asks, pointing to a structure sitting on the edge of the cliff.  It looks like a watchtower, all right.

            "I think so." I say.  I hear a sudden snap of a twig behind us, and whip around.  I don't see the source of the noise, though.

            "Jovie, come on!" Wes calls, now ahead of me.  "Afraid of an animal?"

            I shake my head.  I'm just paranoid, since I'm worried about everyone else.  I turn back around and promptly trip over a stick.  I turn around to kick it off the path when I see the odd shape, like a totem pole.  I pick it up to examine it.  There's an orange butterfly on the back.  Then I'm swept into a vision.

            There's a switch, turned off.  A hand grabs it and turns it on, and there's a flash of orange and yellow as everything lights up on fire.  Then the vision is over, and I'm back in the forest.

            "Josh, hurry up!" Shayne calls.  He and Wes are already at the tower, so I drop the totem and run to catch up.  We enter the watchtower, which is completely dark.  I check the reception on my phone.  It's there but very weak.

            "We should try the top of the tower." I suggest.  We find some stairs and climb until we're on the roof.  I pull out my phone again, to find the reception is much better.  I decide to try calling Anthony.  Nothing.  Same with Mari, Courtney, and Flitz.  Angry, I shove my phone back in my pocket.

            "Hey guys, look!" I hear Shayne call. I look over and see he's found a fuse box, turned off.  "We need some light." he continues.

            "I don't think we should." I say, remembering my vision.  I just have a bad feeling about it.  "It's old, so it might not be safe."

            "The worst thing that'll happen is that it won't work." Wes points out.  "At least this way we won't have to use your phone as a flashlight."

            "Fine." I relent.  What's the harm?  Shayne's hand goes to the switch and turns it on.  There's a bang, and I feel the heat of the flames from my vision.  The top of the tower's not on fire yet, but there's no more first and second floor.

            "Now what?" I yell, angry.  I should have tried harder to stop them.  Now we're trapped.

            They both looked panicked, but Wes pulls it together.  "Let's try climbing down the outside."  We all rush to the side of the watchtower away from the cliff and carefully edge over the lip of the roof.  The flames are climbing up the wooden building, so we'll have to jump at least fifteen feet to the bottom.

            "Guys help!" I hear Shayne's cry and see he's got his foot wedged between two iron bars he used as a foothold.  "I can't get loose!"  He sound absolutely panicked.  I'm above Wes so I carefully climb back up and start working to get his foot out.  It's stuck tight.

            "Take your shoe off!" I yell up to him.  He starts wiggling his foot out, when the there's a creaking and snapping sound, and the tower begins to lean towards the cliff.  Oh shit.

            "Faster!" I yell to Shayne.  But it's too late.  The watchtower pitches sideways so the three of us are dangling over the drop.  The tower falls past a ninety degree angle, and I clutch the iron bar.  I hear a snap, and the board Wes was holding gives way.  He begins to fall towards us, but manages to grab another board.  Shayne's foot is still stuck between the bars.

            The towers suddenly drops so that its almost entire upside down, dangling over the edge, and the bar I'm holding gives way.  I reach for Shayne's hand, but he's not reaching for me.  He's grabbing Wes, who started falling at the same time I did.  I scramble for a foothold, but it's too late.  I make a final grab for Wes's now outstretched hand, but my fingers slip through his, and I fall away from the tower.

            I think I hear them yell my name before I hit the ground two hundred feet below.

A/N: So yeah this is kinda like that scene from Until Dawn where Emily and Matt are in the fire tower. For reasons you'll find out later :)

Also, I'm almost finished my fave TV show on Netflix, and need recommendations as to what's good.  Any thoughts?

Anyways I'm posting this at 1am EST because I currently have people in my life majorly pissing me off and I can't sleep bc of it...  *sigh*  I don't know what to do with myself sometimes.


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