Chapter 20 (Olivia's POV)

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Maybe this was a bad idea. We've been wandering around in the tunnels for I don't know how long, and we're kind of lost. I hope the others aren't too worried about us. We've been using Wes's phone as a flashlight, since it's pitch black down here. Even still, we can barely see twenty feet ahead. The darkness feels suffocating.

Suddenly I notice something irregular on the ground ahead of us. I jog ahead of Wes and crouch down to see that it's another totem, just like I thought. "Wes, I found another one!" I call, and he catches up quickly.

"What type?" he asks. I flip it over to see a yellow butterfly, which means it's a guidance totem. Then I'm swept away into another vision.

I'm clearly back in the lodge. Amra, Wes, Mari, and I are down in the main room. I see myself hold out my hand and take something from Amra, but with the speed of the vision, I miss what it is. I just saw that it was black.

Then I'm back on the tunnel floor. "What happened?" Wes asks.

"We were back in the lodge, and I took something from Amra." I say. "But I didn't see what it was."

"I guess we can deal with that later." Wes says, helping me up. "We can ask when we get back to the lodge."

As soon as we start moving again, though, Wes's phone goes out and we're plunged into darkness. "Dammit!" I hear him say angrily. "It must've died." Then I realize I can very vaguely see his silhouette ahead of me, which means there must be a light source nearby.

"I think there's light coming from up ahead." I say. "Come on."

"Let's be careful, though. It might be Washington." Wes warns. We walk a little ways further, until the tunnel opens up into a cavern of sorts, empty except for a broken mine elevator. The light is coming from the middle of the cavern, next to an indistinguishable shape. It doesn't seem to be dangerous, so I cautiously approach the light, which looks almost like a phone flashlight. I get a bit closer and see that it is a phone. And then I see what it's lying next to.  His eyes are wide open, glazed over, and his back is twisted at a horrible angle.

"Holy shit." Wes whispers when he sees what I see. We both knew Anthony had fallen down a mineshaft, but neither of us thought we would find him.

"No no no..." I mutter and slowly back away. But I can't stop staring. Until Wes pulls me into his arms, that is, and turns me away.

"Come on, let's go." he says. He steers me towards a wall and I notice the rusted old ladder crawling up the side. I slowly inch my way up, still in shock. Wes climbs below me, and I feel him protectively put a hand on my lower back any time I start to tip backwards.

We finally reach the top and step into the open air. "I know how to get back from here." Wes says. We pick our way through the deep, still-falling snow until we reach the ledge where Noah had fallen. Wes gives me a boost up, then climbs up himself. We walk in silence down the path until we reach the lodge.

"The others are probably here by now." he says as he opens the door, and we step inside.

"Oh thank god!" I hear Mari exclaim loudly when we reach the main room. She rushes down the stairs, followed by Amra. "Are you okay?"

"Mostly." Wes replies, but he doesn't elaborate.

"Come on." Amra says, leading the other three of us upstairs. "We have someone for you to meet."

A/N: Yay it's finally March Break! I'm supposed to be doing an NLS course this week, but I'm still sick :( Hopefully it passes.


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