A Little Explanation (A/N)

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A/N: I understand that lots of people don't know the game Until Dawn, so I've included a video above if it helps. It's the Smosh Games honest trailer for the game, and it explains the idea of Until Dawn fairly well.

The game is based around the idea of the Butterfly Effect - how little choices have big results, and making the right choice can save someone later on in the game.

Throughout the game, the characters believe that there's a psycho on the loose attempting to kill them off. It turns out the prominent masked figure is Josh Washington, one of the teenagers, pranking his friends as revenge for the death of his sisters, Hannah and Beth a year earlier (the group had tricked Hannah into stripping for her crush, she found out and ran off, Beth followed, they fell off a cliff and died).

Later on, they find out the mountain is inhabited by Wendigos - zombielike creatures that feed on humans, can only see movement, and hunt by night. They are created when a human turns to cannibalism on this mountain, and the human who did it turns into a Wendigo (originally a group of miners who became trapped that hunt the group of friends). This happened to Hannah (believed dead and left behind, and ended up eating her sister...) At the end of the game, there's an ending where Hannah recognizes her brother and takes him away, but he lives because Wendigos are sometimes able to recognize people from their past lives.

And Josh has what is likely Schizophrenia. Whatever the case, he's mentally ill, which is what led to him pretending to try and murder his 'friends' in the first place.

There are also the totems, which show visions and guide the player through the game (what situations to avoid, what choices wan save/kill a character). There are 5 types:

Death Totem (black) - shows a potential death of the person

Loss Totem (brown) - shows a potential death of a friend

Guidance Totem (yellow) - tells a person what to do (guides them)

Danger Totem (orange) - warns a person of a potential danger (tells them what not to do)

Fortune Totem (white) - tells of a potential good situation

Finally, this story uses several other elements from the game, such as the cable car needing a key, the watchtowers, the mines and tunnels, the burnt-down sanatorium, location of the mountain. I think that's all, but if I remember more, I'll add them to the list.

Hope this helps to understand the story :) I'll be updating hopefully every other day.

In addition, this was written before the channel changed filming locations in January 2017. Anything including "the filming room" or a similar name occurs in the old studio. RIP Smosh Games Studio.

There have been a lot of changes within the Smosh and Smosh Games crew as well, so just to clear things up...

HERE: Anthony, Lasercorn, Sohinki

NOT HERE: Damien, Boze


Nightmare on Smosh Mountain (Smosh x Until Dawn)Where stories live. Discover now